Reborn Regent of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 805 : Chapter 321 A good opponent

It is likely to be the tragic ending of invincible and undefeated battles... The Mongols don’t want to fight a bad battle, let alone win or lose. They follow up to get cheap. It's better to avoid it if you go to the battle.

"However, their generals are also very poor. Do you see that there are so many pikemen?"

Tan Tai followed up with a sentence, which made everyone burst into laughter.

In everyone's perception, the pikemen of the Ming army are consumables, and it is a weapon to cut a wooden stick and add an iron spear head. It is really a joke.

Compared with the long spears, halberds and various long weapons made of fine iron of the Qing army, the long weapons of the Ming army are really not worth mentioning. [

"Li Zhen, Yang Rui, Wang Chao, lead your soldiers and horses, and go teach these Ming men a lesson. They have many spearmen and wear armor, and you just use your firecrackers to subdue them."

Tan Tai's words are more correct.The pikemen of the Ming army could not defend against long-range shots, and they were covered with iron armor. This thing was very effective against bows and arrows and chopping, but it was not as effective against the round bullets bursting out of the firecracker as the cotton armor.

This is also the reason why the Eight Banners have less iron armor and more lint armor later.

The soldiers of the Ming army in iron armor really looked like good targets.

Several generals of the Han army were eager to try.On the battlefield, there was no way to back down. Moreover, Jinan was right in front of us. After defeating this support army, they just waited to enter the city to grow their hair. General Yangwu would also remember a great achievement.After returning to Liaodong, the entire Han army will be honored, and they will definitely look up to them if they obey the prince.

This time when they entered the pass, all the Han troops came in here. The general Yue Tuo looked at the Han army with a high regard. If he didn't make a good show at this time, which Baylor or prince would still use them in the future?

These people have shaved their heads, wore braids, and wore Manchu costumes. From the bottom of their hearts, they also regarded themselves as bannermen.

Bannermen of the Han Army!

At present, all the generals took orders loudly, and shouted in unison: "Master Zhang Jing, please sit in the back of the battle for us, and wait for us to go forward with all our strength, break the enemy's formation, and report to your wife."

After finishing speaking, they lined up separately. At this time, the Han soldiers barely arranged the queues, and the flags were unfurled, the drums were rumbling, and the brigade finally moved forward again.

The flags and armor of Kong Youde's Han army are all white with black borders, and all the sergeants wear leather or cotton armor of the same color, and they all hold bird guns in their hands.

This army is actually the hard work of Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua. It cost the Ming court a lot of money and supplies, but now it has become a member of the Qing army.

These firearms units originated from the experiments carried out by Sun Yuanhua on the orders of Xu Guangqi, who was the governor of Denglai.The guns are carefully crafted, mainly by Western craftsmen, supplemented by Chinese craftsmen, under the personal supervision of Sun Yuanhua, and the guns and guns are very sophisticated.

At the same time, the training was with Portuguese instructors and even a small group of Portuguese mercenaries.

Western-style casting of cannons and firecrackers, and Western-style drills, this army is actually an attempt by the Ming Dynasty to get rid of its old firearms pattern and move closer to the leading Thai and Western countries.

When he was about to succeed, Kong Youde stabbed him back and stabbed him between his confidantes!

In the Denglai Mutiny, the Ming army lost a strong army that could cope with the battlefield in western Liaoning. At the same time, it also lost the last good opportunity to reform the firearms army.

On the contrary, the Qing side got excellent generals, experienced and effective soldiers, and more importantly, craftsmen and technicians who made high-quality cannons were also brought over.

At this moment, the army brought out by these traitors marched towards the army of their mother country amidst the sound of rumbling drums! [

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