
Chapter 149 General's Military Order

Chapter 149 General's Military Order

While Su San was thinking about this, she carefully rode slowly in the mud. 【】

His riding skills were not very good, and it was night again. Although there were several soldiers holding torches, he didn't dare to run wildly.

Lu An was not in a hurry, and followed Su San leisurely.He was actually very strange why the general would talk to this weak scholar for so long.

Since the general respects Su San so much, he has to show great respect.

"Oh. It's already at this point, the city gate should be closed, right?"

"It's okay, we will ask the defenders in the city to open the door."

"Except for the battalion of the Wuling Army? How many defenders are there in the city?" Su San asked again.

Lu An said with a disdainful smile, "That's called a soldier? At best, they're just scumbags. There are about 5000 people, and most of them are empty. If we really want to fight, there are at most [-] people who can pick up weapons."

"Oh, are these people also managed by the Wuling Army?"

"No. Although we are called the Wuling Army, we are directly under the army and can only be mobilized with the seal of the tiger talisman. However, in peacetime, it is not so strict. We will also be restrained by local officials. There is no way. After all, the army has money and food It’s better not to offend the locality too much if you want to ration it nearby. The defenders of Wuling City are local troops. At first, they belonged to the township soldiers, that is, they took charge of the guards of the four cities. After becoming an accompanying capital and changing to a government system, the four guards were coordinated by the governor and the appeasement department. As the governor, Mr. Lin also served as the governor of the appeasement department. Therefore, the city defenders are He alone has the final say."

"So, with the tolerance in the yamen, I'm afraid there is quite a lot of force in Wuling City, right?"

"All the servants put together are only three hundred people. At critical times, they are actually useless. Otherwise, last time, they wouldn't have been set on fire in the government office and burned to nothing. .In the end, didn’t the Wuling Army be used? More than a dozen people were killed or injured.” Lu An didn’t know the purpose of Su San’s question, so he said whatever came to his mind.

Su San actually wanted to know how many people Lin Hailu had under his command.The defenders, government servants, and internal servants of the Lin family, these people, if they are not fighting, still have some energy and can do many things.

If you are really anxious to jump off the wall, the energy is still enough to go up.

Just thinking about this, I only heard the sound of horseshoes behind me, and came galloping forward.

Lu An glanced back curiously, seeing that it was the herald from his battalion, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"The head of the battalion. The general has military orders."

Lu Anxin said in surprise, "Say."

"The general will withdraw the Hutou camp tonight, and order the battalion head to lead his troops to immediately take over the defense of the Wuhutou camp and garrison Wuling City. He also strictly ordered that the gates of the camp be closed tightly. No one is allowed to enter the camp without the general's order. ,chat."

Lu An narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.The wolf camp he was in was said to be a guard camp.He is usually the closest battalion to Zhang He, and he himself is Zhang He's confidant.

Now that the general has made such an arrangement, it is obviously not for him to go to Wuling City to enjoy the blessings.

"Understood, you go back and pass the order to bring out all the people from the Langtou camp. I will wait under the Chengling city."

The herald said, "I'm getting ready, and I'll be there soon."

Lu An waved his hand to tell the herald to turn around, then he turned the horse's head and led Su San forward.

After leaving Minshan, everyone picked up their speed and arrived at Wuling City in no time.Calling to open the city gate, all the riders escorted Su San to ride to Siyou College before breaking up.

Su San walked into the academy, only to find that Yu'er, Xiao'an, and Li Jizheng were happily fighting against the landlord under the lamp.

Seeing him coming in, Xiao An quickly threw the bamboo card in her hand and stood up swiftly.Yu'er also hurriedly threw away the card, fetched a clean dress, and changed it for Su San.

"Where did the young master go this day? All over the body. The umbrella is gone."

He smiled. In fact, on the way back, it was raining because it was inconvenient to hold an umbrella while riding a horse.Ignoring Yu'er's inquiry, he said to Li Ji, "How are you resting?"

"For those who practice martial arts, it is the spirit that is tormented. After a little rest, the spirit will come back." Li Ji seemed more casual than Xiaoan, but he also stood quietly by the side. For some reason, Li Ji always felt that the three In front of Grandpa, I feel a little unmotivated.

After changing her clothes, Yu'er brought some tea again, Su San took it and took a sip.Well, it's still tea at home. I drank it in the past, but I haven't reached the realm of "desire is strong".

Let everyone sit down.Yu'er stepped forward and said, "This afternoon, Li Shouyi, the young master of the Li family, came to look for the young master. He heard that the young master hadn't come back yet, so he left without saying anything."

"Oh." Su San nodded, but said to Xiao An, "How's the job going?"

Xiao An said, "The seventh letter has already been sent. According to the third master's order, I left a way to reply to the letter. But, I haven't received the reply yet."

"Well! Go to the announcement list if you have nothing to do. If there is any news, it will only be in these two days. You can go back and rest. When you come here again, you should be more vigilant and don't let others know that you are mine."

"Yes, Third Master." Xiao An took a step back gently, then turned and walked outside.

Seeing that the young master wanted to discuss matters with Li Ji, Yu'er withdrew too.

"Tomorrow is the day when the Li family will pay the ransom. The Li family has collected 6 taels. This money cannot be left in the hands of the Lin family. I want to intercept the money."

Li Ji rolled his eyes, cupped his hands and said, "If you have any orders, the third master just give them."

"Actually, this matter is also very simple. To pay the ransom tomorrow, Li Jiashu must be in the lead, and Li Shouyi is hiding behind with silver on his body. One is open and the other is dark."

"However, the Lin family can certainly figure this out, so they will only trick the Li family out of the city to pay the ransom, and the time to pay the ransom will only be after the city gate is closed."

"In this way, even if the Li family finds that they don't have Mr. Li and refuses to make a deal, they will have enough time to find Li Shouyi and snatch the ransom."

"You just need to follow Li Shouyi and snatch the banknote from him while he is unprepared. With you behind him, this matter is not difficult."

Li Ji smiled and said, "But it's 6 taels of silver. Isn't the third master afraid that Li Ji will steal the money and leave?"

Su San was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "To be honest, I haven't really considered this question."

Li Jixin was moved for a moment, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for trusting the third master, I will leave this matter to Li Ji, and the third master can rest assured."


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