
Chapter 165 Jinling Spring Wine

Chapter 165 Jinling Spring Wine

But how to give 6000 taels?

Du Ruhui hurriedly went to the box again, only to see a piece of paper on the bottom of the box. 【】

When I took it out, I saw some small characters densely written on it, and they had to ask them what to do in order to get the arrangement.

Du Ruhui immediately called Gao Dafu to his side, handed the letter to Gao Dafu, and pointed to the notebook and said, "Now, as long as you get Lin Zixiang, the little things before that are nothing worth mentioning, you Can it be saved? Things have come to this point, there is nothing wrong with it.”

Gao Dafu knew that this was his opportunity to make meritorious deeds and atone for his sins, so he patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Du, I will arrange these matters myself." After finishing speaking, he picked up the letter and walked out.

Du Ruhui believed in Gao Dafu's ability.Gao Dafu is very shrewd if he really wants to do something, the only bad thing is that he is too lustful.Now that he has suffered from Lin Hailu, on the other hand, it may not be a good thing, or I am afraid that he has not been so dedicated.

But the person who did this is really confusing?

The traces of pen and ink on the notebook, it seems that this notebook has been written for some time?What kind of person is doing such a thing early in the morning?

What is the purpose?To deal with Lin Hailu?Or ask for money?Or the enemy?

He couldn't understand these things at all, but he didn't need to understand them. He only knew one thing, that is, the person who did such a thing was definitely Lin Hailu's opponent.

Lin Hailu's opponent is his ally.And this ally seems quite powerful.Being able to know his name and where he lives, and being able to capture Lin Zixiang and demand his money, all show that this ally has an extraordinary ability to control things.

It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to meet each other. If we could have a chat and establish a deeper connection, maybe we could assist the newly appointed governor, assist the second master, and run Wuling City like an iron bucket.

Who will this person be?

Lin Rong sat quietly on the top floor of the 'Juxian Building', the entire top floor was covered by him, and his eyeliner was also hidden in the building, as long as someone came up to the top floor, they could not escape his grasp.

The time has gradually approached noon.The business in Juxian Building gradually became busy.Despite the rainy weather, the business of Juxianlou is surprisingly good today.It seems that the guests are rushing to eat out today.

A group of people were welcomed in just now, but another group came here.

"Come three, please come inside. Do you want a private seat?" These three guys are well-dressed, one is the appearance of a wealthy family, so naturally they dare not bring people into the hall.It's just a coincidence that the entire third floor was reserved by Mr. Lin, and only the private room on the second floor can be used. But now, the second floor is almost full, and the business is surprisingly good.

"Of course I want a private seat. Go to the third floor."

The clerk hurriedly said, "My lords, I'm really sorry, the third floor is occupied by Mr. Fu Yinlin's son. There is only one private seat left on the second floor, but it is very quiet. The masters are satisfied."

Several guests heard that Mr. Lin's young master booked the third floor, so they didn't care about it any more, and asked Xiaoer to lead them up to the second floor.

This side leads up, and another person comes from outside the door.The shopkeeper was really happy at the counter, but his heart was full of joy. Usually, the business is not so good when the weather is sunny, but this is surprising.

"Isn't this Mr. Su? What kind of wind brought the talented Su to the small shop today, it's really flourishing." The shopkeeper recognized Su San at a glance.Last time at the upstairs poetry meeting on the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was Mr. Su who wrote three poems in a row and convinced all the talents.He had already had these three poems framed and hung them on the third floor, how could he fail to recognize the owner of these three poems.

Su San laughed, pointing to the masters around him and said, "What a great talent, this one is here to have a drink with the masters of Siyou College. Will the shopkeeper arrange a private seat?"

The shopkeeper swept his eyes to the hall on the first floor, there were dozens of people sitting here and there, it would be indecent if Su San was arranged here.

However, the private seats on the second floor are filled up suddenly and unexpectedly, and they are even busier than the first floor.

Yin smiled embarrassedly, "Today, the third floor was booked by Mr. Lin Rong, and the private seats on the second floor happened to be full. Or, or, the scattered seats on the second floor, pick a table for Mr. Su Quiet seat?"

Su San's face darkened, a little unhappy, but the masters over there said, "It's better to take a seat and let it be brighter."

The shopkeeper hurriedly took up the conversation, and said, "The Jinling Spring Wine from the small shop is specially opened for you. Please, please go upstairs."

Su San went upstairs together with several masters, and sure enough, there were six separate small rooms in a row in the elegant seat on the north side, all of which were full of people.Even in the scattered seats opened up in the south, there are also two tables of people sitting.

However, the ground of the second floor is all new oiled tung oil wood surface, and there are some bonsai porcelain ornaments scattered around the corner, together with hanging calligraphy and paintings, which shows the elegance of the second floor.

The last time Su San came here, she just went up to the third floor in a hurry. Seeing that the environment on the second floor was not enough, she pointed to a table and said, "Just sit here."

Today is Su San's host, so of course the masters don't have any objections.They sat down together.

"Use the wine that the shopkeeper said just now, and serve the dishes as you like. The eight of us, let's have eight meats and four vegetables, and make up a good fortune." Su San finished giving the shopkeeper's instructions, and then said to the masters , "Everyone is at ease today. Even if Mr. Li hasn't come back, the Siyou College and the Li family will continue to operate. Originally, at this time, there should not be a drink, but Brother Shouyi takes special care of Ning Yuan, take good care of him." Soothe you gentlemen, this is why Ningyuan is the host today, and the left and right afternoons are fine, everyone let go of your worries and get drunk to your heart's content."

All the masters praised Li Shouyi together.In such a season, if we can still pay attention to education, the Li family will definitely be able to regain their glory.While talking, they talked about Mr. Li's life and death, and everyone couldn't help sighing.

However, after the food and wine were served, everyone drank for three rounds, and put these down, and the banquet gradually became lively.

Li Ji wore a beard and an old hat with a low brim covering his brows, and a plaster the size of a palm stuck to his face. He walked slowly up the second floor with one step and one turn.

Xiaoernai led Li Ji to the third floor slowly.

Li Ji went up to the second floor, took a breath, glanced, his eyes swept across Su San's face, and his eyes lightly fell on a table in the corner.

There were four people sitting at the table, but they didn't look like they were eating wine. When they saw him coming up, the eyes of the four people never moved away from him.

Li Ji snorted inwardly, and walked towards the third floor hobbling.

Seeing Li Ji's attire, a master couldn't help laughing and said, "Anyone dares to come out and walk around now. He has sores on his face, and he is still disabled, and he still runs out to enjoy himself."

Su San smiled and said, "Haha, don't care what those people do, we will eat our wine."

Li Ji walked up to the third floor slowly. The guy leading the way had already said to Lin Rong who was sitting on the front table on the third floor, "Mr. , if the young master hadn't told the villain to bring guests if he had guests, the villain would never have done so."

Lin Rong raised his hand, stopped the man from speaking, then waved his hand to let the man leave.

The clerk stuck out his tongue, but luckily he didn't drive the man away. He looked like a beggar, and he was really Mr. Lin's guest, so he turned around and went downstairs.

After the man went downstairs, the two guards squeezed towards the stairs, blocking Li Ji upstairs.

Li Ji glanced at the two behind him, but walked slowly to the main hall on the third floor.

Lin Rong looked Li Ji up and down, and seeing him dressed like this, he felt very confident that this person would not be Du Ruhui's.

Li Ji sat down opposite Lin Rong slowly, exhaling a foul breath, which made Lin Rong frown slightly.

Lin Rong looked at Li Ji, as if he wanted to imprint Li Ji's appearance on his mind, but Li Ji's attire was too miserable, and he didn't show his face at all.

"Where's Lin Zixiang? Doesn't he have the guts to come by himself?" Lin Rong hummed.

Li Ji also 'hummed', "How can Brother Xiang personally handle such a trivial matter? Mr. Lin, Brother Xiang just has something to bring to Mr. Lin."

Lin Rong frowned and turned to Li Ji.

Li Ji turned his attention to the two guards behind Lin Rong.

Lin Rong was not afraid that Li Ji would hurt him, so he raised his hand and asked the two guards to lean back and keep away.


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