Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 112: Turning defeat into victory

The style of the gold hairpin is very novel and unique. The head of the hairpin contains a delicate and round pearl, the size of a thumb, with a bright luster.

Looking at the evidence, Tiehai sighed deeply, "What else do you have to say?"

Zheng Qiniang gritted her teeth and refused to admit it even to death, "The golden hairpin is not mine, nor is the silver."

Hmph, as long as she doesn't recognize her, who would dare to do anything to her?

With the fixed marriage contract between the two families, no one would dare to provoke her. [

The little girl's eyes lit up, and she reached out for the hairpin, "Let me see."

She looked at it for a while, then raised her head to look at Zheng Qiniang, her eyes were very strange.

Zheng Qiniang felt flustered, "What are you looking at?"

This girl has a strange spirit, and her moves are unexpected, making it hard to resist.

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, and handed the golden hairpin over, "It really belongs to the Iron Master."

Zheng Qiniang was stunned for a moment, and then she flew into a rage, "You're bloody, you just took a look and found me guilty, I don't accept it, and there's no words on it, so why do you think it's my thing?"

A cold light flashed in the little girl's eyes, and she was still holding on at this time, so let her expose the truth with her own hands.

"She's a maid, where can she get the money to buy such an expensive golden hairpin?"

Zheng Qiniang couldn't help but sneered, "That doesn't prove anything."

The little girl played with the hairpin and said with a smile, "This gold hairpin is from Baocui Pavilion in the south of the Yangtze River. Such a hairpin is worth 300 taels of silver. I think this girl can't afford to buy this hairpin even if she doesn't eat or drink all her life." hairpin."

She raised her hand, suppressing Zheng Qiniang's eagerness to move.

"And Master Tie's family is rich and powerful, and they are covered with things from Zhucui Pavilion."

Having said that, there is no need to say any more.

But Zheng Qiniang is not afraid of boiling water, so she refuses to admit it, "What Baocui Pavilion? I've never heard of it, so don't try to harm me."

Do not change!The little girl curled her lips, "The pair of jade bracelets in your hand are also from Baocui Pavilion, and so are the earrings, which have his family's secret mark on them."

Every century-old store will have an exclusive secret mark, but most people can't see it or understand it.

Zheng Qiniang was shocked, subconsciously raised her hand and stared at the jade bracelet.

Why didn't she know that Baocui Pavilion had this rule?

Had I known this earlier, I should have brought out other things. [

But her mouth was stiff, "What does this prove? One of my subordinates helped me buy it on the shore. What's bothering you?"

Zhuo Ran slapped the table impatiently, "Little girl, don't talk too much with this kind of person, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will die."

Zheng Qiniang was still holding on, stroking her tearing forehead, refusing to admit it, "Zhuoran, what are you talking about? She poured dirty water on me, and you still help her? There is no distinction between right and wrong, black and white..."

The little girl was completely speechless, why is this person so thick-skinned?

Tie Hai listened for a long time, his face became more and more ugly, and the eyes he looked at Zheng Qiniang became more and more unfriendly, "Enough, Miss Zheng, the facts are all in front of you, I don't allow you to argue, you..."

He hesitated for a moment, he had no control over Zheng Qiniang's affairs, the only way for the master to intervene.

Tie Weiyu watched the play for a long time, and then came out in a leisurely manner, "Uncle Hai, Miss Zheng is delicate and weak, even if she does something wrong, please think about the friendship between the two families and let her go."

Delicate?Everyone looked at each other, very speechless.

Tie Hai looked at him deeply, hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a long sigh, "Do you like her?"

[That's all for today, and I'll continue to fix the bitch tomorrow, Quack. As for the male protagonist, everyone is still arguing. I'll just open a building under the article. If you have anything to say, go express your views.Well, there will still be beautiful men coming out later, so don't rush to bet. 】

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