Reborn Regent of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 100 : Chapter 50 Moves

Even if he pulls out the special forces he brought in later generations, in a purely cold weapon duel, it's hard to tell which side is stronger. www>

Although there were only more than 100 people in the Ming Dynasty to train such a strong army, Zhang Shouren is already worthy of being proud of himself!

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Sun Liangdong was the first one to run to the official hall, his clothes were not neatly dressed, and when he came in, he was bluffing.

Zhang Shouren glared at him, and shouted: "Is there any rule, and the wound from the fifty sticks on your body is healed again, isn't it?"

Mentioning this, Sun Liangdong was taken aback, and immediately buttoned up the buttons under his neck honestly.The lord in front of him doesn't pay much attention to anything, and he will definitely not relax the standards of military appearance.No matter where you are, the requirements of adults are to pay attention to etiquette when speaking, clean and crisp clothes, loose standing posture, and bell-like sitting posture. Anyway, the standard is there. If you can’t do it, reprimanding is light, and military sticks are also light. , dismissed from his post and kicked out, then the nightmare is coming.

Seeing that this reckless man is still knowledgeable and obedient, Zhang Shouren also smiled slightly, and then said with a straight face: "Assemble your little flags, and come to the meeting later!"

"Yes, my lord!"

No matter what it is, the first thing that adults think of is to use his subordinates. This makes Sun Liangdong very proud and proud. He immediately agreed with a loud voice, turned around and left with great strides.

In the evening, the meeting came to a conclusion. Zhang Shifu stayed behind to watch the house, while Zhang Shiqiang, Sun Liangdong, and Qu Rui each led their subordinates to follow Zhang Shouren to Jiaozhou.

"My lord, be more careful!"

"My lord, take the officer with you!"

"My lord, I am waiting for you to come back in Baonan!"

By the fifth watch of the next day, it was still dark, and Zhang Shouren and his subordinates were already at the south gate of the castle, ready to stop.

Those who followed Zhang Shouren to Jiaozhou were full of energy, but those who were ordered to stay behind all looked worried. What they said was that they were looking forward to Zhang Shouren's return soon.

This lord is already the out-and-out backbone of the castle.

"Don't worry, even if I go to Jiaozhou alone, that puffy Feng Sanbao won't be able to bite my dick!"

Zhang Shouren also swears at his confidantes, and when everyone hears this, they all burst into laughter.

After thinking about it, it also makes sense.If the lord in front of him doesn't give up, just think about getting out of Jiaozhou, I'm afraid no one can stop him.

Everyone can see the master's skill.

It's not just in the eyes, these days, being trained by Zhang Shouren every day, everyone has also seen how Vice-Master Qianhu trains himself.

If everyone thought that Zhang Shouren trained too fiercely before, when they often saw him training himself, they would understand that the little hardship they suffered before was really nothing to Zhang Shouren.

Over the past few months, Zhang Shouren himself has not had a single bit of fat on his body, and his every move is full of strength and masculine beauty. A random punch can knock a six-foot-tall man over. Team, after practicing for so long, there is still no one who is the enemy of this deputy Qianhu.

Therefore, everyone had an almost superstitious admiration for Zhang Shouren's force. [

"Wen Yuan, when I get back, I'll come to the door, you can prepare the wine."

When the small flags were checking with the whole team for the last time, Zhang Shouren also smiled at Lin Wenyuan: "This time I come back, I will change my words when we meet in private, my... uncle!"

Lin Wenyuan smiled helplessly... This lord is really too informal.

Fortunately, the marriage was settled very smoothly. After the year, I first invited the elders in the village to be the mediator, and then made a small agreement, followed by the horoscope, and then set the date of marriage. When Zhang Shouren comes back this time, all the pre-marriage procedures will be completed. , just waiting to really set a date to welcome the bride.

But before Dading, Zhang Shouren called out his brother-in-law here, which is really too careless.

More than 30 people set off just before dawn.

The road to Jiaozhou is really far away. Starting from Zhangjiabao, passing by Fangjiaji, this is all the way to the south, along the road along the seaside. After passing Fangjiaji, turn west and walk on Thirty miles away is Jiaozhou City.

The whole journey is about sixty miles, and I can only rely on two roads to get on the road. If it is not so dark, I am afraid that I will not be able to make it back today.

Zhang Shouren had no plans to spend the night in Jiaozhou City, he had no foundation, and couldn't sleep well.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has been to a real Ming Dynasty city. In the past, he just wandered around Fushansuo, Fangjiaji, and Jimo County. .

It is not surprising that there are many military households who have never left the boundary of Fushan Station in their entire lives.

This is also a tradition handed down from the early Ming Dynasty. Unless you want to run away as a fugitive, you have to go through a lot of formalities and meet officials. Ordinary people, who would take the trouble?

Local people live in the township, go to the market to buy things, and visit relatives in the local area. Traveling to the mountains and rivers is something that has nothing to do with ordinary things.

On this early spring morning, the Deputy Qianhu of the Fushan Institute also walked quickly. In order to boost morale, he asked someone to bring his official uniform and changed into homely clothes. He also walked with everyone and nibbled at the leaves in the spring. In the sound of rustling footsteps, everyone followed behind him. The body in front of him was as solid as a mountain. As long as they saw Zhang Shouren walking in front, everyone would feel at ease and at ease, and the danger ahead was also at ease. It's nothing at all.

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