
Chapter 163 Ren Ji Fish Shop

Chapter 163 Ren Ji Fish Shop

Gao Dafu knew that he had made a mistake, and he didn't take Mr. Du's words seriously. As soon as he went out, he was broken into by someone, and he was also arrested and put in prison. If Mr. Du hadn't acted, he might be staying in the prison now. 【】

Although they were caught by Mr. Du, their whereabouts were also exposed under Lin Hailu's nose.This incident greatly affected their purpose of coming to Wuling. If they did not complete the task in the end and returned to the capital, they were afraid that they would be beaten to death by the prince.

Thinking of this, he couldn't eat, couldn't fall asleep, and his stomach was full of regret.I hope that Mr. Du, who is full of wisdom and tricks, can have the art of returning to heaven and saving his life.But for a few days, Mr. Du just stayed in the room and flipped through those papers without any movement.

Gao Dafu was in a hurry, but he didn't dare to disturb Mr. Du, and was even a little afraid of seeing Mr. Du.It's just that a letter was received in the front yard today, saying that it was to be presented to Mr. Du in person.Gao Dafu heard that Du Ruhui's name was accurately stated by the visitor, so he was cautious in the first place, so he hurried in with the letter.

Du Ru regretted Gao Dafu, and his anger rose again.I have already been instructed well, be careful in your work, don't show your whereabouts, but once you stay, you go to a place like a brothel, and you are caught by someone, it's really annoying.

But he has absolutely no choice, Wuling is not as good as Jinling, he has people at his disposal, and he has to point to Gao Dafu to do things.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Gao Dafu didn't dare to come to see him for the past two days, and he didn't dare to come in this yard. It was so early in the morning today, but he didn't know what made him come in.

Gao Dafu hurried forward and pulled out a letter from his sleeve, "The letter received by the guard who just guarded the gate."

Du Ruhui stared at the letter in Gao Zaifu's hand, but was not in a hurry to pick it up, but asked softly, "Where did you get the letter from?"

"I don't know, it was a child who said to give you the letter, Mr. Du, and then ran away."

"Oh. A child? You know my name?" A look of surprise flashed across Du Ruhui's face before he took the letter.

The letter was sealed with kraft paper, and the seal was sealed with wax. There was no writing on the cover, and it looked ordinary.

I squeezed the inside with my hand, and found a hard object inside, which seemed to be a key, but nothing else was unusual, so I tore off the seal, pulled out a piece of paper, and poured out a key.

Gently shake off the piece of paper, when it is opened, it is a very simple letter.It read, "Before noon, go to 'Ren Kee Fried Fish Shop' to pick up a box with what you want inside."

There is no beginning and no end, but it touched Du Ruhui's heart.

Carefully read the words on the paper, coming and going, it doesn't look like ordinary people's handwriting, and my heart is even more excited.Feeling that this matter was extraordinary, he put away the paper and put it in his arms.

Playing with the key in his hand, he thought for a while, and said to Gao Dafu, "Well, you arrange for someone to go to the 'Renji Fried Fish Shop' in the city to pick up a box. This matter is more confidential, it is best not to let people outside the door Those guys, what a flaw."

Seeing that Mr. Du finally had an order, Gao Dafu patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir. I will take a few people and go out openly. I will only go to Mr. Tijusi He's house for a drink. It is a matter of getting things. Let Mr. He make the arrangement, and we will bring the things back after we finish the wine. No matter how daring Lin Hailu is, he would not dare to openly break into Mr. He's back house, what are we doing?"

Du Ruhui thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but you must come back before lunch."

Gao Dafu responded, and then quickly walked out of the courtyard, picked four capable men, and they didn't ride horses, they wore oil coats, and walked out slowly.

Not far away, I saw a large group of people following behind, they didn't come close, but followed from a distance.On this rainy morning, there were no people on the street, so this large group of people appeared on the street, so it was naturally conspicuous.

Gao Dafu scolded, "There are so many fucking people. Four of us came out, and they only came out forty. I'm really afraid that we won't be able to escape."

The subordinate said, "They are afraid of losing money in our hands. They are using numbers to suppress us."

"Hmph, let them follow. As long as they don't come forward to arrest us."

Having said that, Gao Dafu tightened his pace and started wandering in the street. First he ate breakfast, then he went shopping in the shop. After playing enough, he plunged into the Tiju Office.

On the contrary, the Changping Judiciary has the duty of supervising all officials, so under the Wuling Mansion, there are hundreds of officials, large and small, and you have to be careful about Mr. He's participation in the book.

Therefore, He Ying is a unique existence in Wuling Mansion. He usually does not show mountains or dews. When it comes to critical moments, it is still possible to act as a blocking stone.

Here, Gao Dafu got into the office of the Judiciary, and Lin Hailu received the news.

Lin Hailu frowned, thinking about it, he felt that it was no big deal.He Ying is the second master's man, this is a matter of the public, if he has some reason in his hands, then he can't stop him from colluding with Du Ruhui, instead of stopping it, it's better to let them torment.

"Don't worry about them, just keep an eye on them. The front and back doors are all locked. If five people go in, five people must come out."

Lin Rong added on the sidelines, "Once they have any misconduct, they should be arrested first."

After the person who reported the letter withdrew, Lin Rong and Lin Hailu started discussing about the handover this afternoon.

Ren Yingying sat in the store early in the morning according to her old habits.

Now the business is becoming more and more stable. Since the actual purchase price is already the same as the customized price three days later, those who need it usually order three days in advance.If there is a temporary need, only [-] catties per day will be barely supplied, so the business in front of the daily door is still booming.Fortunately, we have adopted the measure of selling bamboo pieces separately, otherwise it would be a crime to let customers line up outside the door in such a windy and rainy day.

It has been decided to open a branch store in Jinling in the next year, so the boys and girls in the store are competing to perform hard, wishing to engrave all the store rules in their minds, and strictly follow the store rules in every move.

"A guest has arrived." Xu Yingming shouted into the store at the top of his voice, and stepped forward to welcome the guest.It doesn't matter whether the visitor is poor or rich, noble or servant.

"What does the guest need?" Xu Yingming greeted the guest while asking about his needs.

"I want to order 'Fried Fish Nuggets'." The guest was wearing oil coat, his face was oily, and he was wearing a broken hat. He didn't look like he was rich.

Xu Yingming had been taught long ago that he should not be polite to all customers, so he led the customers into the store and shouted, "There is one customer who has placed an order." Then he asked the customer again, "How much? When do you want it?"

"I want it the day after tomorrow!"

"If it is the day after tomorrow, it will be six hundred and one catties. Once the order is made, the full payment will be required. I wonder how much the customer wants to order?" Xu Yingming was actually a little happy in his heart. There are new rules in the store. For the next order, there is a commission to be taken. Although the commission is shared equally by all the clerks, it is several times more than the monthly salary when it is distributed to everyone. Therefore, they are responsible for receiving orders. couldn't be happier.

"One thousand catties!"


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