
Chapter 318 The Princess Knows Ning Yuan

Chapter 318 The Princess Knows Ning Yuan

"Haha, Heyi, are you here? Let Na Ren find it easy!" Although Naren Ge Rile was talking to Ge Yi, she had already seen everyone in the bed clearly with a glance!

Yu Feng's eyes were the sharpest, and she knew at a glance that this princess of Yuan Country was not a kind person!At least compared to Zhao Qian's, she has much more eyes, otherwise her eyes would not be so sharp on her seemingly innocent face. 【】

"What are you talking about? Leave others alone, but run away by yourself." He Yi complained.

Na Renge laughed happily, sat down on the bed and said with a familiar smile: "I'm not afraid that you will be detained by Brother Guang and you won't be able to play happily! That's why I lured Brother Guang away, and He Yi instead Come on weirdo. Seriously, it’s a big deal next time, let Brother Guang stand beside He Yi all the time, so that He Yi doesn’t have to play.”

He Yi slapped Na Ren lightly and said: "It seems that you are kind! It's all your reason! Let's not talk about this. Come on, let me introduce you to some friends who are the chief shopkeeper of Ren Ji. This is Miss Yu Feng, Miss Li Yueer, Miss Tianxiang."

Naren smiled and nodded to everyone, and then introduced herself: "Naringerile from the distant grassland, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all the beautiful girls! You are as radiant as the bright flowers on the grassland. If you On the grassland, you will be surrounded by chasing men!"

It was the first time for Yu Feng to meet a native of the Yuan country. Hearing Narenge Rile speak Fengchao Dialect, with an extraterritorial voice, he felt very curious!Can't help but also smiled and said: "Princess Naren's eyes seem to be able to talk; women like it when they see it, and men are afraid that their souls will be hooked when they see it!"

Na Ren glanced at Yu Feng with a smile, but turned her head to Li Yue'er and said, "Are you Su San's wife?"

This question was a little sudden!It's also a little weird!So everyone on the bed was taken aback.

Zhao Qian was stunned, why did Na Ren suddenly speak of an irrelevant Su San!

The reason why Yu Feng and Tian Xiang were stunned was: How did this Na Ren know that Li Yue'er was Su San's wife?

If it is said that the people of Wuling know about this matter, it is considered normal, after all, the matter of Li Yueer and Su San has some influence in Wuling City!

However, Narenge Rile, a foreigner, knows that Li Yueer is Su San's wife, this is extremely abnormal!

Li Yue'er thought to herself: Is there any relationship between Xianggong and this Narenge Rile?Otherwise, how would she know that she is Su San's wife?

Suppressing this question in his heart, he avoided Naren Gerile's question and said, "Princess Naren knows Ning Yuan?"

Naren Gege smiled and said, "Of course I know him! Mr. Su. Oh, I should be called Mr. Su now. The two of us met a few days ago? As soon as he saw Naren's face, he slapped his forehead After a while, it made people think about it for the past few days."

Scared, Li Yueer frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable all over!

What does it mean to hit the forehead?And why did Na Ren think about it for several days?Could it be that Ning Yuan's flirtatious temper has not been completely changed, and even foreign princesses have been hooked up?

But Yu Feng knew that Na Ren was probably doing it on purpose, so she spoke so ambiguously!Although his intentions are unpredictable, the meaning of Na Ren's words is unbelievable!

She knew she couldn't believe it, but Yu Feng felt uncomfortable when she heard Na Ren's ambiguous words.

Tianxiang couldn't bear this uncomfortable feeling, and she didn't want to listen to such vague words.Then he questioned Na Ren Ge Ri Le's words: "A touch on the forehead? Did Mr. Su kiss Princess Na Ren?"

Seeing that everyone was staring at her, Na Ren smiled and said, "What? Don't think about it wrong, okay! The thing is: people are walking on the road in a good manner, and this Mr. Su coincidentally and cleverly , smashed on someone's forehead, and it was red for several days. I hate me to death."

Li Yue'er couldn't help but smile when she heard this was the case.

On the contrary, Yu Feng keenly discovered that even if Ning Yuan and Na Ren knew each other, it would be impossible to explain all his relationship in Wuling City to a princess from the original country so clearly!

Since Na Ren knew Su San's situation so well, she must have checked Su San afterwards.What made her curious was, why did Na Ren want to check on Su San?However, she also thought from this point that Na Ren might be interested in Su San.

Although it's hard to say what kind of interest this is, but no matter what, it won't do anything good for Su San to be missed by a foreign woman!

In fact, the facts are exactly as Yu Feng expected!

Narenge Rile used Yuanren's espionage system in Jinling to get a comprehensive understanding of Su San's situation.And Na Ren's original intention of doing this was actually because Su San could speak the original Mandarin.

In Naren's mind, why can such a young Fengguo speak the original Mandarin?What is the background of this person, and what is the purpose of learning the native language?It should be something she wants to figure out!

Originally, it was just a general verification!Of course, after some investigation, she still didn't understand why Su San learned the original Mandarin, nor could she find out his purpose for learning the original language!The only reason she could come up with was whether the Su family wanted to bring the cloth business to the grasslands, so they had to train a junior who could speak the original language!

But what happened next made her feel that her guess was getting more and more unreliable!It also raised her interest in Su San from the level to a level where she must have a thorough understanding.

Because, overnight, Su San became the main examiner of the Dafeng Dynasty's imperial examination, and the deputy examiner of the martial arts examination!

For her, the subtext of this news was: Feng Chao has a rising star in the officialdom!

Therefore, she was not only interested in Su San.

The alliance between the two countries of Fengyuan is reaching a critical moment, and the spies of the people of Jing in Fengyuan have already begun to make some moves!It is conceivable that the people of Jing will try their best to destroy Fengyuan's alliance in the future.

In this extraordinary period, any abnormal change cannot be considered from a simple perspective!Her curiosity towards Su San turned into extreme concern, which was naturally reasonable.

An official directly appointed by the emperor, a young man who is deeply favored by the emperor; Su San's thoughts and ideas on the Fengyuan Alliance will definitely affect the emperor's judgment!

She had to use every opportunity to have a good chat with this freshly baked Mr. Su.She wanted Su San to agree with her point of view, and then influence the emperor, at least she couldn't let this Su San play against her.

Tian Xiang didn't have such deep thoughts as Yu Feng. Hearing Na Ren's words, he couldn't help but also smiled, and said, "There's no such thing as a coincidence! I'm afraid it's just fate?"

Zhao Qian was confused when she heard it, and she jumped out of fate as she talked!He couldn't help asking Li Yueer: "The Su San you are talking about, is that the talented Su San who was appointed as an examiner for the martial arts examination by the emperor the day before yesterday?"

Na Ren laughed and said, "How many Su Sans are there in the world? Of course it's that great talent from Wuling, Su San and Su Ningyuan!"

Zhao Qian was aroused by Naren's words, and asked again: "Is it really Su Ningyuan who became the 'magpie bridge fairy'? He is the Su San who was conferred by the emperor? And that Su San is really Miss Yue'er's husband-in-law. ? Are they all the same person?"


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