
Chapter 126

Chapter 126

When Lin Zixiang heard that Su San had something to do with him, he thought Su San was murderous. 【】Begged for mercy, "Hero, please forgive me. Please forgive me, hero. This matter was discussed by Lin Hailu, Lin Rong, and Liu Ziming. I'm just a servant, and they ordered me to do it. And That little girl was really Lin Rong's fault, this happened in the early hours of yesterday, I can testify that I am innocent."

After Tang Chao helped Li Jiazheng out, Su San stepped forward and untied Lin Zixiang's rope.He said coldly, "Turn on the lights."

"Ah. No, no, no. I don't want you, I don't want you, please forgive me. I don't know you. I've never seen you before." Lin Zixiang was afraid that if he got in Su San's face, Su San would kill someone to silence him.

"It's a good thing to be afraid of death. If you don't want to see my face, then don't. Don't worry, you still have some uses. Even if you want to die, I won't agree. Light the lamp."

Lin Zixiang had no choice but to stand up tremblingly, fumbled for a fire, and lit the oil lamp on the desk.But he never dared to turn around and face Su San.

"There is a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. Let me tell, and you write."

Lin Zixiang hurriedly poured some water from the teacup into the inkstone, studied the ink a few times, and made preparations.

"Written like this: Over the past few years, you have taken a lot of ill-gotten gains, and now you are committing such a serious crime in Wuling City, and your actions are already heinous. However, thinking of the friendship between the guests and hosts in the past, Xiang also has the heart to do it for you." Waiting to cover up, if you can raise 10 taels of silver with Xiang within five days, the Li family will still return it to the Lin family, and Xiang will never mention anything related to the Lin family."

Lin Zixiang broke out in a cold sweat. Writing this way, he would never return to the Lin family.Who is the person behind?Under such circumstances, I still have the leisure to let myself write these.Isn't this hurting me?Why.I wish I could save my life.Others, can not control so much.

"If not, I will announce the many injustices of your Lin family to the whole city. I don't know how you will deal with it then?"

After finishing writing, Lin Zixiang stared blankly at the words on the paper, now he understood that he would not die.

Since the people behind him wanted to swindle money from the Lin family in their own name, it would be necessary for him to contribute if he got in touch. Not only would he not die, but he might even get a share of the money.After getting the money, even if I go far away, I can live a happy life for the rest of my life.

"That's all. Write your own name when you sign it." Standing behind Lin Zixiang, Su San carefully read what Lin Zixiang had written, and said softly after confirming that there was no problem.

Lin Zixiang quickly wrote his name on it.

Seeing that Lin Zixiang had finished writing, he slapped Lin Zixiang hard on the back of the head, then tied Lin Zixiang up again, carried it on his back, and walked out.

In the yard, Tang Li had already carried Lu'er on her back.Tang Chao also hurriedly put Mr. Li on his back, and the three of them, one carrying the other, rushed from the shadows all the way to the 'Zhou Mansion' not far away.

Things were going very smoothly. Compared with Lin Rong's momentum in the early morning of the previous day, his actions today can be said to be calm.

It's just that this calmness brought panic to the Lin family, and I'm afraid it was no less frightening than the Lin family brought to the Li family.

The panic of the Li family was not about whether they could get back Mr. Li's life; but the panic of the Lin family was because of the betrayal of insiders, who were in danger of being completely betrayed.

Although it is not yet known how much Lin Zixiang knows about the inside story of the Lin family, but the fact that the Lin family colluded with the Wuling army and burned the Li family at night, Lin Zixiang, plus the living old man Li, is enough for the Lin family to have a headache.

It was originally a non-existent incident created by them, so the Lin family naturally couldn't find the real murderer.Once someone pointed out that this whole matter was done by the Lin family, even if it was a far-fetched statement, it would be enough for the Lin family to have a headache.

If the person who reported this matter was the butler of the Lin family, with Mr. Li as his witness, then the Lin family would not only have a headache, it would be that simple.

Can't take myself out of this whole thing.With them coming, the good things that can be achieved in one fell swoop, I'm afraid it will kill them.

What's more, is Lin Zixiang's role only limited to these?Did the Lin family only do such an inexplicable and unexplainable thing?If Lin Zixiang's role is not brought into full play, how can Su San easily let Lin Zixiang go?

People who are about to die must have a way to die.

From the very beginning, the Lin family raised a big rock high, and they wanted to throw this big rock out and hit people.

But this big rock, after being lifted up, it is not up to the Lin family to decide where to drop it.All he had to do was to ask the Lin family to hold the rock up and smash it down at the last moment.

It didn't hit others, or the Lin family's own feet, but directly hit the Lin family's head.

Any behavior that does not consider the consequences is ridiculous.In the world, there is no impenetrable wall.Lin Hailu thought he could cover everything in Wuling City, but this situation will soon be broken.

If Lin Zixiang's betrayal didn't make them feel the seriousness of the situation, then the upcoming imperial envoy of the Overwatch Council should give him a headache.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Hailu's courage has grown to such an extent. Colluding with the Wuling army, entering civilian houses at night, robbing and killing wealthy households, this is very different from robbers." Ji Lao repeatedly patted the table, and he got up in the middle of the night to sit and wait. It turned out to be such a major event that shook Wuling, and the instigator of this major event turned out to be the parent officer of the city, which made him furious.

"Elder Ji, please appease your anger, don't say anything. Ning Yuan has already made a fuss about this matter, and Elder Ji only needs to make fun of it." Su San said softly in the side hall.

Ji Lao laughed bitterly and said, "Little old man, there is nothing to care about. If you want people and no one, if you want power, how can you control him."

He just smiled, Ji always doesn't make a move, but a person who is astounding when he makes a move is really not good enough when it comes to ordinary methods.

However, what Lin Hailu did in Wuling City was shocking enough.He didn't let Ji Lao move, that's because there was no need to do it at all, he wanted Lin Hailu to have the despair of being locked in a cage and fighting trapped beasts.Besides, there are some things that people like Ji Lao who don't care about world affairs should take care of them, and they will be hated by others.

An old servant ran in. "Miss Luer, you jumped into a well."

Su San's heart sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Is it saved?" Elder Ji asked with concern.Ji Lao had already understood what happened from Su San's mouth.He also didn't expect that Lin Rong would do such a cruel thing to a little girl when he got up with a look of knowledge and courtesy.

A little girl who didn't understand the world had endured such torture, so he naturally felt pity in his heart.

"Tang Shaoxia has already saved the person, but this little girl is already thinking about death, I'm afraid it won't last forever." The old servant also kept moaning.

"What should I do?" Elder Ji also had no idea.

In the Feng Dynasty, it was similar to the previous life: in rape cases, the female victim was often discriminated against by society.

The difference is: this kind of discrimination is especially strong in a feudal ritual society like the Feng Dynasty.So strong that it will never die.

The throwing into the well this time was just the beginning; Tang Chao could save her once, but he couldn't save her for the rest of her life. If she couldn't untangle the entanglement in her heart, death would only be inevitable.

Su San thought that he could not be bound by all the emotions in this life, but what happened to Luer made him really angry. He is not a saint after all, and this innate temperament has not changed after all. .

"I'll go and persuade her." He stood up gently and walked all the way to the backyard of the Zhou Mansion.


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