Double Cultivation ([-])

Since it was just a small celebration among his own people, Yan'er was very happy, but: "Well, it will take two days, I still need to stabilize."

"Okay." Ke Ao naturally agreed.Then he said: "Don't be too tired!" Gently caressing Yan'er's small face, she always felt that she was thinner.

Yan'er nodded immediately: "I know."

Thinking that she would come out soon, she didn't say much, "I'll make arrangements first, and wait for you to come out." [

"Okay." Yan'er sent Ke Ao away with a smile, and returned to the cave. As soon as he sat down, he started to be in a daze again!Not only in a daze, but also a little irritable.

"Master, what do you mean?!" She looked up at the dark cave roof, and after a long while, she lay down dejectedly again, staring at the cave roof in a daze!

Why is the word Shuangxiu mentioned after the second level of Xiaoyao Jue?

Well, although I didn't mention how to double cultivate, nor did I say what are the advantages and disadvantages of it... But just these two words are enough to entangle her!

With his eyes slightly closed, the second level of the Xiaoyao Jue appeared in his mind.Her attention fell directly to the last sixteen words, "The road is different, the road is long and lonely, accompanied by dual cultivation, and the universe is free."

These words are not too complicated, and she understands the meaning.But...she can't understand!

"Master, master, master..." Yan'er kept calling, calling, muttering, and whispering.I just hope that the master can solve her doubts like before.

It's a pity that the master didn't call, and she fell asleep in a daze!

It stands to reason that no matter whether it is her physical or mental strength, she will not fall into unnecessary sleep so much.But she really fell asleep, not only fell asleep, but also had a dream, a long, long dream.

In the dream, she seemed to have no body, only a touch of consciousness.This consciousness is above everything in the world. She watches the sun rise and the moon set, the spring and autumn come and go, and the birth, old age, sickness and death in the world.She saw the plates on that continent shift several times, watched the vicissitudes of life change, watched one country after another appear and then perish...

At the beginning, she observed all this curiously.Watching people live and die, life and death, life and death, if you watch a lot, you can always know their ending at the first glance.Even if it was the emergence of a country, all she could see was its demise... Then suddenly one day, she was bored, bored, and tired.

She stopped looking at all that, she started wandering around.She roamed in the sea of ​​stars, watched the changes of those stars, and looked at different worlds... But it turned out that these were actually meaningless.

So, she continued to wander... But the feeling of boredom became stronger and stronger... Finally, one day, she understood that the original feeling was actually called loneliness.And she also noticed that in this world, there is only her with a consciousness like hers, and there is no second one!

And she knows that she has a long, long time, so she is tired of herself!She wants to destroy herself...

The dream ended suddenly because she heard someone calling her name: "Yan'er, Yan'er!" The seemingly endless loneliness frightened her. As soon as she heard someone calling her name, she immediately opened her eyes. Eye.

Before she could even see who it was, she rushed over.He hugged him tightly, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

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