
Chapter 134 Wind moves, branches move, heart moves

Chapter 134 Wind moves, branches move, heart moves

Many people, in this allusion, are obsessed with the debate between materialism and idealism. For him, it is actually a bit broad. 【】

He prefers to interpret in a very small range.He believes that in terms of people's heart: "the wind moves, the branches move, and the heart moves", which represent different realms deep in the heart.

A truly unpredictable person, who is not disturbed by ordinary things, can naturally be empty of the five elements and not pay attention to everything.Where the eyes pass, the heart is empty, the mind is empty, and all thoughts are motionless.This is the limit.

It's just that today, when he asked Ji Lao a question, he told this allusion, but he didn't want to discuss the realm with Ji Lao.

He wanted to make Ji Lao understand.Everything is in motion and changing, and the previous moment is completely different from the next moment.

Some big things, if you don’t talk about them, the big things will become smaller and smaller; some seemingly insignificant things, as long as you keep talking about them, they will also become bigger and bigger.

Keep everything in one mind, be in a high position, have a high intention, and have a deep realm, and you are the master of this world.Specifically speaking, where the human relationship is sophisticated, the mind is mature.

Whether it is the wind, the branches, or the heart, there is a relationship between moving and making it move.

Make the wind move, the branches move, the heart move.

The wind can move the branches.Branches can make the heart beat.The heart can move or not.

Although Lin Hailu still has an absolute advantage now, but Lin Hailu does not have the state where everything is fleeting and my heart does not move.

Lin Hailu is just an ordinary person, sitting in the position of the county guard, corrupt and perverting the law, he is not even in the same state of mind as an ordinary person.There are too many things that can make his heart beat.

Lin Zixiang can be the wind.The affairs of the Li family can also be wind.Yu Feng is the wind.Gossip is the wind.Everything can be wind.These 'winds' brushed over the branches and moved Lin Hailu's heart. If he could really hold his breath, he would be Su San's formidable enemy.

"Hehe. Elder Ji doesn't need to meditate so hard. Ning Yuan doesn't have to know what is moving. Ning Yuan just wants to say: Once you move, everything moves. Lin Hailu is not so high-level, and his advantages are obvious. , his disadvantages are equally conspicuous. When external objects are enough to disturb his mind, his mistakes will follow one after another. At that time, you will find that things are actually not too difficult." Su San interrupted his hard thinking The old Ji nodded his intentions slightly.Having said that, if Mr. Ji still doesn't understand, he can only stop here.

Mr. Ji read Su San's words carefully, and said after a long time, "Ning Yuan means that compared with Ning Yuan, Lin Hailu's realm is too low?"

"Uh." He scratched his head. "That's right, too."

"Oh. Then I understand." Elder Ji nodded solemnly.

Whether he really understood it or pretended to understand it, he naturally wouldn't ask more questions.Whether you understand it or not, it will have no effect on what is going to happen.

When Ji Lao saw that Su San looked confident, he let go of this thought.After all, I am superstitious, the world today is the world of these young people, Lian Sheng always admires Su San, so why should I worry about it.

"Don't talk, don't talk, lest someone say that I eat salty rice and don't worry about it." Ji Lao laughed at himself.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This is what you said yourself, Mr. Ji. You don't mean that. However, you can keep this matter. These days, when Lin Zixiang is dismissed, someone wants to get rid of this matter." Don’t worry about pulling it on you. If you make a move, someone in the capital will be upset, and if you always want to live such a relaxed life in the future, I’m afraid it won’t be possible.”

Ji Lao thought for a while, then nodded knowingly.

He is a wild old man, because his daughter was the former emperor's concubine and had nursed the current emperor's, so he could speak a few words in front of the emperor.

If it is really involved in these political disputes, it will cause poor troubles instead.Besides, he is already old, as long as someone does not blatantly provoke him, it is better for him to turn a blind eye to some things.

Su San saw that Elder Ji had understood the key point, so he stood up and sighed, "Grass and trees are meant to wither and grow naturally. Everything is just floating clouds, and we can't escape God's arrangement after all. We fish in the East Lake every day. , but I don’t know how many gods are catching us that day. It’s better to be more free and at ease.”

Looking at Su San's figure, Ji looked at Su San with a look of surprise in his eyes.He really couldn't figure out why he had a vicissitudes on his face even though he was a young man.

The vicissitudes of life are by no means fake, they are real vicissitudes of life. He, who has lived most of his life, will never miss this point, but isn't it strange?

Ji Lao was thinking silently, but Su San looked deeply into the distance.

The sun has begun to turn westward, and the sunshine in the late autumn is always pleasant. The breeze gently blows across the lake, and a few fallen leaves float into the water, rippling with the waves.

The surroundings were quiet and peaceful, he stretched his waist, feeling all of this, his heart couldn't help being intoxicated.

He is liking this strange world full of strong ancient rhymes more and more.

"Third Master." A voice interrupted his thoughts, he paused, and recognized that it was Xiao An's voice.

Turning around, I saw Xiao An took out a folder from his arms and stood quietly under the tree. Obviously, he had been there for a while, and the folder in his hand must be what he wanted to get from Lin Zixiang For discount.

Hey, once you have your heart set on it, you will find this matter as often as you want.He couldn't help smiling wryly at Ji Laodao, "How comfortable this is."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to take the folder in Xiao An's hand, and gently opened it a few times.

What was written on the booklet was all prosecuted by Lin Zixiang, the misdemeanors committed by the Lin family over the years.There are some about Lin Hailu, some about Lin Rong, and even some that Lin Zixiang guessed by himself without going through it.It took a lot of effort to write in detail.

After closing the booklet, he walked two steps under the tree with his hands behind his back, before handing the booklet back to Xiao Andao, "Take this, pick out the things one by one, write a letter for each one, and write a letter every once in a while. , send it to the Lin Mansion."

Xiao An hurriedly put the booklet into her arms, turned around and made arrangements.

Elder Ji heard it from the side, pointing at Su Sandao, "Your method is not much better than the Lin family's, and even a bit obscene."

He laughed and said, "If you use it righteously, you will be honorable; if you use it evilly, you will be contemptible. This is also a matter of the benevolent seeing the benevolent, and the wise seeing the wisdom. Don't Ji Lao understand this?"

The old man made a conclusion for a while.

If you want to argue, it seems that you are too rigid.

"Enough talking, I haven't started fishing until now, old friend Zhou Ji, how many more shall we go fishing?"

"Hmph, old friend Zhou Ji? Go ahead and yell now, just wait, there will always be times when you can't yell. Hehe."

Su San scratched her head and said with a smile, "Elder Ji, let's discuss something. Can you? Even if Ning Yuan marries Ying'er, we will only talk about friendship as equals?"

"No." Ji Lao shouted loudly.

"No, no, what are you calling so loud for?" Su San was startled.

Old Ji smiled and said, "Young friend Ningyuan, stop dreaming. There is no need to discuss this matter."

"Forget it, fishing, fishing."

"Haha. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch this fish. You."

Following Ji Lao's gesture, he went to the distance, only to see Yu'er leading Li Ji, walking towards the lake.


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