new start ([-])

"What?" Ke Aoke never dared to underestimate Yan'er's thoughts.In that continent, although Yan'er's wealth and influence were not comparable to that of the Ke family, they were already comparable to any first-class family.But any first-class family has survived for hundreds of years and has been managed through the hard work of many generations.But she is only a few years old.

"Sell books."

Ke Ao thought about it, this business is indeed good, but there seems to be nothing special about it.

Yan'er continued: "Do you know rubbings?"

Ke Ao nodded, then his eyes flashed, "What do you mean?"

Yan'er smiled slightly, sure enough, her husband was the smartest one, just a little, and he understood everything immediately.

"This matter still needs to be carefully considered!"

In the back, the words are not mixed.She saw that the books sold in the bookstore were all single volumes.Many people read books but cannot afford them.I just stood and read in that bookstore, and there was only one book for many books, so buying one book was one less book.Before, she bought all the books from many people. The shopkeeper was very happy, and the people who read the books were very sad... But there is no way, who made those books so expensive, so expensive!

She never thought of doing anything for the people of this continent, but this is indeed a good business.

For now, it's the only one.

She doesn't care how Ke Ao does this business, what rules this country has in this regard, and how much profit she can make in the end.

Just like when she was with Gu Chi back then, she only paid for the capital, and occasionally she would win over some good talents when she saw them.But she was not interested in knowing about the subsequent aggregation operation.

"I don't know what happened to the others." They all left, even Gu Luoxing got tired of staying here and left.Holy Thirteen, Situ Yan... If there is no one left, only the three of them are left.

"None of them are children!"

Of course she knew, but she was a little embarrassed.They came from one place, but within a month after landing, they all went their separate ways.God knows how big this continent is, and will there be a chance to meet again in the future!

"Huh!" Yan'er suddenly let out a slight surprise, and then pulled Ke Ao into a side alley.

Just hid in, and saw Guci hurried past, with a look of embarrassment on his face.And behind him... followed by several young women.

After a group of people passed by, the two turned out again, looked at each other, but looked at each other, "What's going on?"

How did the two of them know, they immediately changed their route and followed.

It was not difficult for Gu Ci to avoid those people at all, and after going around a few times, he got rid of those women.

The three of them returned home one after another, Yan'er and Ke Ao laughed and greeted them with some shocking ancient words, "What's wrong?"

Gu Ci showed embarrassment, and finally let out a long sigh.After all, he still convinced his elder brother, even though it was a bit hard to say, he still explained the matter clearly.

"This continent is really weird. Husbands can't be husbands, wives can't be wives. Except for those who have been enslaved, other people are really messed up in these matters... When they see the opposite sex, they actually propose marriage directly... It's a mess, a mess!" [

"Ha!" Yan'er laughed in astonishment, and then he understood a little: "Haha, brothers and sisters can get married, so it's understandable if the husband is not a husband, or a wife is not a wife." Halfway through the speech, Yan'er suddenly realized: "Those women are chasing you to ask for marriage? You are really welcome!"

"Not real siblings!" Gu Ci glanced at her resentfully, "A group of shameless women!"

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