
Chapter 108 Take my money and marry me

Chapter 108 Take my money and marry me

"Come in..." Su San replied, looking out at the sky, it was completely dark... Xiao An walked into the study gently, saluted silently, and stood aside. 【】

Su San waved his hand, pointed to a chair beside him and said, "Sit down and talk..."

Xiao An has not been here for a short time, but he also knows that the third master does not like to be polite with others, so the third master asked him to sit down, and he sat down.

Before coming to the third master's side, Steward Su specially called him aside and ordered him repeatedly.After letting him come, he must do things with his heart and must not be careless.The other thing is to be strict with your mouth. As a servant, you can't talk about the master's affairs everywhere. You have to think about the master so that the master can afford it... Although Xiao An is not very old, these things can be saved.Although he didn't know why the third young master hurt him, since everyone looked at him with envy, he felt happy... After coming, the third master told him the rules: "Follow me, the first thing is to be loyal; No matter how small the matter of infidelity, as long as you do it, the third master will not spare you here. For the matter of loyalty, even if it is a loss of heart, no matter how big the mistake is, the third master will help you... If you can't do this , you still go back..."

Xiao An hurriedly kowtowed, "Although Xiao An is still young, I have heard the story of being loyal to my master and being loyal to my master. The third master is willing to keep Xiao An, and he has the kindness to know Xiao An. Xiao An must be loyal to the third master... "

Su San didn't expect Xiao An to be silent when she got up, and if she really wanted to speak, she still had some eloquence, and she was even more happy... That's why she kept Xiao An by her side... and gave Xiao An the first The first thing is to keep an eye on the Lin family... Pay attention to everyone who enters and exits the Lin family.

This is a stupid way, but it is also a very effective way... If the Lin family wants to harm himself or others, he can get some clues from here... "The soldier that the third master asked Xiao An to pay special attention to, went to Afterwards, Lin Rong went out with that person again..." After Xiao An sat down, she immediately said... "Oh..."

"Master Lin, you're still shouting and embracing... When you go out, there are at least twenty Wuling soldiers following..." Xiao An glanced at Su San, although he didn't understand the purpose of the third master's entrusting him to do this.But he understands that the third master is probably doing something important... "Is there anything else?" Su San asked softly... "Then there is the housekeeper of the Lin family, that man named Lin Zixiang, who often goes in and out... What else is there?" There are just a few oil and rice dealers who are delivering rice and vegetables to Lin's house... Others, there are no major changes..."

Su San nodded, "In the past few days, you are still living in the attic opposite the Lin family, closely watching the movements of the Lin family coming in and out...don't pay too much attention..."

Xiao An nodded... "Is the money still enough?"

Xiao An hurriedly said, "Enough is enough, the money I gave a few days ago, these few days, I went to eat in restaurants every day, and I haven't spent half of it yet?"

"Don't be too frugal... Follow the third master, be careful. After this period of time, you should change into better clothes... You should also be careful about your shoes. The third master keeps you here, not as a handlebar style ...Ten taels of silver a month, you have to spend it to be suitable..." Su San casually glanced at Xiao An... Xiao An stared blankly at the third master, and it took a long time before he understood the meaning of the third master's words, scratching his head , "Yes, third master."

I've always been saving money, I'm used to it.In the past few days, I ate at the restaurant every day and spent less than one or two taels of silver. I still feel that it is too extravagant...Twelve taels a month, how can I spend it... You know, it is these few days The one tael of silver spent is enough for several people's wages... "Well, you can go... If there is anything unusual, please report it at any time..." Su San waved his hand.

Xiao An then backed out gently...to the yard.

Xiao An breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of age, the third master was not much older than himself, but for some reason, as soon as he saw the third master, he felt a little awed from the bottom of his heart... so that he didn't dare to show his anger. ... "Brother Xiao An?"

"Yu'er? Haven't you slept yet?" Xiao An replied with a blushing face... "The young master is not asleep, how can Yu'er sleep? Brother Xiao An still wants to go out?"

Xiaoan went to the third master's room, nodded and said, "well, recently, the third master has confessed something..."

Yu'er smiled and said, "Brother An, you have to work hard... Otherwise, the young master will get angry, but it will be very scary..."


"Haha... I lied to you. You are the best, young master... You even asked me to give you this month's money first..." After finishing speaking, he took out a small purse and handed it to Xiao An... Xiao An took it, As soon as I weighed it, I felt my hand sinking... There are a dozen taels of broken silver... "So much for the monthly payment?"

Yu'er smiled and said, "Five taels is the monthly payment...the other five taels is expenses... The young master said that you need money during this time, if you don't have enough money, just ask Yuer to get it..."

Five taels of monthly payment?Even the old uncle Su An, the chief housekeeper of the Su residence, probably won't be able to get such a high monthly payment... I have only been here for a few days?


"What's this? If it's too much, give me some?" Yu'er smiled... "Then Yu'er, take it..." Xiaoan stretched out the money bag generously...Yu'er laughed again, "Or Forget it...I'll divide up all the money that Brother Xiaoan got for marrying his wife later, I should cry..."

"No..." Xiao An also smiled hehe. Seeing that Yu'er didn't take his money at all, she took back the money bag and put it in her arms...but she was thinking in her heart: If you take the money from my wife Let's go, then you can be my daughter-in-law... Xiao An blushed, but fortunately it was very dark and no one would come out... Farewell to Yu'er, Xiao An walked out of Siyou College from the backyard and walked all the way to Lin's house.

The Desheng building has not been closed yet, the hall is deserted and there is not a single guest.The shopkeeper, leaning against the counter with an abacus, and the two clerks leaning lazily by the door, looking at the deserted street, gossiping... "Hey, why do you think that 'Ren Ji Fried Fish' pays such a high salary? What? Five hundred... tsk tsk."

"What's the matter with five hundred? It's only two hundred more than us... We also have room and board..."

"Say you're stupid, but you still don't admit it... an extra two hundred isn't money? Is your family rich? In two months, it's a month's salary more than ours. Besides, Ren Ji also includes food... As for housing... ..." The clerk looked up at the shopkeeper and said, "Do you think it's okay to cover? How early in the morning do you have to get up? How late in the evening do you have to stop? You don't even think about it... Do you know how easy Ren Ji is? ?”

"Then you don't want to remember..."

"Hey, I think so too... It's a pity that he won't come to us... Oh, master, you just came back?" The clerk saw Xiao An passing in front of the Desheng Building, and hurriedly greeted... These days, this little Master always eats in the Desheng Building... As soon as Xiaoan raised his eyes, he went to the two guys standing in front of the Desheng Building... In the past two days, after he got off the attic, he went to this restaurant to eat. The two guys are still very familiar... "Come in and have a drink, warm up before you go back?" the guy greeted graciously...


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