Holy Thirteen ([-])

"What's the matter?" Ke Ao focused his attention, watching Yan'er froze for a moment, and then his little face returned to normal.

"It's okay." Yan'er shook her head naturally, and dragged Ke Ao into a shop selling pearls by the side of the road.As soon as she entered the door, she stroked Ke Ao's palm slowly.

Someone is spying on them!

Ke Ao was surprised, his expression didn't change at all, he just pulled Yan'er tighter, and moved his hands to her waist.Before turning around, he glanced lightly outside. [

result?Of course there is nothing!He didn't even feel that anyone was spying on them!This made him a little frustrated!

At this time, Yan'er was carefully looking at the pearls brought out by the shopkeeper, large and small, with different colors and colors, and arranged them in a pile.Yan'er picks one by one, she really wants to buy some pearls.

Because they are going back to Tang, this is a gift.A gift for my uncle's family!Here, naturally, there is nothing more suitable than pearls!

It needs to be big and round, and the color is not limited, as long as the luster is good and the appearance is good!

She grew up on a sea island, and with Sister Yin's miraculous ability, she is no stranger to pearls, whether they are good or bad, but they are clear!From her point of view, the pearls in this shop are not top grade.After all, good things are not easy to come by, and ordinary people can't get those that grow in the deep sea!

She really wanted to go down and pick some up by herself, but Ke Ao refused.

She had no choice but to give up.Anyway, it's a gift, the best in this world is enough!

One or two... After picking hundreds of them, Yan'er was still a little unsure, "Is there any more?"

"Miss, do you want all of these?"

Yan'er nodded, "That's right, you have good stuff here, if you have some, bring some over and I'll pick."

The store owner was so happy that he hurriedly sent someone to reorder the goods.As for the inferior products that were selected by Yan'er, they were quickly taken away.

Yan'er asked for many more brocade boxes, the boxes were not small, and she divided the hundreds of beads into the boxes.

Eighteen in a box... I picked it up twice, and finally packed twenty boxes.Forget it, I feel that this is almost enough, so I just let it go.

Ke Ao paid the money, then carried the things for Yan'er, and went back to the residence together.

It wasn't until he got back to the depths of the courtyard that Yan'er heaved a sigh of relief: "It's gone."

Ke Ao's expression turned ugly, "I can't find it."

"Neither have I. This only proves that that person is much stronger than us!" Then he laughed again, "But it's okay, I have a solution." Going to the house, I put all the boxes in brocade bags, and seeing that it was still early, The two went out of the yard again.

Sure enough, as soon as he left the yard, the feeling of being stared at appeared again.

Yan'er didn't even need to look around, but he also knew that there was no one in the close range.There are more people in the distance. [

And Qin State is similar to Xia State. Here, there are some people who have never practiced martial arts at all.You can't see anything strange about them... Now she can't know which direction the person hiding in the dark is, which is the most troublesome.

And another headache is, who knows if that person hides all his strength and appears directly as an ordinary person, or suppresses it a little, appears as an ordinary master, or appears as a grandmaster?

That person is too strong, and there are many masters in Qin!

No matter which one appears around them, it is a very normal thing.Let her find a problematic person among these people who have no problems... Naturally, the difficulty is not ordinary!

However, she has a way!

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