
Chapter 111 The Li family is in trouble

Chapter 111 The Li family is in trouble

Su San put on a piece of clothing, picked up the tea poured by Yu'er, blew on it, took a sip, and hugged her in her arms... Looking outside, I saw that the moon was about to set, and occasionally there was a sound of dog The sound of barking added a bit of silence to the night... It was not like the night of the dream, it was completely lifeless... Slowly drank the cup of weak tea, and was about to close it for a while, but saw The sky not far away suddenly turned red... Immediately afterwards, noisy voices were heard, shouting loudly... Indistinctly, the voice of "the water is gone, the water is gone..." drifted in from the breeze. his ears?

Water again?

Zhongqiu came here, and within a month, this Wuling City actually caught fire again... But it's not right... It has been raining for the past few days, and it has only been clear for half a day, the soft sun, even the ground has not yet shone , where can this fire start?

The old master in the yard over there is also a light sleeper. At this time, he opened the door and looked towards the place where the fire broke out... But that can only be seen the light of the fire not far away, floating in the dark night, and there is still faint black smoke from time to time. In the upper half of the sky... the old master waited for a while before saying, "It seems to be the location of the Li residence..."

When Su San heard it here, he couldn't help tightening his hands, and pinched the teacup tightly. An ominous premonition came to his mind... Could it be that Li's house is really on fire?That location seems to be...but it's all right, why would there be a fire in the middle of the night?

The chaotic voice rang for a full quarter of an hour before the red flame gradually dissipated... At this moment, Yu'er fell into a deep sleep, but was not awakened by Kong's voice... Su San Close the door, lean on the head of the bed quietly, and don't want to sleep at all... He feels very bad in his heart. If Li's house really caught fire, he vaguely feels that this matter may have something to do with the Lin family... Maybe it's the This kind of deep-seated anxiety is the root of his nightmare tonight... There are some things that you don't think about, but your subconscious mind will connect some things together... These connections will be expressed in the form of dreams. The form is deduced in the mind, and sometimes it makes no sense, but in fact there are some inevitable connections... The ancients did a lot of research on dreams, so they have many methods of interpreting dreams; people of later generations are more interested in dreams and use many scientific methods , and have done many experiments...People have found that people are often smarter in dreams than those who are awake...The cleverness here is reflected in clearer thinking and more flexible minds...It's just a pity that these are all It was carried out in the state of preface... He has always believed in dreams, and he firmly believes that dreams will give some hints to real people. 【】It's just that this reminder is too profound, too thoughtless, and sometimes people can guess... He hopes that his dream will not be in response to the fire in the Li family, and also hopes that the Lin family is not yet bold enough. This kind of killing and arson, but he is worried that these will be guessed by his misfortune... Having experienced intrigues in the previous life, he has always been extremely wary of the relationship between people... Although the fire It had already been extinguished, but there were faint cries in the night sky... There were many soldiers and horses screaming on the street, as if they had entered a state of chaos... Su San never fell asleep again... The light of the torch reflected on Liu Ziming's face, suddenly brightened Suddenly dark.The horses kept scratching the ground, and from time to time, they spewed out a strong breath...Liu Ziming silently stared at the chaotic scene in the Li Mansion, and then waved his hands...The orderly soldiers behind him were divided into three groups... ...Two groups of people surrounded Li's mansion, and a group of people rushed into the house... The fire started fiercely, but it was not very big... Only a few side rooms were burned, and then they were discovered... There was no wind, and the humidity was high... Heavy... The servants of Li's mansion abandoned those side rooms and poured water all the time, and finally stopped the fire from spreading... If such a big Li family were to be set ablaze, it would be a real pain in the ass Bones... Li Jiashu ran out of his yard in a hurry, caught the servant and asked, "Where is the elder?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen..."

"Then who is organizing the fire fighting?"

"It's the young master..."

Li Jiashu nodded, instead of going to the place where the fire broke out, he ran towards Li Jiazheng's courtyard... The courtyard door was already wide open, and the two servants had their necks cut off, and fell on the ground in front of the house...Li Jiashu's heart was pounding The ground sank...the sweat dripped from his forehead...he rushed into the room and saw that the room was turned upside down...but there was no figure of Li Jiazheng on the bed...the fire outside was gradually brought under control, Li Shou Yi took the two servants and ran towards the yard in a hurry... At a glance, he saw the two servants who were killed in front of the house... "Daddy..." Li Shou yelled and rushed in... "Third Uncle ...Where's Daddy?" Li Shouyi looked at the empty bed and saw the mess in the room, and his face was dripping with sweat and cold sweat.

Li Jiashu shook his head, and sat slumped in the chair... During this period of time, he thought a lot, and he felt that the matter was far more than that simple... "Damn thief, I'm afraid he kidnapped Dad and left... ...Come on, follow me to find..." Li Shouyi shouted... Li Jiashu quickly stood up again, "Yes, take someone to look around, there are some clues... Hurry up..."

Li Shouyi ran out in a hurry to gather people... Li Jiashu walked around the room for a few steps...then he also ran out in a hurry, grabbed a few servants and said, "Please inform me that all courtyards are strictly guarding the gates, and no strangers are allowed to enter or leave... ...Also, forget it... hurry up."

Li Jiashu hurriedly ran to the place where the fire broke out... I saw that the open flame had already rushed down, and several servants were standing there with buckets, afraid that there would be another fire... A servant rushed in, shouting as he ran. : "Third master...Third master...It's not good, it's not good...A lot of officers and soldiers are here..."

"Officers and soldiers?" Li Jiashu hurriedly went to the back of the servants, only to see a group of 20 officers and soldiers running in neatly... As soon as they entered, the group searched around, and they were in order, which made Li Jiashu very surprised Unexpectedly... Li Jiashu hurriedly went up to meet him... the leader was a second gang leader.

"Master..." Li Jiashu smiled and walked up... The two guys stood in front of the sergeant, looked around, and naturally arrived at Li Jiashu. When Li Jiashu said hello, the two of them fixed their eyes on Li Jiashu... "Are you?" A guy asked... "Li Jiashu..."

"Oh, so it's the third master..." The two guys greeted politely... This kind of politeness made Li Jiashu a little weird... Normally, these military masters don't pay attention to businessmen like them Li, what's the matter today?Could it be that the moon set in the east?Or did these soldiers feel pity for Li's family when they saw such a catastrophe?

"Since it's the third master, then you, these people here are all from the mansion? Our brothers are arresting the bandits. If we catch people from the mansion by mistake, it will be bad..." Another guy smiled. True... Li Jiashu took a look at these servants, and hurriedly said, "They are all servants from the mansion... No, did you see any bandits?"

The gang leader said, "Hey, a few were killed in the yard over there, and a few ran away... We were still carrying sacks, after all, we came a little late... Well, is there anyone missing in the yard?"

Li Jiashu was stupefied for a long time... "Kill...kill a few."

"Third Master, do you want to go?" A guy asked...Li Jiashu nodded blankly...following the guy to another yard, I saw many officers and soldiers surrounded here, and several corpses were scattered in the yard. Chopped to pieces by officers and soldiers... Li Jiashu vomited wildly on the side of the steps, and suddenly remembered what the boss said just now: When he saw a bandit walking away with a sack, he called out... "Ah... big brother, it's big brother ...they kidnapped the eldest brother..."

The gang leader nodded and said, "Don't worry... Liu Yingtou is in charge today, and someone has already caught up..."

Li Jiashu hurriedly took out some money from his bosom, handed it to the boss and said, "Where is Liu Yingtou? Can you bring the villain to meet Master Liu?"

The guy squeezed the money in his hand, and stuffed it into his pocket calmly... "Come with me..."

Walking from the backyard to the front yard... all the way was officers and soldiers, they blocked every door, even the servants in the mansion had to interrogate them strictly...but they didn't appear to enter the hall at all, they seemed extremely disciplined... Outside the gate of the mansion, riding a tall horse, Liu Ziming's face was gloomy, and he didn't move his eyes until a guy brought Li Jiashu to him... Li Jiashu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master Liu, Mr. Liu... You have to be the master of the grassroots... The bandits, the bandits, kidnapped my brother, the house was burned, and the people were killed... What should we do..."


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