new start ([-])

Ke Ao's eyes flickered slightly, and he lowered his head and bit her, "That man is quite evil."

Well, it's impossible to expect this guy to be interested in gossip.Unless she wants to know and asks him to inquire...

"The number one maidservant, it's nothing more than me. They didn't get any results! As for that's really heavy, not so heavy!" Yan'er went to look at that person, who was almost born for the battlefield.No, to be precise, it was born to kill!

It's just that she was puzzled again, "This continent is only two countries. The relationship between the two countries is such that there shouldn't be too many wars. His evil spirit... is really weird!" Besides, killing the enemy on the battlefield, although There is evil spirit, but generally not so gloomy.Generally, what is tempered on the battlefield is full of righteousness... This person's whole body is just the opposite. [

"The aura of this person is unpleasant." This is Ke Ao's evaluation.At the same time, it is also an attitude, and there will be no intersection with this person.

Although it is said that friends are not high or low, it doesn't matter what else.But the saying that birds of a feather flock together is not vernacular. Friends may not all look the same, but there must be something worthy of recognition.Just like there is no balance between good and evil, but there are wicked people in the decent school, and there are good people in the evil school.Not because of high or low occasions, but by the nature of the behavior.

Therefore, he can accept Wen lunatic, no matter how crazy he is or how unruly his words are.But this general, he is not interested at all!

"We just came here, there must be something we don't know, don't rush, take your time." Ke Ao is not in a hurry, really not at all.With their current strength, there is no problem at all if they want to live to be two hundred years old.This is the other people's two lifetimes, they have already earned an extra lifetime, so what else is there to worry about.The most important thing is that she is by his side, whether it is slow or urgent, he will never be lonely.

"Yeah." Yan'er nodded with a smile.And below, a lot of people finally entered.However, no one dared to stand with that general.It was true, most of the others were frail scholars, and occasionally there were two three-legged cats who dared not approach.The man was still dripping with blood. Come to think of it, he was coming down from the killing field!

Yan'er noticed that the face of the first beautiful maidservant had turned dark, and her face was originally pale, with a bit of helplessness, a bit of a poignant smile, and it also froze.

She looked at the general quietly, her calf trembling, and she rubbed the hydrangea ball in her hand, but she couldn't throw it out no matter what.

"Wu Chuang, you bastard, come out for me." Crazy Wen finally rushed down and called the general outside the platform.

The general finally made his second move up to now. He turned his head and glanced at Crazy Wen.Then he turned around and looked at the first maidservant again.

"Bastard, come out! What the hell are you here to join in the fun! I told you to come out, did you hear..."

Yan'er turned to look at Ke Ao with a smile: "Guess, how did this end?"

Ke Ao was not interested at all, but seeing Yan'er was so interested.He couldn't help but looked at it seriously, and then said, "Don't throw it away."

"Ha!" Yan'er was startled, following his voice, he saw the number one beautiful maidservant on the stage, for some reason.Rolling his eyes suddenly, he fainted to the ground.Fainted, but even if fainted, the hydrangea is still tightly grasped in his hand.

"Smart!" Yan'er sighed.

What if a person faints?

Naturally, it was cool to do it, the other five people threw the hydrangea out early, and the husband and wife returned the house.That one was also hastily carried out...

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