wedding (eight)

The wedding began, and the musicians of the two teams took turns to join in the fun.From morning to night, there is no moment of rest.It's all festive and cheerful music... It is said that after the news got out, Miss Lan'er also came to mention it, saying that she wanted to offer music and advice, but Ke Ao didn't respond.

Later, I heard that Miss Lan'er was in charge of the drinks this time!

The wine at Miss Lan'er's place is pretty good, especially this time all she brought out was the bottom of the box.Especially the highly concentrated liquor... everyone likes it very much!

Get up in the morning to take a shower and make up, then kneel in front of her uncle and second uncle to listen to the training, teach her to obey the three virtues, teach her to be a husband and son, teach her... all kinds of things, Ke Ao listened...

This is a custom, to tell my uncle and all the guests that our girls are very sensible at home, and when we come to my uncle's house, my uncle's family should take pity on, value and be lenient.

Yan'er couldn't get up after being scolded, so Ke Ao also knelt down.

The two offered tea together, and Ke Ao began his declaration.Such as I will treat her well in the future, wholeheartedly and so on.This is to tell her husband's family and all the guests that marrying this woman will bring her happiness!

No matter rich or poor, no matter men or women, they just want their children to be safe and hope that they will form a family and be harmonious and beautiful.

Kowtow together, the uncle covered the bride himself.Then the bride and groom each held one end of the colored ball, stepped on the red carpet, and walked out of the hall!According to the general rules, it's time to get on the sedan chair now.But not here, just walking on the red carpet to another hall.The seat was still uncle, but it was the eldest uncle.

Worship to heaven and earth, husband and wife worship each other, and then they are sent to the bridal chamber.

For the rest, there is nothing to say.The red candle has been burned, and the night is dark.Ke Ao picked a red cap for her, drank a glass of wine, and ate something with her.He asked her to wash up and go to bed before he went out to drink with the guests.

This matter is something that he, the bridegroom officer, can't avoid and can't refuse.

In fact, what he did was already very unreasonable.According to other people's rules, where can Yan'er sleep at this time?You have to wait, wait for the groom's official to accompany you to drink before all this can happen!

Yan'er didn't understand, Ke Ao only cared if Yan'er was comfortable and happy.Therefore, the matter in the bridal chamber was decided by the two of them.

This marriage is really a bit bleak, not to mention the guests, and there is not even a female family member on the bride's side.Aunt didn't come, and neither did Aunt Fu!It's not that they don't want to come, but that they can't.


On a day like this, it is logically impossible for Yan'er to sleep.However, as soon as Ke Ao left, she became confused, and then fell asleep, and when she fell asleep, she began to dream.

In the dream, it seems that I have returned to a small island in another world, but it seems not.

The sisters are all there, not only them, but also the master, there are a few men, and a few children.

The island is full of joy, with red lanterns of Double Happiness hanging and paper-cuts of dragons and phoenixes showing auspiciousness.

"Hey, the bride is here?" Sister Yin was the first to spot her, and immediately ran over and pulled her into the crowd.

Everyone also gathered around, and then began to introduce her one by one.Sister Mo, brother-in-law Mo; sister Yi, brother-in-law Yi;

Everyone only greeted her and said auspicious words, and then floated to the sky with a smile and disappeared into the clouds, as if they had never appeared before. [

In the end, only the master and the master remained.

Yan'er's heart felt astringent, but she knew clearly that this was just a dream.

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