Fighting skills ([-])

Dinner is ready, and the three sit down.Remember in a second【Bai Xiaosheng Novels】www>

"You want to leave?" Yan'er was surprised, the people on this mountain were really busy. "okay, I get it."

Are you on the mountain with Ke Ao?It is indeed not good news.But Gu Ci's departure had little effect on her.After all, it was just getting to know each other.Moreover, she is not a real child, she must be accompanied by someone.Relying on something... Although she is lazy, there are some things that she will not give easily, such as: trust.

"Eat." Ke Ao ordered, and the three ate in silence. [

After eating, Gu Ci went down the mountain with his pack.

The wind is blowing on the mountain, Yan'er and Ke Ao are relatively speechless.

Ke Ao never talked nonsense, and Yan'er never forced himself.So, the two went back to their rooms, Yan'er went into his own room, and Ke Ao went into Gu Ci's room.Just before Yan'er entered the room, he suddenly said, "Memorize that book from yesterday, and check it tomorrow!"

Yan'er wanted to swear, but he held back.Rolling his eyes, he entered the room, climbed directly on the bed, rolled over for a while, it was really not comfortable, then came down again, and turned on the lamp to read at night!


Get up before dawn and practice.Cook and eat after practice.And... laundry.Fortunately, Ke Ao only asked her to wash her own clothes... and the water, Ke Ao was in charge of it, and he had to climb half a mountain to get it from the spring next door.

So, Yan'er prepared three buckets of water for himself every day, and washed it three times a day.For this reason, Ke Ao didn't say anything, but quietly carried water!

After washing the clothes, continue to practice.Four hours, two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon.Of course she cooks lunch and dinner.At night, one hour of literacy.

This is the day's homework that Ke Ao arranged for her.

Yan'er was miserable, although she knew in her heart that she was not at the extreme.However, still sad, still unhappy.Therefore, when she was busy with homework and various life matters every day, she also found trouble for Ke Ao every now and then.

For example, when he was carrying water, he could accidentally step on a stone while carrying it.Although it never fell on him, it was enough to leave half of his load of water... and he had to run several times a day.

However, slowly, Ke Ao found a way to deal with such emergencies.Yan'er had to change his strategy, and dropped some fallen leaves from time to time, and dropped some caterpillar fungus soil and rocks into the bucket from time to time.This one is all dirty...

So, the second trip started, and there were two more lids on the bucket!

Then, the bucket leaked!When a bucket of water reaches the place, there is only a little bit at the bottom of the bucket.

So, next time, the barrel becomes an iron barrel!

one more time……

After seven days of this, Ke Ao quietly stood in front of her, "Change to another one."

Yan'er blinked, silently agreeing.After all, there is nothing to play with in this barrel!

"Follow me down the mountain." As for Ke Ao's original intention today, besides the question about the barrel, there are obviously other things. [

"Is something wrong?"

"It's been ten days, aren't you going to see your family?"

Yan'er vaguely remembered that when Gu Ci left, he once said that students who are new to the college can go out once every ten days.And today, the first ten days, is the time when she can go down the mountain.

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