
Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Su An walked into the hall, walked gently behind Su Dongshan, took advantage of the gaps in the discussion in the hall, and whispered to Su Dongshan the intention of voluntarily pledging donations. 【】

When Su Dongshan heard it, his eyes lit up.That's right, why didn't I think of this idea?The people in the hall were all discussing how much money they would give for whom, and there was a lot of discussion, why didn't they know, let's take the initiative to pledge donations first?

Officials not only want money, but also official reputation.Wouldn't it be great if you don't want to give money, so you can send him some official voices that don't cost money, isn't this everyone's happy?

Su Dongshan was overjoyed, and nodded to Su An, his eyes were very happy.

Su An saw that Su Dongshan also thought it was a good idea, so he smiled, "Actually, that's not what Su An meant, it was because I ran into the third young master at the door just now. The third young master casually mentioned it."

"Three? Did he come back today? Did he just say this way?"

"Yes. Master, in fact, the third young master of our family is not simple?"

Su Dongshan turned his face away, thought quietly for a while, and shook his head in confusion. In fact, he was also very confused during this period of time.Although he wanted to believe the rumors he kept hearing about Su San, he told himself in his heart that it was not true.

It's not true, but the rumors are true.I received a letter from my eldest son a few days ago, and the letter advised him not to control Su San too much. Today, the old housekeeper also said that Su San is not easy.What is going on with all this?Come, find a chance, I want to find San'er, and have a good chat.

Putting down these thoughts, Su Dongshan clapped his hands and said to everyone in the hall, "Everyone, stop for a moment. Here, Dongshan has an idea."

After everyone's eyes turned to him, Su Dongshan spoke loudly of his intention to take the initiative to pledge donations and add some official voice to Mr. Lin. "In this way, the money donated on the initiative, it's just a matter of meaning. What do you think?"

The hall suddenly became lively.

"As expected of Brother Dongshan. No wonder the business can be done so smoothly, which means, okay. I think Mr. Lin is also happy."

"The best of both worlds, shopkeeper Su's idea is the best."

"It's easy to handle now. Brother Dongshan draws up a charter, and we will donate it now, and finalize it."

Su Dongshan nodded, and asked the servants to bring up the pen and ink.Less money is the so-called, if you donate whatever you want, you will come out without hurting your muscles and bones, just think of going to the Goulan Courtyard a few times, and eating a few tables of wine.

This mistress, why didn't he come back earlier? After so many people discussed it for a long time, these few words from him have finalized the matter, really.

Could it be that San'er, who was hit by that plate, not only changed his temperament, but also his brain became brighter?

Su Dongsan was slandering Su San, but Su San was carefully thinking about Su Yi's letter.

In the backyard, in the small building where Su San lived, after Yu'er brought tea, she retreated out knowingly.

In the room, there were only Su San and Li Ji.

Li Ji changed his clothes and took another shower. Although he was still tired, he was full of energy.

Su Yi's letter mentioned a person.A man named Li Daoming, this man is the old censor of Yushitai, he is highly trusted by the emperor, he is very shrewd and capable, but he is not the second prince's person.Fortunately, he is not from the prince.The purpose of his coming down was to go through the motions and serve as an examiner for Lin Hai.

"So, this envoy Li Qin came to Wuling before you left the capital?"

"Yes. Master Su notified the second prince immediately after receiving the letter from the third master. It happened that the second prince was going to meet the emperor, so he said a few words in front of the emperor. The emperor was very angry when he heard it. But this matter involves Wuling Mansion, and Wuling Mansion is the accompanying capital. The Yin of Wuling Mansion is from the third grade according to the rule. The envoy Li Qin, who happened to be coming down to investigate Lin Hailu's official achievements, was the one to do the verification. At that time, Li Daoming and Master Li had already left Jinling, so the imperial decree on behalf of the verification was chasing Master Li on the way."

Li Ji made it very clear that it was obviously the elder brother who told him about the situation before he left.

"Oh. Mr. Li was also active, so he was sent to Wuling for the examiner, and he immediately moved."

"Master Su said, this Lord Li Daoming is a popular figure in the Third Academy in Yushitai, and his influence is not far behind that of Yushicheng. If the third master has the opportunity to chat with him, then It's even better; if you have a bad temper, it's better not to provoke him. Maybe the next Yushi Cheng will be Mr. Li."

He nodded and put the letter in his hand aside.

"Well, this Master Li is probably going to Wuling City soon?"

"It should be soon. Li Ji is using a fast horse and can move in the early morning, so he is ahead of him. He is an old man in his 50s. Even if he travels in a horse-drawn carriage, he may not arrive until tomorrow. If It’s an official sedan chair, so I’m afraid it will be the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.”

"Haha. Since Master Li is in such a hurry to leave Jinling, I'm afraid he came here with the mentality of getting things over and leaving early. I'm afraid there won't be too much delay on the way. If we don't arrive tomorrow, we will definitely arrive the day after tomorrow. The official sedan chair is too slow, and I'm afraid he, a quick-tempered person, won't be able to sit in it. So, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept the imperial edict for the time being. However, when the imperial edict arrives, he just wants to leave early, and I'm afraid he won't be able to. I still don't know if Master Li has a good temper, if his wishful thinking fails, will he spread his fire on Lin Hailu?"

Li Ji looked at Su San in front of him, and wondered if this third master was too good at talking.The imagination is too rich, and with a few words, the matter is related to Mr. Li's temper.

"Come on, I have to meet this Li Qincha Li Yushi. Even if he has a good temper and is not angry, he must pour some fuel on it first."

This time Li Ji didn't quite understand Su San's words.

welcome?Where are you going?How to welcome?Is it so easy for imperial envoys to meet each other?Did this third master think too simply?

Su San saw that Li Ji looked a little puzzled, so he didn't elaborate.For those who do great things, if they can't even see people's faces, what big things are they doing?If he wanted to get close to this imperial envoy Mr. Li, he could think of more than a dozen ways at any time.

Therefore, whether he can see it or not is not something he has to consider.

Seeing or not seeing, how to see, what identity to use to meet, and what purpose to achieve after meeting, are all he has to consider.

"Since the elder brother asked you to go there in person, there should be no reason for you to go back, right?" Su San laughed.

"Master Su said that the villain will only stay in Wuling City during this period of time and wait for the arrangement of the third master. By the way, I almost forgot a big event." Li Ji said hastily.


"Master Su confessed: there is a man named Du Ruhui next to the second prince, who has already set off for Wuling."

"Du Ruhui? People around the Second Prince?"

"Well, my lord said, as long as I tell the third master the news, that's all."

Su San nodded and said, "Oh. I see."

Du Ru regret?

Come on, the second prince is determined to win the position of Wuling prefect.He actually sent out all the people around him, I'm afraid he wanted to take advantage of Li Daoming's shareholder style to pull Lin Hailu down in one go.

It's somewhat consistent with my own thoughts.

Being able to smear the face of the princelings a little bit, and conveniently occupy the position of a governor, the second prince's little calculation can be regarded as shrewd.

From here, we can see the second prince's determination and vision in doing things.Sure enough, he is not a person who can bear his temper.

Hey, brother, he must be a member of the second prince's party.But, does it mean that the entire Su family is attached to this second prince?

If so, he should also be regarded as the second prince's person.

This incident caused trouble. Once Du Ruhui came, even if the second prince's label was not attached to the Su family, others would automatically acquiesce that the second prince's label was on the Su family's head.

Even if the Su family denies it, I'm afraid it won't help.Others won't believe it's one aspect, but Mr. Su probably won't deny it either.

Ever since Su Yi attached himself to the second prince's family, the Su family has already been tied to the second prince's chariot, otherwise how could the Lin family have targeted the Su family in this way?

Now, the eldest brother told himself the news about Du Ruhui, because he wanted him to get in touch with this Du Ruhui, and to help Du Ruhui as much as he could.

But this person, I can't see it myself.


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