
Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Xiao An breathed a sigh of relief when she left the room. 【】

Tang Chao stretched out his thumb to Xiao An, pulled Xiao An into the courtyard and said with a smile, "I can't tell, although you are young, this score is big, so Lin Zixiang is also a housekeeper of the county government, so there is no scene." Have you ever seen it? To be taken aback by your brat, you really are a disaster."

Xiao An patted his chest and said, "It's the first time for me to put on a show like this. If it wasn't for the third master's confession, there would be no loss, how could Xiao An put on that face. After all, the third master can calculate it accurately, so I know this Lin Zixiang knows how to withdraw money. Therefore, he prepared some bank notes early, otherwise he would not be able to scare him."

Tang Chao smiled and said, "If Lin Zixiang wants 1000 taels, will you give it to him too?"

"Here, the third master said that Lin Zixiang will use him a lot. As long as he asks for money, it will be a good thing. The more greedy his heart is, the easier it will be. If he dares to ask for 1000 taels, I will give him 2000 taels." .”

Xiao Anke had never spent so much money at one time. When he went to get the bank note under his sleeve just now, his hands trembled a little. Fortunately, Lin Zixiang only paid attention to the bank note and didn't notice his expression and movements at all.

Well, it turns out that the feeling of spending money with big hands is really addictive.

"By the way, the third master said, tell Brother Tang to hold on to this Lin Zixiang. He is absolutely not allowed to talk to anyone other than Xiao An, and he is not allowed to know where this place is." Thinking of the third master's advice, Xiao An couldn't help but Said it to Tang Chao again.

Tang Chao said, "Don't worry. As soon as you leave, I'll lock the door and just guard the gate of the garden. I won't see any of his ghosts, and I won't be able to make any tricks."

Naturally, Lin Zixiang couldn't make any tricks, in fact, he didn't want to change any tricks either.In fact, he lived here very easily, and he would get a large reward if he wrote casually, which was much better than him escaping.

Fortunately for him, he didn't follow Lin Rong's request to get rid of that little girl, otherwise the third master would have been decapitated long ago.

Life is picked up, and finally I still have something in my mind to be noticed by others, so I saved my life.

He has no psychological burden to betray the Lin family. He has done so many things for the Lin family, but he still can't write a report today. What guilt.On the contrary, it felt a little relieved.

To him, having real money to take is the most fundamental thing. When the third master finishes cleaning up Lin Hailu, he takes the money and goes around happily, that is his yearning.

Therefore, such a thankless task like playing tricks, he would only do it when he was brain-dead.

There was a slight breeze on the water surface of East Lake.The cool moisture, wrapped in the breeze, strikes people's faces, making people appreciate the charm of late autumn all the time.

After the Double Ninth Festival, it rained for several days, and then the sun cleared, and the Li family's affairs happened again.Although Su San didn't want to get too involved in those matters, but such a matter, today is the Li family, it may happen to the Su family tomorrow.

No matter how indifferent he is, when the fire is about to burn his head, he can't be moved.A monk who concentrates on chanting scriptures will shout a few times when the temple is set on fire, let alone him, a mortal who is still in the secular world and has not lost his heart.

What should be done is still to be done.You can't really wait until the fire is burning before calling for help.

Only by pulling Lin Hailu down completely, can he continue to enjoy the peace of this other world. There are some things that he has to do as a last resort.

Just do it, it's not a big deal, for him, it's just a little time to think about it.

In the old days, Mr. Tao's words of "the heart is far away from the self" are especially true. I should calm down at any time, and don't affect my mood because of this.

Therefore, the sun is shining brightly and the weather is fine today.After finishing his lectures in the school, he had nothing important to do, so he carried his fishing rod again and went to the East Lake to fish.

Unexpectedly, I met Ji Lao by the lake.

After tossing around in the middle of the night last night, the spirit of the old man was exceptionally good. What is rare is that the old man still has this leisurely mood after knowing about Lin Hailu. I have already practiced a bit.

"What? Does Ning Yuan still have the time to fish?" Ji Lao couldn't help being surprised when he came swaying with a fishing rod on his shoulders.

After experiencing what happened in the morning, Su San was able to calm down and go fishing in the afternoon. It would be strange to say that Mr. Ji was not surprised.

"Elder Ji also has kung fu fishing, why doesn't Ning Yuan have kung fu fishing?"

Ji Lao just smiled, looked around, and said mysteriously, "How about it, do you have any good plans, let me tell you about them?"

He could understand the old man's nonsense words, and he was asking about his plan to deal with Lin Hailu.

Being able to ask this question means that Elder Ji didn't treat him as an outsider, so naturally he couldn't use any excuses to prevaricate Elder Ji.

I just want to ask him what plan he has, but he doesn't have one. At best, he has a certainty in the general direction. The specific details need to be combined with the actual situation to have a specific plan.

Picking up a dead branch, he smiled and helped the old man, broke off the front part of the dead branch, and then broke off the back part, and then spread the dead branch. "This is my plan."

Elder Ji stared at the dead branch that had been broken into three in his hand in bewilderment, and said depressedly, "You're young, and you try to make riddles for people to guess. It's not straightforward at all."

He rolled his eyes, "It's called pinching the head and tail. Really, if you don't understand, just say you don't understand, but I want to say that people are not straightforward."

Maybe it's because I joked too much with Ji Lao, and when talking to Ji Lao, I always unconsciously say something.

Elder Ji has long been used to Su San's speaking style, so he automatically filtered out what Su San said.But the mouth kept repeating 'pinch the head and remove the tail'.


"Oh. Elder Ji, what's your opinion?"

Elder Ji obviously thought about this question carefully. Seeing Su San's question, he simply put down the fishing rod in his hand, dragged Su San to the stone bench under the tree, sat down, and talked about it in detail.

"Let me ask you, if you want to pinch the head and remove the tail, where is the head? Where is the tail?"

The little old man is really persistent if he wants to be serious, but how can he explain it?

The way of stratagem is not something that an old pedant like Ji Lao can fully understand. It is impossible to get a correct answer from the in-depth analysis obtained only by books.

"Where does Mr. Ji think is the head and where is the tail?" He smiled lightly and asked back.

"Although the old man is not in the court, I know a lot about the affairs of the court." Ji Lao stroked his beard and talked eloquently.

This is also true. There are many disciples of Mr. Ji, and there are many letters between him. Although he doesn't care about political affairs, the information revealed between the lines in those letters can still be analyzed after studying the words for a long time. In fact, one needs to know more than ordinary people.


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