urban evil

Chapter 980 A Real Great Country

Raleigh was played all the way, and drilled a big hole in the building.

Those minotaurs and big-headed Kuruks didn't dare to catch up, so he flew into the sky very calmly, looking at the flat landing field below, a flash of inspiration flashed in this guy's mind!

He thought of those mini-nuclear bombs brought in from the headquarters of the supernatural beings. There should be dozens of them in stock. on the head.

With a thought in his mind, 35 small nuclear bombs lined up very neatly and fell towards the bottom.

When they were about two meters above the ground, these small nuclear bombs exploded together.

Boom boom boom...

Even though the landing site built by the Kuruks was very strong, pits of different sizes were also blasted out. The buildings in the middle were not spared and fell into the dust.

The minotaur had rough skin and thick flesh, and most of them were carried over. Even if they were killed once or twice, it would not be difficult for them with the ability to revive.

In the end, the Kuruk suffered. The most developed part of them is the brain, and the body's ability to resist blows is less than one-thirtieth of that of the Minotaur. Most of them were directly vaporized when they exploded.Some lucky ones were left with a useless braincase and their bodies blasted to pieces.

This is a resurrection ball.

Hahaha, while laughing, Luo Lei landed next to Ziluo and said, "Sister, it's really enjoyable! I didn't expect the Minotaur and the Kuruk to be so vulnerable now!"

Zi Luo said: "That's because you've become stronger and familiar with their weaknesses, so you're naturally handy in fighting! By the way, they're also building landing sites elsewhere, why don't you go and have a look?"

Luo Lei glanced at his watch, it is now 45:[-], there is still some time before lunch, so go and have a look!I'm working on a few things by the way, let the old guy study hard.

Half an hour later, Commander Kuruk was furious, pointing at a group of his men and scolding: "Are you all trash? In four to ten minutes, three landing sites were lost one after another, and they were the three with the fastest construction progress." ! What do you want me to use to contact the planet, and how can I get assistance from the large army?"

A group of people are obedient, and no one dares to speak.

In fact, they really wanted to say that it wasn’t someone else who caused the destruction, but the person who caused us to have only one spaceship left. Everyone was terrified when they saw him.

The landing site in Country M was destroyed by Luo Lei with a small nuclear bomb, and the other two were destroyed by sky mines, which created cracks several meters deep on the ground. This level of damage is such that even the most ordinary planes cannot take off and land. , not to mention the advanced shape of the spacecraft.

When Commander Kuruk was furious, Luo Lei and Zi Luo had already happily had lunch with the girls.

The girls' workmanship is very good, even Ziluo, a fairy who has descended from the earth, is full of praise.

In the spiritual soil vessel, the old guy was very busy. He disassembled all kinds of strange things for research. It didn't take long for him to basically figure out the connection method between the spaceships. The next step is Crack the Kuruk's contact code.


In the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor sat on the throne with a displeased face, and below him were all the civil and military officials.

"Taishang Laojun, send someone to inform the Chinese people, this is your suggestion!" The Jade Emperor said: "How did you tell me at the beginning, you said that if the Heavenly Court ignores the Chinese people, it will let our Heavenly Court Lost the hearts of the people. But now, the whole earth has been invaded by alien races, but China has nothing to do with it, so how do you explain it?"

Taishang Laojun took a step forward and replied: "Your Majesty, no matter what, the Huaxia Kingdom has always been preserved. As for other countries, they don't enshrine our Heavenly Court anyway, so there is no need to worry about them!"

"Nonsense!" the Jade Emperor angrily said, "Those people don't worship our Heavenly Court! But many of them worship Buddha and Yahweh. Buddha has already sent Avalokitesvara to inquire about this matter, and Yahweh has even sent an envoy to question me. Ask me to give them a reasonable explanation! Taishang Laojun, you are very shameless in this matter, and that apprentice of yours is running amok below, I want to punish her severely, you let her come back immediately!"

The Taishang Laojun immediately understood, Jade Emperor, you are trying to use the public to benefit your own interests!

On the surface it is my apprentice and I's fault, but actually you want to use this as a threat to make my beautiful apprentice bow to you and be your mistress willingly. Your plan is shrewd enough!

Although I understand it in my heart, these words cannot be brought to the surface. He knows this master who is terrified of his wife but still thinks about stealing all day long. If you make it clear, he will really be cheeky I'll give you a dead end!

"Your Majesty, this statement is wrong!" Taishang Laojun argued rationally: "The reason why the Buddha can have such a great influence in China is not because our heavenly court tacitly allowed them to enter China; more than 100 years ago, the followers of Jehovah Did you say hello to your Majesty when you forced to go to China to expand? They didn't, and we graciously acquiesced. Now that their believers have suffered a small loss, they come to Xingshi to ask their sins, bullying me that there is no one in heaven ?"

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, is a hot tempered person, so he heard this and took a step forward and said, "Old Lord Taishang is right, the Buddha is merciful, so naturally he will not enmity with my Heavenly Court just because of this time! As for the Lord, If they dare to provoke, I, Li Jing, will take the lead and let them know how powerful our Heavenly Court is!"

Taibai Jinxing is used to being a peacemaker, and this time he also sided with Taishang Laojun, saying: "Your Majesty, the Lord is nothing to worry about, you think too much! I think Taishang Laojun and his disciples not only There is nothing wrong, there is still credit, after all, you saved so many Chinese people!"

The Jade Emperor looked angrily at the three people who sang together, and thought to himself, I have never been afraid of Yahweh. If it wasn’t for Ziluo, would I pretend to lose my temper? I got violets!

"Your Majesty, the will of the people cannot be violated. I suggest adding..."

"Okay, today's court meeting is over, I'm tired, let's retreat!" The Jade Emperor interrupted the Taishang Laojun very rudely, stood up and left.

Taishang Laojun and Taibai Jinxing looked at each other, and they both laughed.

Li Jing didn't understand why the two of them were laughing, and asked, "Both of you, what's the joy, tell me what's going on, it's better to be alone than to be happy together!"


After a few days of peace for Luo Lei, the first batch of 120 special operations teams have been trained. Considering that the individual combat capabilities of these people are not comparable to those of the four bad friends, the four-member team has been reduced to six. What is lacking in quality is made up for in quantity.

A quarter of the 120 teams were sent to Batie State in the southwest of China to help them train and build special operations organizations. They also arrived with more than a dozen containers of new weapons.

Huaxia is benevolent and treats those unfamiliar white-eyed wolves very well, let alone true brothers and allies.

This made the surrounding countries envious, especially the Golden Sun Country, which had been fighting with the Bangzi Country for decades, immediately sent an envoy to express their willingness to be the out-and-out little brothers of the Huaxia Kingdom, and to always follow the leadership of the Huaxia Kingdom. I regret the actions that caused harm to the Chinese people in the past.

At the beginning, Luo Lei didn't drive the aliens to the Golden Sun Country, but ran over from the Bangzi Country. Although the number of Minotaurs was small, it still caused Brother Three a headache.

Now I know I regret it, it's too late!

Huaxia officials issued a notice made up of diplomatic rhetoric, expressing that they will generously help those countries in need, please rest assured.

That's right, we will help you, but things are prioritized. For those who have offended China, don't worry, we will help you "in time".

These countries have gone to country m for help. They think that apart from you Chinese people, we can't find a backer?

At this moment, the people of Country M announced that their new weapon plan had failed. Many weapons manufactured at a huge cost, after experiencing the baptism of war, the final conclusion was that they were not applicable.

Then, the people of country m lowered their heads to China for decades, and expressed their willingness to cooperate with China to jointly fight against foreign invasion.

This is a disguised expression that the people of country m are willing to recognize China as the boss.

Those countries that wanted to use country m as a backer were all dumbfounded. They couldn't accept this fact, as if the sky had changed overnight.The originally powerful country m has learned to be humble, and the Chinese people who used to pay attention to keeping a low profile have become the strongest in this world.

If you want new weapons, fine, buy them with money, I have as many weapons as you have!

What, you use dollars?

Roll as far as you can, I only recognize RMB!

If you want to exchange rmb, except for real money, I will not exchange any other currencies.

If you want to learn how to deal with alien races, there is no problem, the conditions are the same as above.

All of a sudden, the original world economic system collapsed, and a new system headed by Huaxia was quietly forming, and at a very fast speed.

Countries such as the Three Kingdoms, Bangzi Country, Island Country, and Yue Monkey Country are completely excluded from China's paid aid. If you want to get new weapons, it is not difficult. You can buy them from other countries at a high price.

The Huaxia people calculated the quantity very well, and the equipment provided to those countries was only enough for their own use, so how could they have spare time to sell to others.

Therefore, if these countries want to get a batch of equipment, they will spend at least ten times the price, and the quantity is pitifully small.

Those politicians who once shouted to be the enemy of China were driven out of power by the angry common people.From aloof, to a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats, it is very embarrassing.

Huaxia Kingdom has really risen.

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