More than ([-])

He hurriedly raised his hands to support his head, glaring, "What did you... do?" After finishing speaking, his eyes darkened, and he collapsed on the ground. www>

Footsteps sounded, and three people came in.There are three more eyes on her body, you don't need to look, you can feel it, one of them is full of malice, one is neither happy nor sad, and the third is not much better, but not so strong.

"My lord, is this the young lady of the Du family?" The shopkeeper seemed worried.

"Du's? Which one is it?" A soft voice sounded, and the direction of the voice was the third person. [

"Whoever it is, the money is collected, just kill him." Another voice was full of malice.

"But, it's not that this girl is alone, there is another person outside..." The shopkeeper hesitated.But obviously, he is not the one who decides here, he can only remind carefully.

"Kill them together."

The person who had neither joy nor sorrow had never opened his mouth.Yan'er was really curious, so he quietly opened his eyes and looked at the few people who were still discussing eagerly.

In addition to the shopkeeper, there are three more people.Two men and one woman, the one who is neither happy nor sad is a woman.Two men, one of them has a beard and a scar on his face.It is the typical shape of the villain in the legend, and it can definitely be pulled out as a template.As for the other, he was a frivolous son, who seemed to have been hollowed out by wine and sex.

As for that woman, she looks beautiful, but it just gives people a feeling that she has lost her soul.The so-called sorrow is greater than the death of the heart, she seems to have died of the heart.

Yan'er's eyes were not big, but this beauty looked at her at a glance.I saw it, but I didn't see it.There was no light in his eyes, but his gaze was still very strong, neither happy nor sad, he looked at her quietly, motionless, but he didn't say a word.

What an interesting man!

Yan'er was bored lying down, so he simply sat up.He yelled very bored: "Old man, when are you going to save people? If you don't come in again, nothing will happen to you!"

"Didn't you want to play around by yourself?" The old man walked in while muttering.

At this time, the four people were already there in a daze.It's not that they don't want to run, but they can't!Well, the beauty is an exception, that person who is very active but unfortunately has no soul, the concept of life and death is not in her mind, so how can she think of the word escape?

"Hey, what kind of method is this?" The old man circled around a few people curiously, and looked at Yan'er.

"I was scared to be stupid. When I mentioned the ancestors of the Du family, they were all stupid." When one of them went up and kicked them, the three of them became paralyzed. "It's not safe at the foot of the imperial city!"

Yan'er sighed, but at the same time she was even more curious.She doesn't know these people, so why deal with her?Looking at Master Du depressedly: "Do you always have any enemies?"

Master Du was still studying how the three of them couldn't move, and he didn't even look at her when he heard this, "There are always enemies like us. But there are rules, you are not allowed to take action against juniors." Everyone face to face, revenge , Complaints and complaints.At their level, there are only a few people, and there are only three in a country.In the world they knew, there were less than two hands.And I can't bear to really hate it to death... At this age, what else can't let go?

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