
Chapter 161 But Listen to the Order of the Third Master

Chapter 161

Lin Hailu was in a hurry to cut off all the threads; Du Ruhui was anxious to get evidence of Lin Hailu's mistakes before Lin Hailu pulled off the threads. 【】

Gao Dafu was caught by Lin Rong in front of Qingfeng Tower.This unexpected incident brought the two groups together to face each other.

Although Du Ruhui rescued Gao Dafu, his deeds also fell into Lin Hailu's eyes. As soon as the situation was passive, it was really a bit unknowable.

Li Daoming, standing in the light, this scene; the officials of Wuling Mansion, big and small, gradually became clear about the situation in front of them. They all hid in the dark and rode on top of the wall. Choose your own faction.

Of course, there was another Su San hiding in the dark.He hides in the dark, it's not a play, but he wants to direct the direction of the play.

'Then, get the Lin family's money first, or else in the end, if you copy it, you will copy it, which is a pity.If I want to do something in the future, I can't always reach out to my family.After getting the money, the life and death of the Lin family will be handed over to those powerful and powerful people, officers and soldiers. For the benefit of the Lin family, even Lin Hailu would never have imagined how strong the wall would be for everyone.What's more, he still has cards in his hand and many backhands, enough for Lin Hailu to die pretty well. '

Lin Zixiang extorted 10 taels of silver from the Lin family. After two days of delay, the Lin family did not reduce any of the silver, and finally decided on the method of redemption.

The reason why the Lin family had the courage to delay for two days was naturally to test Lin Zixiang, whether he really wanted money, or whether it was a gun in Du Ruhui's hand, and in the name of asking for money, they wanted to take advantage of them.

Although it was delayed for two days, nothing could be found, but as for the Lin family, Lin Zixiang really cared about the money from these two days.Moreover, the final handover method is also very hidden, even if someone wants to plot against the Lin family, it is impossible.

After considering all these considerations, the Lin family finally made a decision to spend money to buy Ping An, and decided to spend 10 taels to buy old man Li and Luer back.As for Lin Zixiang, if he is only doing it for money, then letting him go for now will not affect the overall situation.

Lin Rong was still worried that Lin Zixiang's purpose was not pure, but he had to make a choice when the situation in front of him reached such a point.

To believe in Lin Zixiang, he would have to pay 10 taels. Although he was very reluctant, it was what he hoped for.

If you don't believe in Lin Zixiang, then you will risk the consequences of Lin Zixiang jumping over the wall in a hurry and biting the Lin family crazily.

Lin Rong took the letter, went up and down, and finally couldn't find out what Lin Zixiang didn't want to exchange, so he had to point to this channel, "I always feel that it's not very appropriate to follow their method. Paying money and handing over to people are handled separately, although it's very easy. Insurance, but not a face-to-face delivery, in case something goes wrong."

Lin Hailu took the letter from Lin Rong, and then said, "What's the problem? Anyway, I will meet the person first, and then give the money. At that time, send more people. If Lin Zixiang is found on the scene, then Kill them directly."

"It's not that they are afraid that something might go wrong, but Rong'er is thinking: If we first confirm that it is not the Li family, then there is no need to proceed; but if it is confirmed that it is, and the handover location is in the city, then we Is there still a need to give this money?" Lin Rong asked Lin Hailu seriously.

"But Lin Zixiang was not caught, only the Li family was taken back, and Lin Zixiang would make trouble again later."

"Lin Zixiang doesn't have a witness card in his hand, can we still be afraid that he will fail? 10 taels of silver, can it be given to Lin Zixiang for nothing?"

"I'm afraid they still have something in their hands. Lin Zixiang has stayed in the Lin family for such a long time, and he knows too much. It would be difficult to pull out anything. Otherwise, they wouldn't let us meet Li first." It’s my family that asked us to give money. You still don’t want to make extra troubles for me. After this period, the money will be there, but if you can’t make it through, you will lose your property and life, so what’s the use of asking for money?”

Lin Hailu refuted Lin Rong's idea.He is now seeking stability in everything. Although he can't find anything after investigating the things he did before, it will always be a hindrance for people to find out again.Now, the last thing he wants is to bear this notoriety.

Seeing that his father didn't dare to be bold, Lin Rong had no choice but to give up, so he said to his father, "Then tomorrow, let the son do the job of paying the money?"

Lin Hailu nodded and said, "When this matter is over tomorrow, let's fight Du Ruhui slowly. Hehe, Li Daoming, an old fox, gave us a big blow as soon as he entered Wuling City. There is always a chance It’s good to have him. And Zhang He, the white-eyed wolf, wait for me to free up my hand.”

Lin Rong said casually, "Li Qin has been in Wuling for a few days, and I have been bored in the imperial envoy's office all day long, and I don't know what to do. I even arrested Governor Qian. The officials below are all looking at my father, and the imperial envoy doesn't care. Let me put it this way, all the officials, whether they are from the crown prince or the second prince, are completely absent, what can I do?"

Lin Hailu said, "Hmph, he just wants to be in the limelight. When our matter is settled, the old Qian's matter will be settled naturally, and there is no need to deliberately take care of it. Let Master Zhou take care of those bastards. Be careful for a while. It is impossible for Li Daoming to stay still. Mr. Zhou Fuji has recognized his granddaughter, and now the emperor has issued a decree, and this is the time for the banquet. This time, Li Daoming Imperial envoy, since he has caught up, I am afraid he will not be able to hide even if he wants to, and when he shows his head, he will shrink back no matter how much."

Lin Rong said again, "Du Ruhui is there."

"Death to them. Come out and stare at the other, what will they do. As long as they dare to move around, no matter 21 or [-], I will arrest them first. I am still in Wuling City. He is a lackey next to the second prince. Relying on his family's master's power, that set can be enjoyed in Jinling, but in Wuling, hum, if you want to raise your head, it's just a dream."

Lin Rongxin said, "One is a blind imperial envoy; the other is Du Ruhui who is under strict control.If Lin Zixiang's matter is resolved again, even if Moganshan is captured by a bandit, it won't be a big deal.At that time, Wu Shu will speak a few words in front of Shengjia, and this huge turmoil will dissipate immediately.

Lin's father and son are planning such a wishful thinking.Su San was also thinking about how to get the 10 taels of silver from the Lin family.

In the backyard of the Zhou Mansion, Su San, the Tang brothers and sisters, Mr. Li, Ren Yingying, Li Yue'er, Xiao An, and Li Ji sat around to discuss this important matter.

Xiao An hurriedly poured tea, and after finishing all this, she stood quietly aside.On this occasion, the third master can let him stand here, that is the great trust in him, and he is very grateful.

Su San said relaxedly, "Now the Lin family is willing to give the 10 taels, but how can I get it? This matter still needs to be discussed. There is still room for borrowing everyone's strength. Ning Yuan can't do it alone. here."

Tang Chao said with a smile, "Young Master Su must have made up his mind, and he will do what he ordered. The sword in Tang Chao's hand is ready for orders."

When Tang Li heard Su San's words, she didn't know what she was thinking, but her eyes were only on Ren Yingying and Li Yue'er, as if she didn't hear Su San's words.

Li Yue'er understood the Lin family's plot after meeting her father that day.Apart from being grateful to Su San, she hated the Lin family long ago.It's only 10 taels of silver, which is not a small amount, and it is impossible for the Lin family to hand over the silver so easily. If something goes wrong, the Lin family is not harmed, and instead they are exposed, it will be very bad. up.

Normally, she would think she was wise and tricky, but this time the matter was so important that she dared not make the decision.So when she heard Tang Chao's words, she nodded quickly.Now she regards Su San as the backbone, she believes that Su San must have a good idea.


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