
Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Su San feigned illness and snuggled up on the bed. 【】

It was 'scared' again, was robbed again, and suffered some minor injuries. It was wind and rain again, so it was inevitable that he would become 'ill'.

Li Ji accompanied him, the 'patient', to talk and chat in front of the bed.Most of the chats are about martial arts, and some anecdotes and anecdotes in the world.

At night, Xiao An sneaked in and said that the imperial envoy had arrested Governor Qian last night, and today he closed the door of the post house to thank the guests.

When Su San heard the news, he smiled lightly. Although he didn't quite understand Li Daoming's thoughts, he could more or less guess his purpose for doing so.

Xiao An also said that a notice had been posted in the government office, and the words extracted between the lines were to reduce the amount of silver handed over to 5 taels.

"No, let Lin Zixiang write a letter and tell the Lin family. 10 taels, not a cent less. Tell them, if there is less than one cent, they will be sent to the imperial envoy's camp, and let them go to fight against the imperial envoy. "Su San had a cold face, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Xiao An hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Li Ji was a little curious on the side, held it back for a while, and asked, "5 taels of silver, the Lin family can afford it. If it's 10 taels, maybe the Lin family won't give it. If the Lin family really refuses to give it , isn't that useless?"

But he shook his head and said, "If you agree to 5 taels, it's fine, maybe the Lin family really won't give it. If they refuse to back down, they will honestly give the 10 taels to the third master and I will prepare it." .”

"Why is this?"

why?Naturally, Lin Hailu has a guilty conscience.

The imperial envoy was pierced right under his eyelids, and Du Ruhui also stared, trying to find his fault.In this critical period, Lin Hailu can only seek stability. No matter how much money he spends, he will successfully invite the imperial envoy to leave. Therefore, he is willing to spend no matter how much money is spent. This is a guilty conscience.

The reason why the price was not allowed to be suppressed was actually just a hint to the Lin family that Lin Zixiang only wanted money, and he had no other purpose.

The Lin family should have suspected Lin Zixiang's betrayal early on, and Lin Zixiang was definitely not the one who did it alone.

The emperor was able to know about the robbery in Wuling City immediately, so he completely turned the attention of the Lin family to the second prince.And the second prince's use of Du Ruhui in Wuling also made the Lin family think more deeply about this idea.

Lin Zixiang's betrayal and the second prince's high-profile performance in this matter made them instinctively associate Lin Zixiang with the second prince. This is a matter of course.

However, Lin Hailu also reported that it was a fluke that Lin Zixiang had nothing to do with the second prince.

Maybe Lin Zixiang and some people came here for the Lin family's money, and this possibility is not out of the question.

Therefore, in Su Sanlai, the lowering of the price by the Lin family was just a test.

If the price can be lowered, it is very likely that Lin Zixiang is just a pawn of the second prince, and the purpose is not for money, but for them, so the price can of course be negotiated; if it is impossible to lower the price, it means that, This money is very important to Lin Zixiang.In other words, it is very important to Lin Zixiang and his group. If the money is lowered, it will be difficult for everyone to share accounts, so the amount of money cannot be lowered.

It is the former, even if the extortion money drops to five taels, Lin Hailu will not do this matter, so as not to fall into the trap; it is the latter, even if Lin Zixiang increases the price to 20 taels, he will find a way to pay the money first A sum of money to put things down.

Su San smiled, but did not explain these reasons to Li Ji.

Besides, this is only his own way. Since he doesn't have enough information, he can't guarantee that Lin Hailu will pay the 10 taels.This is a trade-off. Lin Hailu thinks it is necessary to spend the 10 taels.Maybe things didn't change as he thought, and it was very possible.

He's not really a little fairy.Otherwise, last night, he would not have missed the reaction of the bandits on Mogan Mountain.Fortunately, those bandits didn't come after them, otherwise he, Li Jiashu, Li Shouyi, and the bodyguards would all be dead right now.

Things are always going on in the world, people are not as good as heaven, and sometimes they have to be content with the destiny after doing their best. It is impossible for anyone to control the fate of others anytime, anywhere.

So he said, "If he gives the money, we will earn it; if he doesn't give it, then we will have nothing to lose."

Yu'er walked in gently, and whispered, "Master."

Su Sanyu'er hesitated to speak, and couldn't help being a little curious, "What is it?"

Yu'er said awkwardly, "Young Mistress, uh, Miss Li is here."

"Oh." Su San leaned against the bed, a little dazed, wondering what Li Yueer was doing at this moment.As soon as I thought of this, I smiled again, my thoughts are too complicated, Li Yue'er may not have any special business, maybe it's just that I heard that I was sick and came to visit him.

Li Ji and Xiao An hurriedly heard Yu'er's words, and quickly said, "If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

He nodded gently, "Oh, then you guys go, if you have time, walk around the city more, if you have any news, you should remember everything carefully, and tell me when you come back."

The two hurriedly responded and withdrew.

Under the corridor outside the house, Li Yue'er and Yu'er were standing there quietly.

Li Ji and Xiao An didn't speak when they reached Li Yue'er, they just saluted Li Yue'er briefly, then walked across the yard and walked out from the back door of Siyou College.

Li Ji said, "Where is Xiao An going?"

Xiao An conveniently said, "Go to the Zhou Mansion, and quickly finish what the third master told you, and ask Lin Zixiang to write the letter that refuses to lower the price. Brother Li, will you go back to the Su Mansion?"

Li Ji shook his head and said, "Walking around. I heard that the government has dispatched a lot of servants today. Whenever there are lively places, people will go to check them out. They have caught many thieves, and everyone is applauding. Sooner or later , it’s not over yet, I’m going to have fun too.”

Xiao An said, "I don't usually cultivate morality, but when the imperial envoy came, I only thought of doing this superficial kung fu."

"Yo, Xiaoan is so young, so deep, okay."

Xiao An smiled and said, "Where, this is also what the third master said. When I think about it, it is indeed the case."

"Well, that's enough, let's do things well. My third master, I don't look like a mortal, but a person who does big things. Xiao An, you are lucky. You have met such a master, and your future is limitless." Li Ji Gently said.

Xiao An chuckled, "I haven't thought about it, I just want to not let the third master's kindness come to me."

Li Ji saw that Xiao An knew what was in his mind, so he didn't say any more. He parted ways in front of the college, and when Xiao An was walking in the shadows avoiding people, he walked out on the main road. Willow Lane away.

When Yu'er led Li Yue'er and Yu'er into the study, Su San was still half leaning on the head of the bed, looking sickly.

"Sit down." Seeing that Li Yue'er's complexion was not very good, Su San thought that she might also be sick and come back to herself, so she couldn't help being moved a little in her heart, and sighed softly.

Yu'er brought a chair and spread out another soft mattress before letting Li Yue'er sit down.

"You look bad, you seem to be sick?" He looked at Li Yue'er and asked softly.

Li Yue'er didn't speak, but Yu'er said, "I've been sick since yesterday, and I heard that my uncle is also sick, so I just started working."

"It's wind and rain, why bother?" He stared fixedly at Li Yue'er, feeling a tinge of pity in his heart.

Li Yue'er didn't speak, but waved her hand lightly to let Yu'er back out.

Yu'er pulled Yu'er together, and they left the room together.

"Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to explain clearly in the future?"

A strange blush flashed across Li Yue'er's face, but she returned to normal.

"It's originally the title of husband and wife, so where did it come from? If it wasn't clear, it would have been long ago." Li Yueer said softly.

There was some silence between the two of them.

Su San felt that Li Yueer's coming tonight with illness might not be as simple as a visit.

Seeing that Su San was silent, Li Yue'er stood up gently, and slowly bowed to Su San in front of the bed, still sitting on the chair.

He didn't understand why Li Yueer suddenly gave him this gift?He just caressed her gently, waiting for her next move.

Li Yue'er came here today with a sickness, so it's not just a simple visit.Her brother promised her to help him persuade Su San, but she didn't want her brother to take care of this matter.

Although she said angrily that 'brother agreed at the beginning', she understood that the final decision was ultimately made by herself.

In the end, it turned out like this, not because she made a wrong choice at the beginning, but because God made a joke on her.

After thinking about this, she no longer insisted on making up for her previous mistakes.

No matter how good Su San is, if she really doesn't like herself, then as a woman, why should she go after her with a calm face?

If the Li family was still the original Li family, with greater wealth than the Su family, and I insisted on chasing him, I would feel better in my heart.

But now the Li family has become like this, the silver is lost, Mr. Li has not redeemed it, and the family is divided, and it is uncertain what will happen in the future.Under such circumstances, what shame do I have to join the Su family?

Forget it, after leaving the Su family, she would still be that Li Yue'er; without Su San, it's impossible for her not to be married.If he wants to write a letter of divorce, let him finish it. If I can lose his face, can it be said that he is not allowed to lose my face?

After thinking about all these things, her mood improved a lot, and her illness was half cured.It's just that at this time, she has already put her thoughts on Su San, and if she completely cuts off, she won't be able to make up her mind in a short while.Therefore, when she heard that Su San was frightened and fell ill because of the ransoming of her father, she wanted to take the opportunity of visiting the doctor to explain clearly to Su San and make it clear.

Everyone calmly talked about it, so there is no need to worry about these things.

"The gift just now was to thank Mr. Su for his righteousness. Because of Yue'er's father, Mr. Su was injured and frightened. Yue'er is very grateful."

"Well. It's not because of the good relationship between the two families. Based on our daily contacts, Brother Shou asked Ning Yuan for the matter, and Ning Yuan couldn't refuse people thousands of miles away. Ning Yuan was already very uncomfortable when things were done like this. If you are grateful, don't mention it again." Su San smiled slightly, seeing that Li Yueer was so calm, which was very different from the mood she had when she left last time, she vaguely guessed that Li Yueer came today, maybe she wanted to have a complete showdown with herself of.

I'm afraid that today, if she doesn't clarify and understand the relationship between the two of them, she won't leave.

"The second thing, Yue'er wants to get Mr. Su's divorce letter today, and ask Mr. Su to fulfill it."

"Oh." Su San looked at Li Yue'er firmly, but did not make a clear statement.

Seeing Su San's indifferent expression, Li Yue'er's heart gave up completely, she exhaled lightly, but her body suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Alright." After a long silence, Su San smiled lightly, and finally said these two words.

Li Yue'er's face turned pale, and her expression finally returned to calm.

"However." Su San straightened her waist, hugged the quilt and sat up from the bed, face to face with Li Yue'er, eye to eye.

but?Li Yueer looked at Su San suspiciously.

"Has Yue'er ever thought that we can actually start over?" Su San said with a smile.

Li Yue'er was at a loss.

"Break all the old things to have a new beginning; the end of one relationship means the birth of another relationship. Before, there were many miscellaneous factors in the marriage between Yueer and Su San. At that time, Li Yueer did not want to marry Su San ;The Su San at that time was not the Su San in front of Yue'er's eyes now. When it's over, it's over, it's not a bad thing, let's start again?"


"Yes, forget the past, forget everything, and start again from this moment. Before, I was afraid that you would still be stuck in the past and couldn't let go, so I said those unfeeling words; now, you have completely let go, and the new beginning The time has come. Ning Yuan actually likes Yue'er?" Su San chuckled.


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