Reborn Regent of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 324 : Chapter 137 Zheng 1

Chapter 130 Seven Zheng Eleven

After he turned and left, the fate of these pirates was also doomed, but just after taking a few steps, Zhang Shiqiang trotted over again to stop Zhang Shouren's horse's head. www>

"My lord, there is a pirate. My lord had better interrogate it myself."


"This person is said to be surnamed Zheng, and he is the younger brother of Fujian Pinghai guerrilla Zheng Zhilong." [


When giving literacy lectures to his subordinates, Zhang Shouren of course also explained the general trend of the world by the way.From Li Zicheng and Li Zicheng's generals, to Zhang Xianzhong, and the ministers who were in charge of one side in the Ming Dynasty, some of them were despised by Zhang Shouren, and some were highly respected by Zhang Shouren, such as the current governor of Xuanda, Lu Xiangsheng, and the former governor. Sun Chengzong.

The heroes of the South are actually nothing to look at.

In China at that time, the big battles and fierce collisions were all in the north, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong in the northwest, Huang Taiji of the Houjin regime in the northeast, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchuria, as well as the Mongols playing soy sauce and the Ming Dynasty guarding the north. Civil servants and military generals.

The essence is in the north.

Looking at the south, Shi Kefa will be stationed in Fengyang in the future in Nanzhili, and later replaced by Ma Shiying to bring out second-rate generals like Huang Degong.

There are also Yuan Jixian from Jiujiang, He Tengjiao from Huguang and so on.

A group of mediocre people who are all insignificant and do nothing.

The only thing worth mentioning is the frightening power in the south, which influenced the evolution of the political situation and military, political, economic, cultural and commercial developments in the late Ming Dynasty. To a large extent, it destroyed the Ming Dynasty.

This is the most powerful force in the late Ming Dynasty, the Donglin Party.

Throughout South Zhili, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Huguang, the power is unimaginable.

Ten points to the world, seven points to Donglin.

Whether it is court and country, whether it is military or political, the Donglin Party has terrifying strength.Now the biggest warlord Zuo Liangyu is from Donglin, and Liu Zeqing, a small Shandong warlord, has secretly colluded with Donglin Fushe.

Dengzhou Chief Soldier, also the plus number Shandong Town Chief Soldier Qiu Lei, came from a family of generals, but he also had secret contact with Donglin.

It is so powerful politically and militarily, not to mention culturally, the Jinshi from the Songjiang prefecture may not be comparable to the sum of the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. At that time, there were only five literate people out of a hundred people, and ordinary people regarded scholars as Gentlemen, how can these people's ability to manipulate culture and public opinion be taken lightly?

Emperor Wanli touched the interests of the Donglin party members because of collecting business taxes. As a result, hundreds of years later, the words that the Donglin party members arranged for him are still circulating in the world!

Economically, these big officials and gentry unite with each other to control grain prices, raw silk, and export trade.

The famous Donglin boss Qian Qianyi is a representative of the Donglin party. He has a lot of fertile land and has prestige in the local area. Lots of gold and silver.

One person's power is still exhausted. In the whole of Jiangnan, big men like Qian Qianyi, big landlords, and big businessmen are all over the countryside. [

If you want to be an official in the Nanzhili area, and to be a good official, you have to be born in Donglin and have a certain reputation!

This can also explain why Shi Kefa had such a great reputation and excellent official reputation before the demise of Nanming that several groups of investigators from the Chongzhen faction praised Shi Kefa's ability and integrity.It also made Chongzhen hand over the important task of guarding the south to Shi Kefa.

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