Reborn Regent of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 39: Chapter 21 Artisan household

The four dishes and a jug of wine were all reheated, even in the cold weather, they still exuded an attractive aroma.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

Just as he was about to praise Lao Zhanggui for his outstanding skills, a few irritable shouts suddenly came from his ears, followed by the cries of women and children.

This is probably a drunk man beating his wife and children, which is common in this era. Zhang Shouren frowned, planning to go to bed early and rest.

With the money, the rice noodles and silver were distributed, and the subordinates swore allegiance. Let's not talk about the next step, at least start the real formal training.

This year happened to be the end of the world, and it was also a critical moment for the fall of the Ming Dynasty and the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. As a soldier of both modern and Ming dynasties, Zhang Shouren subconsciously wanted to have a strong army in his hands. [

No matter which side you follow in the future, the most important thing is to have strength in your hands.

Of course, as a person with a bit of backbone and national awareness, Zhang Shouren would never choose the Qing side. This is the bottom line of his life and work, and there is no room for negotiation.

But his thoughts were quickly disrupted again.

The noise outside did not stop, but showed signs of intensification.

"Old Zhang is expensive, old Zhang is expensive!"

Following his shout, the old servant Zhang Gui hurried over and asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

This is the usual name in the family. The head of the family is the master or the old man, the eldest and the young master is the uncle, and so on.Old Zhang Gui has been calling him this title for more than twenty years, and it seems that he will not be able to change it for a while.

"Who is making noise outside, making people uneasy."

When asked this way, the old servant showed mixed expressions of sympathy and disgust. For an old man who has always been compassionate and believed in Buddhism, the latter expression is very rare.

"what happened?"

"It's those craftsmen."

"Carpenter? Why didn't I know before, when did I come here?"

"Hey, sir, those are refugees from Liaodong. They came here with Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde. The two thieves died and escaped. In Suocheng, a few days ago, Lord Qianhu sent five households to help repair weapons, so as not to idle around in Suocheng every day."

At this moment, Zhang Shouren understood.

Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde were mentioned, the latter was a well-known traitor in Chinese history, and Zhang Shouren knew it very well.The former is unknown at all, and only the people of this era know it well.

These two were the leaders of Chongzhen who caused troubles in Shandong six years ago. They rebelled because they were dissatisfied with the treatment, killed officials and rebelled, occupied Dengzhou and besieged Laizhou, and broke through many counties. After repeated defeats, there was no other way. In the end, Zhu Dadian was used as the commander, and Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde were defeated by mobilizing Liaodong Iron Cavalry into the pass. Welcome, seeing him as a gift, making him Marshal of the capital, and being at the same level as Baylor Beizi and other Manchu relatives.

This incident had an extremely profound impact on the direction of history in the late Ming Dynasty, and in Shandong, the impact was even greater.

Among other things, during the chaos in Denglai, many guards from Fushan Institute were transferred to Denglai, but they were not responsible for fighting, but were responsible for guarding the rear and supporting logistics.

In such a big mess, the Dongjiang soldiers of Kong Youde and others were too cruel at that time, and I don’t know how many native people in Shandong were killed.In the siege of Dengzhou alone, Kong Youde's troops had almost eaten up the people in the city before they escaped from Haidao. Such an army is no longer enough to be described by humans, it can only be called a beast army. [

As a result, Shandong people are very disgusted with the people from Liaodong, even a good old man like Zhang Gui can't help but have a prejudice against those few Liaodong craftsmen, and the disgust in the eyes comes from this .

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Zhang Shouren understood at this moment, nodded and said, "Go, let's take a look."

"Yes, listen to the uncle's orders!"

As a domestic slave, the advantage is that he will never disobey his master's orders. Although he doesn't agree with Zhang Shouren's decision, he agrees immediately.

At that moment, a lantern was lit, and the door was pushed out.

It was already very late, even after such a major event as repelling the pirates, everyone who should have slept had fallen asleep.In the entire fortress, only a few families with talents still had the light of oil lamps, and other places were pitch black with no light to be seen.

"That's Zhou Xiucai, that's Lin Xiucai's house, and that's Xu Xiucai."

Old Zhang Gui was getting old, and he was also talking endlessly, looking at the places where the lights were flickering, he couldn't stop explaining.

Not to mention, the original Zhang Shouren didn't have the slightest interest in these people, because he couldn't study well, and he didn't plan to study.In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, civilized military was used. Under the intentional request of civil officials, many military generals were proud of the old men who did not study. There were quite a few senior generals who were illiterate, let alone Zhang Shouren, a small guard with a hundred households. .

If I don't read, of course I have subconscious hostility towards scholars.

There are many military households who study, and there are not a few who are motivated to become scholars and even Jinshi. Generally speaking, the guards in the late Ming Dynasty are no different from the common people. It is pinning hope on the imperial examination.

In fact, there are not a few people who change their fate by passing the exam.

There are only a few families in Zhangjiazhuang, there are more than a dozen families in Tongsheng, and five or six families in Xiucai, but they haven't given out Juren yet.

When Lao Zhanggui mentioned these scholars, his eyes were shining brightly, showing a very envious and admiring expression.

"Scholar..." The two Zhang Shouren's memories are full of distance from scholars like scholars, but the former feels a little envious and jealous, while the latter is more curious.

"Yeah. Let's see if we have a chance to recruit one or two people with knowledge!"

Lord Baihu made a decision that was embarrassing for him, but at this moment Zhang Shouren didn't know the troubles ahead, he walked towards the residences of the craftsmen under his control. A dim yellow lantern, only by seeing the road ahead clearly and step by step can we reach the destination.

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