
Chapter 340 Naren's anger!

Chapter 340 Naren's anger!

Eunuch Qin got Narenge Rile's words and withdrew. 【】Zhao Qian happily pulled Narenge Rile to share the great news.Narenge Rile then joked with Zhao Qian for a while.

It was almost noon when Zhao Qian happily returned to her bedroom!

As soon as Zhao Qian left Naren Gerile's sight, Naren's smiling face sank.Sitting in the chair sullenly, thinking and thinking, suddenly smashed the teacup in his hand to the ground with a bang!The whole person was furious, with a cold look in his eyes.

Seeing Naren Gerile's appearance, the two servant girls were shocked!They had followed Narenge Rile before, and they had fought with thousands of troops, but they had never seen Narenge Rile, and they were so angry.

One of the maids hurried forward and picked up the broken porcelain pieces on the ground.Another maid stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Is Gege really going to marry Feng Chaolai?"

Narengerile glared at the servant girl, and the servant girl shrank her neck and backed away in fright.Narenge Rile thought deeply: This must be a trick by the Beijingers!They calculated that it was impossible for Father Khan to marry him to the Feng Dynasty again, so they resorted to such a strategy in order to break the alliance between the two countries!Humph, Suolitu, Suolitu, you dare to design Ben Gege, just wait.

"Go and call Bilita and Bilituo in!" Narengerile waved her hand at the maid, then turned and walked into the room, spread out a piece of paper on the table, and started to write with a pen.

Bilita and Bilituo are the warriors who followed Narenge Rile to Jinling, and they are also the personal guards of Situge, the general of Yuan Kingdom.Both of them lived in the guard camp, and they were not allowed to move around in the palace. Even if Naren Gerile wanted to talk to her two guards, she had to be accompanied by a servant, and she was not allowed to act alone.

It's not that Zhao Guang wants to hold Narenge Rile to meet her guards, but there are many rules in the palace, and the place where Narenge Rile lives is Xingsheng Palace!Although every courtyard in the palace has a portal, it is still inconvenient for Narengerile's guards to live there.Therefore, the detention of Naren Gerile's guards in the guard camp did not actually restrict their freedom.

Bilita and Bilituo were 'escorted' by several palace guards and entered Narengerile's courtyard.The two maids stood in front of the door, blocking the guards of the palace, and Bilita and Bilituo went inside.

Narengerile was stuffing a piece of paper that had just been written into an envelope, sealed it with fire clay, and handed it to Bi Lita: "After you go out, hand this letter outside, and send it as soon as possible." Hand over the letter to Father Khan!"

Bilita took the letter without saying a word, and stuffed it solemnly into his arms.

Naren Gerile then said to Bilituo: "Go, check out Suo Litu, the envoy of the Jing Kingdom! Don't disturb him, he dares to play Ben Gege's idea, then Ben Gege will let him understand, do this What are the consequences."

"You go!"

Bilita and Bilituo beat their chests heavily, turned around and walked out without saying a word.

After Naren Gerile called in the two maids, she said again: "From now on, Ben Gege will not see anyone! Listen clearly, no one will be seen, even if the emperor of the Feng Dynasty comes, he will not see anyone. Zhao Guang If you want to come in, you tell him that Narenge Rile is now a married princess, and in order to avoid suspicion, he cannot meet anyone."

The two maids stroked their chests lightly, bent over and stepped back.

After Narengerile gave all these instructions, she sat down again.

Suo Litu, she must be removed, she must let people know that she is not so easy to bully, and any actions that dare to target her must be prepared to pay the price.

Getting married is a big deal!Right now, the alliance with Feng Chao is imperative, if it is because of the marriage, it will affect the overall situation.Not only will he be in a dangerous place, but his trip to seal the dynasty will also be in vain.

Since Feng Chao wants to get married, and wants his father Khan to have a clearer attitude towards the alliance, then give Feng Chao a face.It's just that making a marriage is not that simple. Even if he persuades his father Khan to agree, Feng Chao doesn't even think about it, just let Gongsun Sheng propose a marriage so conveniently.In the world, there is no such easy thing. She has many ways to delay the time limit for getting married!

She is now worried that her father Khan will be furious after getting the news, and reject the request of Feng Ren, bringing the covenant talks to a stalemate!The emperor of the Feng Dynasty is a guy who cares about face. He is openly rejected by his father Khan and will definitely end the covenant talks.

The covenant must be formed!This is the overall situation, and it is an excellent opportunity for the original people to become stronger, and they must not be missed.Once the opportunity to make oneself strong is missed, it is an excellent opportunity for the enemy to take the opportunity to weaken himself.This kind of mistake cannot be made.

Even if it is a real marriage, as long as it is beneficial to the country, then I should not hesitate; what's more, there is still a lot of room for relaxation, as long as I find a chance to return to the grassland, and Fengren wants to marry me, then it is not Feng. People have the final say.

And to bear a marriage agreement in name, this is really nothing to her!

Now what she has to think about is how to attach conditions to the marriage, and then how to return to the grassland!Of course, Solitu had to die before leaving.

Narenge Rile picked up the pen, sealed the small characters with a brush of block letters, and wrote on the paper: The above is presented to His Majesty the Emperor of Dafeng Dynasty. More than three months!The emperor's caring heart, Narenge Rile always remembers it in his heart.Now His Majesty the Emperor issued a decree to make a marriage, Narenge is happy every day, and father Khan is bound to be happy too, and he will not allow the marriage!As a result, Narenge Rile, as a consort princess, is no longer suitable for living in the palace.In order to avoid the suspicion of being in the same house, and for the full name festival, the foreign envoy specially asked His Majesty the Emperor for permission to move out of the palace.

After going through it carefully and making sure there was no ambiguity, Narenge Rile signed the payment later and used the seal, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Leave the palace first, as long as you leave the palace, everything will be easy to handle!

The admission ticket of 1000 taels really scares away some timid girls!

However, there were naturally those who had the courage to believe in Su San, and put all the buying money he had accumulated over the years into a desperate attempt.

Su San didn't know if it was stupid and bold, or extremely discerning.I don't even know where these girls got such courage to bet the rest of their lives here.

Maybe they are not willing to be at the mercy of fate, and they don't want to find someone to live the rest of their lives in a mediocre manner, but want to have the opportunity to prove themselves and realize themselves.For these, they would rather give up their lives.

Su San appreciates the courage of these girls and is very happy to help them succeed!If they were successful, Su San would only have greater joy!


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