Concubine Chang Calm: The Defying Little Book Girl

Chapter 343: The Battle of Snake Sculptures

Snake Carving War ([-])

However, in addition to instinct, people also have reason and wisdom, and they know that if they are incapable of fighting, then outsmart them!

Yan'er was sure that even if she tried her best now, it would be impossible to deal with four strange birds and a strange snake at the same time.So, she has to outsmart her!

There is no need to move, just gently stretch out your white and smooth little hand, and slowly draw a few strokes on the snow with your index finger.

As soon as the mental power was touched, there was an almost undetectable crisp sound of "click" from the other side of the cliff. [

She kept watching over there.So, it's pretty clear what's going on over there.

Admiring the animal's instinct again, the "click" sound was heard, and the golden snake was ejected violently.It's hard to understand how such a long and slender body can achieve such a speed... It draws a graceful line and shoots straight to the other end of the tree.

Yan'er noticed that the line it drew was as high as a line, a perfect parabola.But far from that fruit, as far as it can go!

There is something wrong with that fruit!Yan'er had such an intuition almost subconsciously.And she trusts her intuition...

When the snake shot at the big bird, the branch at the other end had broken off. Although it wasn't falling directly, it was already broken and hanging there danglingly, and it might fall down at any time.

And the four birds also attacked the golden snake almost at the same time!

Their nests cannot be approached by enemies.That's right, they are enemies. These two creatures coincidentally belong to natural enemies.Snake-eating eagles can tell from the name that they love to eat snakes, and the more poisonous and powerful snakes they like, the more they like them.Young birds, in particular, cannot grow without the flesh and blood of snakes.

The two fledglings have obviously been envious of this golden snake for a long time, but they can't fly yet.And their parents are not there, they instinctively know the danger.So be patient.But now, the parents are here, and the golden snake is delivered to the door again.They are naturally not soft-mouthed!

The four birds pecked at different positions of the snake, and Yan'er's fingers swiped again.

There was another "click", but this time the sound was lower.It was so low that, except for Yan'er, none of the damn sensitive animals noticed it.Or they found out, but now they don't have time to pay attention to this problem!

A golden snake's tail lashes out at a chick, and its mouth opens wide to spray its venom at another bird.The poison that was enough to kill a master in an instant made the eagle have to dodge it... However, the two big eagles flew up to dodge it, but the two young birds couldn't dodge it.

"Chirp!" "Chirp!" Two screams, followed by another sharp cry!Watching the two chicks instantly turn into two pools of black water, Yan'er also shuddered.I am secretly glad that she reacted quickly enough at that time!

Two big eagles flew up and rushed towards the golden snake.

The eagle's wings whipped up strong winds, and its sharp claws showed no mercy. What's even more frightening was that they had the ruthless aura to kill a fish!

From time to time, the golden snake spat out snake letters and made a hissing sound. Its tail was wrapped around the tree trunk, its head was raised high, and its two bean eyes were staring at the two giant eagles.As long as the eagle gets a little closer, it will spray its venom without hesitation!

Yan'er frowned, carefully calculating the possible consequences of her going to get things.

In the end, it was found that the danger and the probability of success were half and half no matter how they were calculated.Because she couldn't confirm how the three creatures would react if she let go.

And the most troublesome one is the Golden Snake.Because the golden snake's venom is too troublesome and too scary.And the golden snake seems to be more attached to the plant... As for the two eagles... their current target is the golden snake!

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