
Chapter 415, The Chaos Has Been Completed!

Chapter 415, The Chaos Has Been Completed!

This time, the people who had bank notes panicked even more!A large group of people surrounded Yinzhuang firmly, so they must ask the shopkeeper for clarification. 【】But Xu Shijie was no longer in the shop, and the shop assistants naturally didn't dare to open the door.

Everyone was making a fuss, and no one knew who shouted: "Go to the Xu family!"

Hula, a large group of people ran over to Xu's house together.As soon as this large group of people moved, they immediately attracted many idlers on the street to follow them.

The whole city of Jinling was full of uproar and panic all of a sudden.

When Xu Chen came back from the court, he was really surprised that there were so many people gathered outside his house.Once I heard that such a big incident happened in Yinzhuang, my heart sank in a straight line.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that most of Yinzhuang's money has been spent.The money for land and house purchases accounted for most of the money. It is not so easy to realize these things; there is still a lot of money, and the goods are hoarded. These can be quickly exchanged and exchanged for some cash back, but in a hurry, how can these things be realized? Got it.This quick withdrawal is not possible within a few months.Now even if it is sold at a low price, it may not be possible to see cash.

The rich people in the city are holding bank notes in their hands!At this time, who has real golden eyes.

After Xu Chen managed to enter the mansion, he saw the patriarchs of several aristocratic families coming!He was sitting in the main hall waiting for himself.

When everyone saw that Xu Chen had finally returned, they didn't have time to be polite, and they chattered wildly in front of Xu Chen.Seeing that the crowd was in chaos, Xu Chen was flustered, but at least he was still calm, so he stopped the crowd, and only Xu Shijie was allowed to speak.In any case, first ask the situation clearly before talking.

Xu Shijie was in distress, so he described the situation after getting up together this morning in detail, and said bitterly: "Someone must be playing tricks behind the scenes."

The more Xu Chen listened, the colder his heart became! 10 taels of silver deposits were all cashed out within an hour, how terrible the situation would be.And he couldn't think of it anymore, who would be the person behind this?

Then he said to the crowd: "raise money! For the current plan, we can only use money to pile in. If we don't stop this trend of rushing for cash, Yinzhuang will be suspicious. You should understand that if Yinzhuang falls If it’s over, then everything will be over. Even if these civilians don’t recruit us, the imperial court probably won’t let us go. At that time, the allotment will be allotted, those who ransacked the house, those lands, houses, all will be sold. Pay for these silver bills. No one can avoid it, so at this time, if anyone relaxes, I, Xu Chen, will do it first. Shijie, estimate how much money is needed to suppress it."

How could Xu Shijie figure it out? After thinking for a long time, he said, "Don't talk about it, it must be 30 taels!"

Xu Chen frowned when he saw that it was so much. Fortunately, the Xu family did not have to pay the 30 taels, and now it showed the benefits of several big families.

Xu Chen said: "Everyone, don't hide it! Take out the money. Once the situation is stabilized, it will be very easy to get the money back."

Everyone naturally understands this truth.It's just that a few companies are still worried that 30 taels will not be able to control the scene.Xu Chen originally felt that 30 taels was too much, but he also felt that it was not enough.Everyone discusses and discusses, and they share it at 50 taels.Just like this, several big families have to rush to raise funds.

After a busy day, everyone handed over the money to Datong Bank one after another until midnight.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the 50 taels of silver were emptied by the people who came to run on it in just one morning!This time it wasn't Mo Shaohua who made the move, Mo Shaohua wanted to make a move, but it wasn't Mo Shaohua's turn to do it at all, the crazy crowd swallowed up the 50 taels to nothing.

The situation got a little out of control, and the owners of Datong Bank realized that the situation was far from being resolved with a few hundred thousand taels of cash.This is going to kill me!

This time, Mo Shaohua was relieved, and there was no need for him to stir up anything, the rumors in the city naturally spread!It is said that the bank notes are useless, and there is no more money to redeem them.

But the actual situation is: Datong Yinzhuang has already issued a notice to suspend business for five days!

Mo Shaohua's eyes were red from the heat, and he was so excited that he didn't sleep well for two or three days.After hearing the news that Datong Yinzhuang was closed for five days, Mo Shaohua said excitedly: "Okay, our chance has come. Du Xing, we have a quota of 5 taels of silver, and we have to exchange the money for 7 taels of silver." Come on, do you have confidence?"

"5 taels of silver to 7 taels of silver bills! In this situation, it's not too difficult, but these bank notes have no money to collect from Datong Yinzhuang, so we can get them back from Yinzhuang?"

"Just go and exchange it! Shaohua still has a series of backhands here! However, when he is redeeming the bank notes, he has to spread rumors more fiercely. Say that the Xu family is going to flee, or that the emperor is going to copy Xu. It's family's home, anyway, how outrageous it is, just pass it on, as long as you can quickly change the money into bank notes."

Du Xing said with a smile: "This is really killing the old Xu family! We are really ruthless."

So, overnight, many cashiers suddenly appeared in the city.First it was a 100% discount on the cash register, but after a day, it became a 75% discount, and it is said that it will continue to drop.Everyone sold the banknotes one after another, and they had to exchange the banknotes for real silver to rest assured!Some people even started to find ways to exchange bank notes!Two days later, the discount for exchanging bank notes dropped to [-]% off, [-]% off! [-] taels of silver can only be exchanged for [-] taels of silver.

And this ratio is still going down!

The limelight is getting worse and worse, and the number of people who accept banknotes is gradually decreasing.In the last [-]% discount, someone wanted to offer a banknote, but at this time, no one dared to accept the banknote.Because five days later, Datong Bank did not open at all!Now, those who still have bank notes in their hands are willing to exchange them with a [-]% discount.

Du Xing cursed: "I knew I would leave some money, so I will accept the ticket at this time."

But Mo Shaohua laughed and said: "We are at the front line, and if we really collect a large amount of money, we have other people to operate it!" Mo Shaohua was talking, and while calculating with an abacus, he said for a long time: "100 million Two taels of cash should be able to exchange for 70 million taels of silver bills! Well, this money is really easy to come by."

"It's time to stop. If the Xu family continues to be killed like this, these banknotes will really become paper. At that time, we will have no place to cry."

Mo Shaohua smiled and said, "Don't worry! Everything is under control."

"It's still under control! Yinzhuang has been closed for eight days, and Chunwei is about to start the exam. Those students who have banknotes but no money to eat, don't even have a place to exchange money. Maybe the court really wants to take the Xu family. punished."


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