
Chapter 348, Master Li

Chapter 348, Master Li

Bilita and Bilituo saluted Narengerile's back!Silently walked downstairs. 【】Bilita asked Bilituo to be responsible for the security of the house, while he changed into an oil coat to cover his head and face, and then walked out the back door to the street.

Su San led the running men and women and passed by Bi Lita!Bilita can still hear these hummings clearly!

'Huha, huha, I don't know what this sentence means? Bilita stood on the side of the street, watching these people run by, but thinking about the meaning of their humming Huha.

However, Bilita wanted to break his head, but he didn't want to understand.Therefore, Bi Lita shook his head, ignored the pointing of passers-by, but carefully checked whether anyone was following him, and when he was sure that no one was following him, he tightened his scarf and hurried away in another direction .

Every household is clearing snow, and although there are more and more pedestrians on the street, the excitement is far from beginning!Bilita walked to the only fur shop on Royal Street, and went in!

This fur shop specializes in fur!Also make garments on behalf of customers.The workmanship is fine and the asking price is not cheap. It has been a few years since the store opened in Jinling!

This is thanks to the people of Beijing who have brought business to the fur garments. The nobles of the country who also originated from the grasslands wear fur in winter!Therefore, Feng Ren also began to like this kind of clothing that can keep out the wind and cold.As long as the family has the conditions, it is a joy to buy a fur fur!

Therefore, the first two months to the end of each year is the best time for fur shop business!Sometimes buying a piece of expensive fur can cover the store rent for the first half of the year.Rare furs are sometimes hard to find!

The shopkeeper of the fur shop was vigorously wiping the counter with a white cloth while instructing his staff loudly to clear the snow in front of the door!The solid wood counter has been polished and shiny, but the shopkeeper is still not satisfied!Rub vigorously.

On the wall behind the counter, there are many animal furs stretched by birch wood. Inside the counter, there are many piles of furs. The goods are extremely rich.

"Hey! Good morning customers." When Bilita walked into the store from the wind and snow, the shopkeeper hurriedly put away the white cloth in his hand and said hello!

Bilita huddled together, covered his voice and said: "The leather jacket I ordered a few days ago, is it ready?"

"When did you order it? Have you brought the receipt?"

Bi Lita reached out and took out a piece of paper from his arms!The shopkeeper glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's done, it's done. Guests are welcome inside. Xiaoer, come in and take a picture!" After saying that, he led Bilita to a compartment inside and closed the door.

Taking off the scarf from his face, and taking off his hat, Bilita gave a bosom salute to the shopkeeper and said, "President Wu!"

Ulimu also stroked his chest and replied: "Gege's letter has already been sent out! No accident, it will never be slower than Feng Ren! The city is not peaceful recently, it seems that suddenly many people are spying on the news. I am afraid it is Guard Bi should be more careful about the actions of the Jing people, if Ge Ge makes a mistake, it will definitely be a nightmare for the grassland people! The goddess on the snow mountain will not forgive our mistakes."

"Well, Bilita and Bilituo will definitely follow Grid and protect them! Just?"

Ulimu raised his eyebrows, looking at Bilita!

Bi Lita whispered Naren Gerile's plan again!

"How can that be done! Absolutely not!" Ulimu listened halfway, and categorically rejected it!

Bilita rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed, so he said, "Why don't you persuade me?"

Ulimu walked a few steps in the room anxiously, knowing that if Narenge Rile really wanted to stop her, it would be even worse.Thinking about it, even Da Khan couldn't disobey Gege's intentions, so it would be useless to persuade him himself.

He said: "Let me figure out the whereabouts of Suolitu! Ge Ge, guard Bi, please persuade him again. If the time is not ripe, we must stop at any time!"

"Stop at any time? I'm afraid, on this point, Ge Ge won't listen to us!"

Wulimu shook his head and smiled wryly: "Okay, I'll make arrangements later! I guess people in Beijing will give gifts in the past two days. How about this, the notice board in front of your store is the sign. If If there is an empty notice board, it must be on the next day. If there is a name board, it means that there is no accurate news. If there are any changes, I will send my staff to deliver the leather goods."

Bilita nodded, covered his face, took the leather item that Ulimu handed over, put on his hat again, and went out with his head down, and got into the snow.

Wulimu sent Bilita to the door, and only after Bilita left did he re-enter his room in the backyard!After locking the door tightly, he walked to the corner and pulled up a piece of ground to reveal a hole that only one person could enter.

Don't think the entrance of the cave is small, but below the entrance of the cave, there is a whole world!

Ulimu drilled down carefully, there was a stone room under the entrance of the cave, and in the stone room, a few scattered people gathered!Some were talking softly, others were sleeping.

When the speakers came down to Ulimu, they stopped talking and stood respectfully with their hands down!

Wulimu walked up to several people and whispered: "Solitu will enter the palace to give gifts! I need to know the exact time. This matter is very important!"

Several people nodded and said, "It shouldn't be too difficult!"

Glasul has lived in Feng Dynasty for many years, and he can speak Feng Guoyu and Jing Guoyu even better than the original language!He is one of the core members of Yuan Guo's intelligence headquarters in Fengguo!Changed to Chen Yuan, he is cautious, bold and cautious, very good at communication, and has spied on many important information!

Chen Yuandao: "There is a person named Li in the Jingren's Yuansuo! The Jingren specially invited him here to buy things. This person is lustful and is very close to his subordinates. He should know the exact date!"

Wu Limu nodded, and said to Chen Yuan: "This matter is of great importance! It is the important information that Gege pointed out to master. This information is related to an important action."

Chen Yuan tightened his face, nodded solemnly and said, "Understood!"

Then Wulimu said to the crowd: "The news must be accurate, but the people in Beijing must not be aware of it! Don't take it lightly." After speaking, Wulimu returned to the ground.

Chen Yuan exchanged opinions with several other members of the general sentry, and felt that they should attack in multiple directions to avoid mistakes.That Li Caiban from Beijing is very cunning and weird, if he tells a lie or notices it, it will be bad.

After discussing for a long time and discussing a lot of ideas, they all got busy and collected information in different ways.Chen Yuan walked through a tunnel and got to the ground from the other side.

Here is another room!

The owner of the house is a legal seal, and Chen Yuan's public identity is the housekeeper of the owner's house.Chen Yuan was walking towards the street, thinking how to find that Li Caiban!

Since idlers surrounded the Jingren Yuansuo last time, the Jingren's control over the Yuansuo has been strengthened a lot!The entry and exit of personnel is strictly controlled.Even when insiders go out, they must register uniformly and agree on an approximate return time.

Therefore, this Li Caiban was also restricted from going out. In the past, it was easy to meet Li Caiban, but now I am afraid that it is not so easy to meet.

Even so, Chen Yuan still hopes to run into them by chance on the street!It's a pity that luck is really bad.In the street, I walked back and forth for a few laps, but there was no sign of Li Caiban again.

After sitting in the teahouse and drinking a warm cup of tea, Chen Yuan made up his mind.Since you can't find this Li Caiban, then go find him!

Li Ming got up early in the morning, and it was already white outside, and the snow was still falling, so he simply took off his clothes again, and got into the bed as before.I don't know what happened, but when I got up, I still felt sleepy!But I took off my clothes and got into bed, but I couldn't fall asleep!

I don't know if it was seduced by this snowy day, but my heart actually gave birth to many feelings.Most of these feelings are complaining about what I have suffered in these years!

Thinking about myself these years, I really had bad luck!First, he opened a private school in a well-known gentry and rich family, and taught a few children who had just finished enlightenment to read poetry and books.With dozens of taels of teaching money a year, eating and sleeping on other people's food, it's quite comfortable!But within two years, the head of the family died, the family split up, and the private school disbanded, so he had to fend for himself.

After a few years of leisure, after sitting and eating, I finally found a place in a small official's house to do some things on my behalf.I originally thought that I was conceited, talented and learned, and had many means. Following the official's family, I would definitely have a long-term future. I didn't want this official to be short-lived.

Fortunately, I got to know some contacts, and asked someone to come to Mr. Lin's house in Wuling Mansion to be a helper. It took a full five years to start helping Mr. Lin in Lin Hailu's side with official affairs.Relying on Mr. Lin, I thought that this time I would be safe and secure, or I could find a family background, but I didn't expect that Lin Hailu was also unreliable.

This guy surnamed Lin has nothing to do when he's full!If you do something wrong, you have to do it right with the imperial envoy!It's all right now, and I put my life in it.It's even unlucky for me, and I don't dare to make a name for myself.

I've been fooling around all these years, and now I don't even dare to say my name outside.Fortunately, during my leisurely years, I followed a businessman from the Jing Kingdom, learned the Jing Mandarin, and was able to communicate with the Jing people, so I was able to sneak into the Jing people's house and hang around.

In fact, this day is not so easy to mess with!Worried that even this place to settle down will be lost. During this period of time, I have racked my brains to buy it for the people of Beijing!The things I bought were fast and good, and I didn't deduct the rest of the money privately. I just thought that I could gain the trust of the people in Beijing and stabilized.

And I hope it lasts for a long time!

Sighing these things in my heart, my spirit gradually relaxed, and then I fell asleep again.I don't know how long I slept until someone shouted outside the door: "Li Ming, Li Ming. Are you in?"


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