
Chapter 128 Showing up is equivalent to asking to die

Chapter 128 Showing up is equivalent to asking to die

Holding Lin Zixiang in his hand, this is a trump card that gives the Lin family a headache. 【】In the name of Lin Zixiang, he gave the Lin family a head-on blow. The choice between 10 taels of silver and ruin was enough for the Lin family.

In a few days, there will naturally be news from the capital.If what Jigong said was true, even if the Overwatch Council only sent an imperial envoy symbolically, that would be enough to check and balance Lin Hailu.

As long as a check and balance situation is formed, even if it is only a few days, he has enough confidence to make the situation go in a direction that is more and more unfavorable to Lin Hailu.It wasn't until a critical point was passed that Lin Hailu, who had betrayed his relatives, knew that the general situation was over.

But right now, he still needs to catch Lin Hailu, let Lin Hailu swim in the water according to his own will, and prevent him from getting off the hook.

Boil the frog in cold water, and when Lin Hailu wakes up and realizes that someone is secretly targeting him, he probably won't have the strength to resist.

There is no rush, and there is no need to waste a whole day thinking about it.It is not worth sacrificing other pleasures of life for the sake of the Lin family.

So what to do, you still do what to do.

As for Mr. Li being rescued.

Su San asked the Li family to keep quiet for the time being, so the Li family naturally didn't know about it.

In fact, even if Su San didn't ask Li Jiazheng to temporarily hide his whereabouts, Mr. Li, who was as shrewd as a fox, would understand that he would never see the light at this time.

Not to mention whether this will affect Su San's plan, even if he really returns to the Li family, Lin Hailu will not let him go.

Under the current circumstances, if he suddenly appeared, the Lin family thought: either he had reached some agreement with Lin Zixiang, or there were other inside stories.

I don't know the content of the agreement, and I don't know how much Li Jiazheng knows.Lin Hailu and Lin Rong will not rest assured that the Li family is staying with the Li family.

Arresting oneself in the prison must be the inevitable result, but being arrested again, life and death will be unpredictable.

Showing up is tantamount to asking to die.

Mr. Li, no matter how worried he was about the current situation of the Li family, he could only stay silent.He didn't even dare to reveal the news to his family members, for fear that someone would spread his news carelessly and bring trouble to the Li family again.

Thinking of this, Mr. Li can rest in peace in the backyard of the Zhou Mansion to recuperate.

Just as Mr. Li had been terrified for a day and a night, had something to eat in the morning, and fell asleep soundly, Li's residence was already full of trouble.

A letter from a bandit asking for 8 taels of silver directly brought the Li family to the brink of disintegration.

"Divide. Why not divide the family? It has been said for a long time that the family will be separated. If the old man didn't stop him from giving up the division, the family would have been divided long ago."

"The family has been separated early, and the gangsters will not take aim at our Li family. I, the gangsters are here for our Li family's money."

"Maybe, after the family is separated, the gangsters will release the old man when they see that they can't squeeze out any money. Not necessarily."

"It makes sense. To divide the family is to save the Grand Master. Divide the family. Divide the family."


Li Shouyi's face turned pale with anger, but he couldn't say a word.Since receiving this blackmail letter from an unknown source in front of the door this morning, the hall has been crowded with members of the Li family.

They didn't come to discuss how to save the Li family, but to carve up the Li family before paying the ransom money.

8 taels of silver.This is almost half of the Li family's wealth.If you pay the ransom, the Li family will be ruined.

Crossing over means that a large group of people who live with the Li family will be hungry.How can this be.

There is no need to rush to save Mr. Li, but there is no need to rush so many people from the clan who are hungry.It is imperative to separate the family, and it is even more urgent to separate the family before the ransom is paid.

Faced with these, Li Shouyi was naturally anxious.After the family was separated, where would he get the 8 taels? Without the 8 taels, how could he save his father?But the clansmen don't care about this, they care about themselves, they don't care about winning, so they don't think about Mr. Li.

Although he was so angry that his face turned pale and his heart was blocked, there was nothing he could do in the face of these separated faces.

The people sitting at the banquet were all his elders. Although he controlled the financial power of the Li family, the Li family hadn't really been handed over to him. Facing so many voices demanding separation, many things It wasn't just a few tough words from him that could solve the problem.The point is, he can't restrain these tribesmen.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle, give me a word." Li Shouyi really had no choice but to ask Second Uncle and Third Uncle for help.

Li Jiayuan scratched his head a little.

Usually, he advocated separating the family, but at that time the eldest brother was not kidnapped by the thieves.But now, the life and death of the boss is unknown, and he is an expert who has "read" the sage books. Although he agrees with the separation in his heart, he really can't say such things in front of these people. exit.

Li Jiashu is quite talented in business, and usually handles a lot of family affairs.Except for his elder brother Li Jiazheng, he is the clearest about the situation of the Li family.

Li Jiashu's idea is: Under this situation, the separation of the family is inevitable. In fact, he also has the desire to separate the family in his heart.It's just that this can't be said clearly, otherwise, if Li Shouyi also misunderstood him, it would be a bit bad.

According to his idea, it is OK to divide.How to divide is the focus of discussion.The most important thing is to divide the family quickly, solve the family affairs as soon as possible, and focus on redeeming the eldest brother.The thief only gave three days, 8 taels of silver, which is not easy to get together.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle, you guys are talking." Li Shouyi was anxious.

All the people in the hall are also in a hurry.Naturally, they couldn't let Li Jiayuan and Li Jiashu oppose the separation.

One by one rushed to say.

"8 taels. Only by selling all of the Li family can we sell at this price. But we sold all of them. What do we eat? The old man has one life. We have hundreds of lives here, and everyone takes care of their families. , can’t wait to die with the Elder Master.”

"The price offered by the thief may not be able to counter-offer. After the family is divided, if you can't get so much money, the thief will naturally not force it."

"The fields and real estate in the village are eager to sell, but they can't be sold for a good price. It's better to share them with us. We also need some spare money in our hands. Everyone can get some money together. Come."

Li Shouyi got a headache from the crowd and yelled, "What's wrong with this huge Li family? My father has been in charge of the family business all his life, so he earned this property, which is used for your expenses on weekdays. You don't know how to be kind." It’s nothing more than reporting it, but at this time, it’s worse. Do you still have a conscience?”

As soon as Li Shouyi's words fell, someone immediately retorted.

"How did you say that? Could it be that the Li family is only the work of the old man? In the old man's generation, which room did not work hard? It is this generation, without the help of our side room, big guy Hold on, can the Li family have the momentum it has today?"

"Shouyi, what you said is too much. Why did we get into trouble? Didn't we just say that separating the family is also saving the old man? Dividing the family, there is not so much money for those thieves, and the thieves will not die well No matter how much they are forced to take, that is too much for them. The separation of the family just gave us an excuse to bargain. This is to prevent the Li family from suffering greater losses."

"The elder was taken away. It's human nature for you to worry that the first house will suffer a loss when the family is separated. In fact, you don't have to worry about it at all. We all know the credit for the first house. When the family is separated, Naturally, the head room is the first, and everyone will definitely not disagree with this point. Are you right?"

Everyone didn't think of taking advantage of the Elder Master's absence to swallow the head room's share.In fact, even if they wanted to, they didn't have the ability, so everyone responded one after another, and only hoped that Li Shouyi would not come to obstruct this matter.

When Li Shou saw that the crowd was excited, the separation was unstoppable. The third uncle, who was the only one who spoke with some weight, did not express his position clearly, knowing that the separation was inevitable.


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