Double Cultivation ([-])

"No one gets married because they haven't come out and haven't met the woman they like. If they don't like it, they don't want to get married. If you meet, then what about getting married? Will the people on the mountain punish you? Or, if you get married, you can't Are you back on Izumo Mountain?" If so, that would be great! !

Yan'er suddenly thought of another question: "Who is Lan'er going to marry?"

"I don't know, she's going to get married, so she can't double cultivate with me!"

Yan'er was speechless, "This kind of thing is about your feelings, I'm can't force her." [

Surprisingly, Sheng Shisan actually knew, "I know, I can't force her. The dual cultivation on our mountain is your choice, and no one will force anyone!"

This time, Yan'er and Ke Ao had another accident together. It turned out that they were just not married, but they had dual cultivation!

Weird place!

They don't know what to comment other than this sentence!

And this topic is really not a wonderful topic. After confirming that they did not run away, Holy Thirteen left quickly.

However, Yan'er and Ke Ao are still struggling, what should they do about their dual cultivation?

"Get married first!" Ke Ao insisted on this point very much.He had to make Yan'er justified...

"But, you can't go back to the Tang and Xia countries."

"How about letting them come over?" Ke Ao was a little worried.

Yan'er has no objections at all, think about it, there are six masters here, even if she didn't get married in the Tang Dynasty, this score is big enough!It's just that uncle is going to be tired!

"Or, let's just let us know, let's get married first, and then go back to Tang country, and then do it again in Tang country?" In this way, no one needs to be tired, and they can also get married. "Anyway, there will be grandpa and the others in the future, so let's do it together!"

Ke Ao was very moved, but he couldn't decide to pay attention for a while.

But the more Yan'er thought about it, the more she felt it was reasonable, and kissed him on the lips, "That's it! Let's go back to the city first, and we wrote a letter for someone to send back."


The two returned to the city, still in their previous residence.

They finally met that Lan'er. Surprisingly, this Lan'er was not recommended by Ke Ao and the others.It's a local woman in the city. She is not very beautiful, but she has sharp eyes. She is a smart woman!

Of course, Yan'er was more surprised than Ke Ao's surprise!

Especially when Ke Ao's subordinates reported the news about Lan'er.

"This Lan'er girl's mother died young, and her father married her stepmother... She was bullied and cowardly since she was a child. Some time ago, her stepmother promised her a nephew, and that nephew took everything from eating, drinking, whoring and drugs. This Lan'er The girl was hanging from a beam by a rope... It was very difficult to save her life. But her temperament changed drastically, and she became aggressive, and no one in the family could control her. Recently, I heard that this Lan Miss Er launched some new dishes and sold them to various restaurants, and she made a lot of money... She also sang some strange songs and danced strange dances. It was after seeing the dance that the Holy Thirteenth Young Master became obsessed with it. up."[

"It's just that Miss Lan'er doesn't like the thirteenth prince very much, and she has met some princes from aristocratic families, and even a few princes, and the relationship is very good!"

The steward who answered the conversation even taught Yan'er to sing a tune and dance back to Yan'er. It is said that these things are very famous recently... Well, that Lan'er girl also recited a few poems, which can be said to be unprecedented. By!

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