urban evil

Chapter 990 Change Strategy

Fatty is commanding dozens of squads to fight. Since he trained a group of special operations teams of the Marine Corps, his reputation in the navy is getting higher and higher, and even a few female soldiers wrote him love letters.

Just when he was about to open the love letter to see what happened, someone from above sent over and dragged him into the helicopter without any explanation.

When asked where the destination was, he was not answered at all, which made Li Dawei very depressed.

The helicopter landed directly at the Navy Headquarters. It wasn't until he saw Luo Lei that he realized that it was you!

"Wolf pot..." Fatty was about to run over to give Luo Lei a big bear hug when he noticed a few unkind eyes and quickly changed his words: "Hello General Luo! Come on, what orders does Commander Tian have?"

Tian Hai waved his hand and said, "It's not me looking for you, it's General Luo!"

Luo Lei walked over and gave the fat man a punch, and said with a smile, "I'll help your navy solve your troubles. You have to bring a few boats with you. Is there any problem?"

"No problem!" Fatty agreed without even thinking about it. After all, he knew Luo Lei's ability, so he didn't have to worry about safety issues at all if he followed him to carry out the mission.

"Okay, Commander Tian, ​​please send me two ships!" Luo Lei specifically asked: "It doesn't matter the size of the ship, it doesn't matter whether the combat power is strong or weak, the most important thing is to be fast!"

"Then send two of the latest stealth missile boats, which can reach a speed of over 50 knots!" Tian Hai said.

At this time, is there any difference between invisible and invisible?The so-called invisibility is just to escape the detection of radar and sonar. The Kuruk people don't have these two things at all. Who are you hiding from?

Luckily, Luo Lei emphasized the speed, otherwise, Tian Hai would dare to send me two of the latest guided missile cruisers.

He turned to the fat man and said, "Go to Sea Area 66, I will wait for you there!"

"Okay, I'll get ready right away and set off right away!" said the fat man.

The reason why these two ships are needed is not to let them follow the war, but to drag the spoils back.

When he came here, Luo Lei felt that the morale of the navy was not generally low. After all, he had lost the battle. The only way to boost morale was to destroy a few enemy spaceships and drag them back.

Use this method to tell everyone that the enemy is not invincible.

The so-called No. 66 sea area is a water area with a water depth of more than 300 meters. The enemy has appeared here many times.

Luo Lei went there directly, and he wanted to solve the danger under the water before the fat man arrived.

This time, he asked the old guy for help to sense if there were any hidden enemy spaceships in the sea.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that those Kuruk spaceships could still travel in the water, and their speed was so fast that it was hard to guard against.

The old guy threw him a thing the size of a tablet computer, and said: "The detection distance of this thing is three times farther than my sensing ability, you'd better find it yourself! You can find me even for small things, didn't I say goodbye Are you bothering me?"

Damn, this old guy's temper is growing, Luo Lei didn't have time to refute, and the old guy returned to the spiritual earth vessel.

"How do I use this thing, you don't teach me!" Luo Lei pressed the only button on his mobile phone and muttered: "If you don't teach me, don't teach me. Anyway, there is only one button, besides pressing it, you can By whom?"

The front of the dark rectangular block lights up, not to mention it really looks like a tablet computer. In the criss-crossing wireframe, a few red dots flicker.

Needless to say, these red dots must be the enemy's spaceships hidden in the water, I will deal with one first.

This guy was too confident, before he figured out what those lines represented, he rushed towards a red dot.

As a result, I accidentally ran over!

Nothing to say, turn around!As a result, he lost control of his acceleration and ran past again.

This forced him to stop and carefully study the proportions represented by those wireframes. When he entered the water for the third time, he finally found a black ball hidden among the corals on the bottom of the sea.

Lead the sky thunder!Who said that lightning cannot be used in water, this is a sky thunder, and it will not be affected at all when cast in water.


The sky thunder accurately hit the outer wall of the spacecraft, and was transmitted to the inside through the outer wall made of special materials.

The hull of the spacecraft shook for a while, and then began to rise rapidly, as if it wanted to run out of the water.

Luo Lei was overjoyed. He thought these spaceships were as grand in the water as they were in the sky, but now it seems that is not the case at all. Otherwise, if they were beaten in the water, why would they rush out without thinking?

It is estimated that it is to deal with warships that cannot detect their existence. Once they encounter a strong opponent, they will also lose weight.

The more you want to go out, the more brother won't let you go out.

Luo Lei released another purple lightning, mixed with the power of black magic cultivator. Part of this lightning successfully penetrated the ship's wall and wreaked havoc inside.

The minotaur inside couldn't bear this, the unlucky ones died and didn't even have a chance to be resurrected.

The spaceship still struggled to fly out of the water, and just opened a venthole, and before they could breathe fresh air, Luo Lei flew in with the eight-foot Qiong Qujian in hand.

After a round of hacking, there is no living life in it.

Flying out of the hull, he curled his lips and said to himself: "It seems that brother is getting more and more powerful. Killing four minotaurs is as easy as chopping watermelons. It's not challenging!"

The spacecraft fell into the sea again, and then floated up like a rubber ball.

Luo Lei went to the next red dot. With his first experience, he didn't go wrong this time. In a few minutes, he solved a spaceship hiding here.

Just as he judged, these alien spaceships are not as flexible in the water as they are in the sky, and they can't use energy cannons to attack in the water, so when they encounter danger, they will rise without thinking.

The fat man stood on the bridge of the missile boat, holding a telescope in his hand. As early as ten kilometers away, they launched four drones to search the sea area.

"Lieutenant Colonel Li, look!" A soldier with a remote control drone pointed to the display screen in front of him and said, "My plane found a spaceship in the shape of a ship floating on the sea, it seems to have lost its power and is drifting with the current! "

"Really, let me see!" Just as the fat man raised his leg, another soldier also said excitedly: "Lieutenant Colonel Li, my plane also found a floating spaceship. There seems to be a big hole in the spaceship. It looks like a living body!"

The fat man was excited. He knew very well that when the drones were sent out, they flew in different directions. In other words, the Kuruk spacecraft they found were not in the same position, nor the same ship.

He glanced roughly, and immediately asked the communications soldier to establish contact with Luo Lei.

"Fatty, have you reached the predetermined sea area?" Luo Lei's voice came out.

"Wolf pot, I'm still more than ten nautical miles away from the scheduled sea area! But the drone I sent found the spaceship floating on the water, what's going on?" The fat man ignored the snickering guys, asked.

Luo Lei replied: "There are no living Minotaurs in those spaceships. The purpose of asking you to come here is to drag these spaceships back! Now that you have discovered the location of those spaceships, don't be idle and work quickly." Bar!"

The fat man happily said: "I see, don't worry, Wolf Pot, I will definitely drag them all back, hehe!"

This is a job that shows his face. The fat man has already understood Luo Lei's painstaking efforts. This is an opportunity for him to make meritorious deeds.

The people on both ships were also very excited, dragging the enemy's spaceship back to the military port, what kind of warm welcome will they receive, maybe there will be reporters from the TV station, our navy can finally show its face on the news.

They sent more drones to search, trying to find all the enemy's spacecraft, and then arranged the most reasonable route.

Luo Lei managed more than a dozen medium-sized spaceships in one go, and consumed most of his true strength. What he cares about now is how to make our navy have a way to defeat the enemy.

Compared with the army and air force, the navy has never participated in the war, so it naturally lags behind the other two arms in terms of changing new weapons.

Moreover, the first batch of new weapons was mainly prepared for the army, and the second batch was prepared for the air force. So far, except for some individual weapons, the navy has not received any weapons specially developed for them.

This is a big problem, even if they can find a way to drive the enemy out of the sea, it will be very difficult to win the battle.

This is absolutely not possible, no matter how you fight, you will lose.

He immediately called Tian Hai and asked him, in the name of the commander of the navy, to ask the military industry department to refit the navy immediately. The most important thing was long-range attack weapons. Not to mention other things, they must have the ability to take down enemy spaceships!

As far as the current situation is concerned, their artillery and missiles are not at all cheap. A salvo of energy cannons from a medium-sized spaceship can completely silence the weapons on a guided missile frigate of several thousand tons. Shoot and the ship sinks!

Before the modification is completed, it is best not to go to sea for warships in active service. The control of the sea can be handed over to the aviation. After all, they can use all the new weapons specially developed for the air force.

Tian Hai also realized the seriousness of this problem, and immediately called the General Staff in the name of the Navy Headquarters, asking them to implement the Navy's request as soon as possible.

A group of people are busy running around, only the fat guy is having a great time playing here!

That guy commanded the missile boat he was on, found eight alien spaceships one after another, tied them all up with thick steel cables, dragged them behind the ship, and headed proudly towards the military port.

There have been several planes sprayed with xxtv flying over them. I believe the pictures captured must have been shown on TV. Every time a plane flies by, the sailors on the boat will wave to them.

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