Reborn Regent of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 803 : Chapter 321 A good opponent

Chapter 320 Good Opponent

"All of them...with guns!"

"Everyone has... the upper seed medicine!"

The yells of the team officers came one after another in front of the formation, resounding together.No matter how careful Tan Tai was, he couldn't afford to lose face and bear the responsibility if he refused to fight when the Ming army came to invite him to fight.

So when they saw the Fushan soldiers approaching, the Qing army also began to march forward in formation. [

At a distance of about [-] steps, the military order of the Fushan Camp rang out incessantly under the waving of the flag.

"With a gun..."

"Hold on!"

Almost at the same time, with a sound of "shabu", nearly [-] pikemen in the five regiments all changed the long spears leaning on their shoulders from oblique to flat, and a steel wall composed of iron armor suddenly became a sword in iron armor. Hedgehogs, while the gunners in the team moved the guns from high to low and tilted, and at the same time took off the primer bottle and bullets from the armed belt, waiting for the next order.

Such a neat movement made people feel extremely shocked, and on the long formation, as far as the eye can see, there are dense forests of long spears and firecrackers everywhere.

Under the light, the weapon is also shining with a breathtaking cold light.

"The artillery team is ready..."

"My lord has orders, the artillery team is ready!"

When the infantry was moving forward, the artillery team had already started preparing. After receiving the order, all the horses were untied, and the [-] people in each artillery team, except for the artillery commander and the ammunition hand who carried the ammunition, all began to push The gun body ran towards the pre-selected artillery position at a trot speed.

The artillery position is near the existing team. The engineers have already packed the sacks and fixed the artillery positions. When the artillery arrives, they will use various methods to fix the artillery positions.

There is no way to completely solve the recoil problem of the artillery these days. Although the Fushan artillery is good enough, the barrel is overheated and damaged when fired, and the recoil force causes the gun position to move. This requires the cooperation of engineers. to solve the problem.

Soon, the muzzles of the fourteen artillery guns raised their heads to the sky, facing the Qing army's position.

Seeing the Fushan Army's battle formation and artillery group, many people in the Qing army's formation showed panic and surprise, even the Manchurian soldiers.

This entry, legend has it that Xuan Da’s army has been eaten up, the toughest and hardest bone to crack. The less than 100 Xuan Da Shanxi soldiers and horses brought very limited casualties to the Qing army, and the death toll was only more than 400. Compared with the death of nearly 4000 people in the Ming army and the killing of Shangshu, the governor of Xuanda, the death and injury of the Qing side are almost negligible.

But at this time, such a murderous strong army suddenly appeared, put on a stance, without any fear, in the knowledge of the Qing army, it has been decades since such a scene has been encountered!

Even Xuanda Town, when it was besieged by the Qing army, was known as the strongest military town in North China, but from the generals to the soldiers, it was in chaos and there was no fighting spirit. Five thousand Xuanda soldiers were besieged. It wasn't Lu Xiangsheng's loyalty that supported everyone. They were afraid that they would run away on the spot. Even if they knew that running away would kill them faster, but when things came to an end, many people would subconsciously run away!

The victory of Songli Bridge is nothing!


Tan Tai's ambition suddenly swelled up. How many years has it been since he met such a decent opponent?As a martial artist, what is there to hesitate about meeting such an opponent? [

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