
Chapter 146 Long-awaited, long-awaited

Chapter 146

I saw that the battalion head gave an order, and many soldiers came out of the nearby barracks in a group. It didn't take a while to move the things on the cart. Messy and no one yelling. 【】

Being able to enforce military discipline to this point made Su San look at Zhang He involuntarily. 'Come on, this man is very good at running the army, he is indeed a rare talent. '

Seeing that all the things had been moved, the head of the battalion turned around unhurriedly and said to Li Jiashu, "Come with me to see the general."

"I'll go too." Su San took a step towards Li Jiashu.The purpose of his coming was to meet this General Zhang with his own eyes, and of course he would not miss this opportunity.

Li Jiashu frowned when he arrived at the camp, and hurriedly said, "This is the third son of the Su family in the city. This time, the Su family is the leader of the labor force."

The head of the camp frowned. "Then you follow me to see the general, you, wait here."

"Ah." Li Jiashu didn't expect that the head of the battalion was so shameless that he rushed to work in the army eagerly, but he didn't even let him see anyone.

I was a little annoyed for a while, so I said to Su San, "Nephew Ningyuan, go. You just need to bring everyone's wishes, and it's no big deal. This mountain road is not easy to walk, and the slope is steep, so I just don't feel like going up. It would be best to wait at the foot of the mountain." After finishing speaking, he gave the battalion leader a cold look.

Su San just smiled.Didn't expect this camp head to be so hypocritical?However, he did not make further demands.

He knew that the way of thinking about problems between the army and local governments was different.Sometimes, the way to deal with problems seems a little unreasonable, but if we really want to fight a war, we need this kind of uncompromising and accurate mission execution spirit.

The head of the battalion didn't listen to the words of the two of them. After putting down the words, he didn't hesitate and walked away.

Su San and Li Jiashu left for a while, took two steps, and followed the soldier, all the way up the hill.

There are four roads on the hill, one in the southeast, one in the north, and one in the north.

On the hillside, many houses were also built, which used to be the residences of high-ranking military officers, and they were surrounded by circles, much like terraced fields.

On the top of the hill, a piece was flattened and made into flat ground.

On the flat ground, there is not only a small martial arts arena, but also a large camp, presumably it is a barracks tent, where the headquarters of the Wuling Army is located.

Yingtou deliberately slowed down his pace, almost jogging towards the top of the mountain, trying to distance himself from Su San and give Su San, a weak scholar, a blow.

But Su San followed closely behind him, not only did not pant heavily, but also looked relaxed, even much more relaxed than himself.I can't help but put it away a little in my heart, the psychology of underestimating.But his face was still extremely cold.It was as if Su San owed him three hundred hangs.

"And wait here." After finishing speaking, the head of the battalion quickly walked through the small martial field and walked into the barracks.

Su San didn't wait obediently at the spot, but walked into the small martial arts arena and looked around.

In fact, there is nothing good, except for the mud, that is, the weapon racks placed in the open air.

The weapon rack made of wood was buried in the soil and pressed down with stones, and long weapons such as sticks, knives and guns were inserted upside down on it.The rain hit the weapon, and the water flowed down the pole.It seems that the owner of the weapons does not cherish them.

He went forward to lift a stick, but felt a slight sinking under his hand, only to realize that the stick was actually made of refined iron, and it was very heavy to hold.

At least thirty or forty catties.

"Are you Su San?" A muffled voice came from the side of the small martial field.

Su San turned his head and saw a black-faced young man standing fiercely on the sidelines. The battalion officer just took two steps back and stood behind the young man, his eyes were also looking at Su San.

Guessing that the black-faced young man was Zhang He, Su San smiled, bowed to Zhang He from a distance, and said loudly, "Little man, it is Su San. The opposite is General Zhang?"

Su San's tone was carefree, but his figure appeared stable, with a sense of elegance and elegance.

This is exactly to Zhang He's appetite.

In fact, he had heard of Su Sanqi a long time ago.Although he was in the military camp, he didn't know anything about Wuling City.

He knew that recently, in Wuling City, there was a talented man named Su Ningyuan, who made a lot of limelight, so he just walked to the door after hearing the report from the battalion officer.

Seeing that Su San walked into the martial arts arena, he seemed to be more interested in his own weapons, he thought for a while, and braved the light rain, he came out personally.

Originally, it meant a little closeness, but now it just matched my appetite, and I felt a little happy in my heart.

There is a little surprise: Although this Su Ningyuan is young, he is not nervous at all when he sees him.His expression and demeanor seem to have everyone's demeanor.It's quite different from the fragile appearance of those talents nowadays.

"It's someone Zhang."

"Long-awaited, long-awaited." Su San chuckled and cupped his hands refreshedly.

"Oh. I have admired you for a long time? Zhang, a martial artist, is there anything worthy of Su's great talent?" Zhang He laughed, but he wanted to embarrass Su San in his heart, and listen to why he admired him for a long time.

Logically speaking, at most, Su San has only heard of his name, how can the word 'Jiu Yang' be used?

Long admiration is naturally a polite remark.But Zhang He wanted to be serious about the polite words, and Su San knew right away that Zhang He wanted to make things difficult for himself and demanded his quick wit.

He laughed, and naturally he would not be overwhelmed by Zhang He's rhetorical question.

He already knew it from Yu Feng.This combination is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also proficient in reasoning.Although Yu Shiyi is not proficient, it is still easy to write a few small poems. Therefore, it is a big mistake to say that he knows everything about Zhang He.

Just now, I walked all the way again and saw Zhang He's running the army with my own eyes.The heart already has the meaning of appreciation, so the words of "long admiration" are not blindly polite.

However, he would not seriously explain why he was 'Jiu Yang', it seemed that he was being questioned by Zhang He, so he stopped laughing and said, "Yu Wuren, the general's talent is the first; Yu Ren, the general's martial arts is the first." One; this martial arts has been heard for a long time, isn't it worth admiring for a long time?"

Zhang He was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed too.

"Please." Zhang He smiled, and said a rare word of please, which made the battalion officers around him give Su San an extra look.

"Please!" Su San also said neatly.

The two walked into the camp together.

It is said to be a tent, but it is actually a large wooden structure house.

The roof is high and wide open, so even if the place is crowded with people, you won't feel stuffy.There is a huge sand table between the tents, and the entire Minshan area only occupies a small corner of the sand table.A city not far away is Wuling City, and a little further away is Jinling City.

A big river runs between Jinling and Wuling.Divide the entire sand table into two large and small pieces.

When he came to this big river, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.If the river can be defended, there will be an additional natural danger between Wuling and Jinling.

"This is the Wujiang River." Zhang He explained with a smile when he saw Su San fixed his eyes on the big river.

Zhang Hehe didn't think that Su San would produce anything from this Wujiang River on the sand table.

When the Dafeng Dynasty moved its capital to Jinling, the reason why Wuling was set up as the accompanying capital was because of the danger.At that time, there were navy divisions on the river and military camps along the river.

But after many years, the ruler of the country did not think about making progress, and these gradually became useless. Even the Wuling army camp in Minshan was abolished from the original tens of thousands of horses to less than ten thousand now.

These specific details, a talent, will not be clear.

After Zhang He explained, he politely led Su San to sit down in the tent.

Zhang He himself is a little proficient in ink, so he doesn't have the problem of looking down on people like ordinary warriors.And because he knew Su San's talent and name, he treated him with such courtesy.

Su San thanked her for sitting down, and had already glanced at other places in the tent.

In the tent, apart from the sand table, it seemed a bit empty.Except for the table and a few chairs in front of Zhang He, the sword hanging behind Zhang He is a bit attractive.

"Serve tea." After Zhang He invited Su San to sit beside the desk, he also sat down casually behind the desk.

There are many books on the handsome table, neatly stacked into stacks.There is a stack, which is very neat, but it is a stack of military books.

The degree of wear and tear on the pages shows that these books are often flipped.

And this book is so neatly stacked, it can also be said that Zhang He is a person who pursues perfection without rubbing sand in his eyes, or in other words, behaves prudently and cautiously, and is definitely not as casual as he is now.

Su San pointed to the stack of military books, smiled and said to Zhang He, "Is it possible?"

"Please." Zhang He smiled, but a trace of extremely hidden disdain flashed in his eyes.


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