Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 107: Turning defeat into victory

"Because..." Amei was stunned, her complexion was as pale as paper, as white as a dead person, "You think the soup I made is not tasty, I explained a few words, and you became angry, and you poisoned me in front of me, Forcing me to drink it, I..."

This reason was so far-fetched that even she herself felt guilty and couldn't continue.

Everyone looked at each other with different expressions.

The little girl sneered, "Am I that stupid? You must know that this medicine is very precious, and a little is worth a thousand gold. If I want to kill someone, I can chop it off with a sword. It's the easiest way, and it doesn't cost money. His little life is not worth the price."

Although the words are rough, they are the truth. [

There is poison on her body, just a little bit of poison is enough to kill someone.

A Mei showed a sad look on her face, and she glanced at Zheng Qiniang in despair.

Zheng Qiniang was lying on the table with her head tilted, her face was snow-white, her eyes were slightly closed, her expression was extremely cold.

This scene is all in the eyes of caring people, and they think about it separately.

A male voice suddenly erupted from the crowd, "It's too much to bully people. They don't treat the servants of our Tie family as human beings. What are you? An outsider..."

Zhuo Ran frowned, his figure moved, as fast as lightning, he caught the speaker out in the blink of an eye, threw him on the ground, and stepped on him.

"Tie Agui, say it again."

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, sweating profusely from fright, his lips trembling.

"Eldest... Eldest young master, I'm just fighting against injustice, why should members of our Tie family be ruined by an outsider?"

Someone jumped out to support, "Eldest young master, Agui is right, no matter how wrong we are, the master will teach us a lesson, and it's not up to a bratty girl to dictate."

Everyone cried out their grievances one after another, as if everyone had been greatly wronged.

The little girl is so speechless, she doesn't know these people, why does it look like she is beating her like a sandbag every day?

There was a smug smile on the corner of Tie Weiyu's mouth, "Brother, they are right, this matter is indeed..."

Let's see how he ends up now?

Zhuo Ran's complexion became worse and worse, and when he stomped heavily, the man screamed like a pig.

"You guys are all the confidantes of the second brother."

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes full of coldness, "Second brother, did you instigate?"

The smile on Tie Weiyu's face froze, and she was shocked, "How is it possible? Brother, don't get me wrong, they..."

Countless thoughts swirled in his mind, but he couldn't find a foolproof excuse, so he could only shout bitterly, "You're fooling around, why don't you back down?" [

Everyone looked at each other and froze for a while, not knowing what to do.

Tie Hai saw it in his eyes, and his heart was heavy. Could it be that brothers crossing the wall will happen in this generation?

One of the servants puffed up his chest and shouted righteously, "Second Young Master, this wind cannot grow, otherwise people outside will think that the Tie family is a softie, and everyone will be bullied."

It sounds like he is all for the reputation of the Tie family, so he refuses to step down, how upright, how defending the lord, how righteous.

Tie Weiyu secretly smiled in his heart, yes, he really won his heart.

He was very embarrassed, "This..."

"Boom." With a loud noise, the unlucky guy who was righteous fell heavily at the gate, falling so badly that countless little stars kept turning in his eyes.

Zhuo Ran brushed the corner of his clothes gracefully, the cloud was calm and breezy, as if the heavy kick just now was not done by him.

Tie Weiyu was furious, "Brother, what are you doing?"

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