
Chapter 140 Let's Test a Word

Chapter 140 Let's Test a Word

She gave Qiying a wink to remind him to be alert, and then said to Su San, "100 taels of silver, plus another ten taels of silver. 【】This is more than 100 taels, will this make the little god tell the truth? "

Su San had already seen the look of the two of them, and Li Daoming was quite a man of the city when he came here.If I am entertaining him like this, he can still be tense with a character of unknown origin like himself.Hidden, really deep enough.

Fortunately, I had already guessed his identity, and with my deception skills, I thought it would be impossible to be arrested by him and go to the government.

With a smile, he took the banknote and money back to his sleeve again.

Seeing Niuzi on the side, he whispered secretly, this is not fortune-telling, it is simply stealing money, with a few words, more than 100 taels will be in hand, it is like a dream.Or, change your career and go to fortune-telling?

Qiying watched Su San put away the money lightly, and without any fuss, she clenched her fists with both hands and stared at Su San fiercely.

This trip, in addition to dozens of taels of cash, only the 100 taels of silver bills, he is not reconciled, just like this, he was deceived by a charlatan, and without Li Daoming's eyes, he would give up the money locked up. 'Boy, you really dare to open your mouth like a lion!Wait, when you cry'.

"Qiying, stop standing like a log and pour tea." Su San pointed to Qiying, and then pointed to the tea stove next to her, completely treating Qiying as her servant.

"You." How could Qiying not be angry?As uncle's bodyguard, Li Daoming ordered him, which is only right.But when will it be the turn of the kid in front of him.

Li Daoming's eyes also flashed a trace of hostility.He looked at Su San strangely.In his opinion, there are only two possibilities for a person who can say such a thing: first, he is very capable; second, he is insane and wants to die.

She gave Qiying a wink and told him not to act rashly.While wondering, this little fairy, at such a young age, where did he come to be so bossy; while still laughing, "Can we start now?"

Smiling tiger!Su San absolutely had reason to believe that once Li Daoming showed his canine teeth, he would be able to bite himself completely.

However, he will not give Li Daoming a chance to play.

He went out of the city today for two purposes: first, to get to know Mr. Li, find out his details, and find out his temper.Now, finally, people have fulfilled their wishes, and people have met, and Master Li's temperament has also been touched a little.As far as he is concerned, at this stage, it is not in vain to pretend to put out such props; secondly, of course, in the name of fortune-telling, he wants to remind Mr. Li.Let him have a psychological preparation, so that he will not spend his time thinking about contacting him in the future.Arranging the next introduction in this way is of course much better.

"Okay, let's start." Su San pushed up the sleeves of her two hands.That appearance doesn't look like a fortune teller, but looks like someone about to fight, with a smile on his face, no matter what, he doesn't look like a serious fortune teller.

Li Daoming frowned, a little dumbfounded.For fortune-telling, some people draw lots, some people read palms, some ask birthdays, and some make horoscopes.But this little fairy, with nothing in his hands and nothing, just put down this sentence dryly, and then he didn't say anything, which made him a little puzzled.

After seeing this little fairy for a long time, I didn't see him say how to start, so I had to ask, "How come?"

"How do you want to come?"

"Would you like to know a word?" Li Daoming had a black line all over his head, and he didn't understand why he was made to behave like this by this little fairy.Is he too Meng Lang? Is this fortune-telling?Take out 100 taels and make this kind of joke, am I in a hurry and have nothing to do?

"Character test? Well then, let's test a character." Su San shrugged so-called.

Li Daoming saw that Su San had no pen and ink at all, so he had no choice but to write a word on the table with tea.

But it is a word 'Ming'.

Su San glanced at it, and said casually, "What are you asking?"

"Just ask this trip to Wuling, is it going well?"

Su Sanyi rolled his eyes and said, "Do you still need to ask?"

"How to say?"

"You have already written the word 'Ming', so it will go smoothly." After Su San finished speaking, she stretched out her hands and feet, as if calling it a day.

"Ah. That's it?"

"Then what else do you want? Or, I'm not sure?"

Li Daoming felt that the anger was a little bit unbearable, he snorted coldly, and began to think about what to say, let's take down the liar first.

From the look on Li Daoming's face, Qiying knew that this little fairy was going to be in trouble, and she gloated at Su San, waiting for Li Daoming's order, and he would step forward to take down this giant scam.

Come on, after all, it won't be fun anymore.

Su San looked at his words and expressions, and when he saw this situation, he immediately straightened his face and said, "Just a little joke, the guest don't need to get angry. If you spend 100 taels for fortune-telling, and you only have to use this short sentence in the end, then the money of this fairy will come as well." It's too easy, isn't it?"

Then he took out the 100 taels of silver note from his bosom, put it lightly on the table and said, "These 100 taels, let's take it back, I am a fortune teller, and I don't count one less, and I don't take one more. Take this silver The ticket is just a question of whether the guest is really sincere, and whether he is really destined for Xiaoxian. The ten taels of silver, Xiaoxian will accept it. This word is to explain it to the guest in detail. Guest, will you listen?"

Su San said these words slowly, calmly.He even comforted and comforted him, and returned the bank note, which completely wiped out the anger in Li Daoming's heart.

This time Li Daoming was really surprised.

Could it be that this is playing hard to get: first withdraw the 100 taels, and then look for an opportunity to touch it back?In other words, this person belongs to the former type and has some real skills?

Otherwise, just now he was so arrogant, but now he is more humble.Different from each other?

"Little fairy, please tell me."

There was a change in his mind towards Su San, and he added a word of please in his tone.

In fact, I am still very curious, what can this little fairy decipher from the word 'Ming'?

"Ming. The structure of left and right. The sun and the moon accompany each other, and the combination of the sun and the moon coincides with the theory of the combination of yin and yang. There is a saying in the scriptures: Tai Chi produces two forms, two forms produce four images, four images produce eight trigrams, and eight trigrams produce all things. This Ming The character actually brews everything in the world. The guest did not write other characters, but wrote a clear character alone, which explained: The guest wants to do one thing when he goes to Wuling City, but in fact it is not one thing, but From one to two, from two to four, many things come out."

"Oh.?" Li Daoming was noncommittal, but thought over Su San's words in his heart.Regardless of whether the explanation is accurate or not, the test words alone sound a little mysterious and reasonable.

Qiying watched Li Daoming's anger subside, just when she was a little disappointed.Hearing what Su San said, he thought in his heart: this trip to Wuling is just an examination for an official, and I will go back after a formality.There are old rules to follow in the officialdom. Even if Mr. Lin Hailu Lin has some minor problems, my uncle should turn a blind eye and close one eye to settle the matter. This was originally my uncle's intention.

Others don't know the details and uncle's thoughts, but he knows it very well.Otherwise, my uncle wouldn't have come in such a hurry.

In this way, this test word is probably inaccurate.

Thinking about this, Qiying turned towards her uncle's face.However, my uncle's face was as sinking as water, and he didn't have any special expression.

Su San's heart is like a bright mirror.

Although Li Daoming had a calm face, he probably just listened to his own words.

On one side are the princelings.On one side is the Second Prince Party.The two parties fought and picked him into the room. If there was nothing else going on here, how could it be possible.

Since Li Daoming is very likely to be the next Yushicheng, he will never be confused like those young Yushi who have just entered Yushitai.

He should have known clearly from the beginning that this was a political struggle between the two parties.So when he came to Wuling, what he was carrying was not a tactic of 'avoidance'.

Full of hope in my heart, if I can finish handling the matter of the examiner as soon as possible, return to Jinling as soon as possible, and hand in this job, it will be regarded as freed from the sea of ​​suffering.

It's just that in his heart, he may not have the awareness of extra problems.

What he thinks differently from Qiying's is that he doesn't think what this little fairy said is too wrong.On the contrary, he believed it a little bit, and I am afraid that it is very likely to happen.


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