Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 114: Evil will be rewarded with evil

The little girl was a little surprised, how did this stubborn old man change?

He turned his head, his majestic eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and there was a trace of evil spirit on his face, "The servants of the Tie family will be whipped fifty times, and all the family members will be expelled from the Tie family, and they will never be allowed to return to Fengyun Island."

These people are all involved, and no one can get out.

The servants of the Tie family turned pale with fright, and fell to their knees one by one, reversing their arrogance just now, weeping and crying, "I beg Elder Hai to be merciful, we can't leave the Tie family, the Tie family is our home."

These people grew up in Tie's family, and what they saw and heard did not go outside the scope of Tie's family. [

Where can they go without the Tie family?

No one dared to accept those who were expelled from the Tie family.

There is only one dead end waiting for them.

The world is so big that there is no room for them.

Tie Hai's expression was cold, and he refused to show mercy, "As a member of the Tie family, but colluding with outsiders, the Tie family does not need this kind of servant who eats everything."

If you dare to plot against the guests of the Tie family today, you will dare to plot against the master of the Tie family in the future.

Such future troubles cannot be left behind.

Everyone begged for a long time, but Tie Hai refused to accommodate.

One of the servants, Ah Zhong, looked towards Tie Weiyu and begged silently, but he was expressionless, turning a blind eye and indifferent.

There was a coldness in Ah Zhong's heart, he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "Elder Hai, this is an order from the second young master..."

Before he finished speaking, Weiyu kicked at him, using [-]% of his strength, once he hit the kick, he would die immediately.

"Nonsense, you bunch of dog slaves, you can make up any kind of lies just to survive, so you won't be allowed to stay."

Zhuo Ran had been on guard for a long time, and blocked it with his moves.

"Brother, get out of the way, these people can't stay, they will kill the Tie family."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, and Ah Zhong had a mournful face, with despair in his heart.

The master is too ruthless, he clearly wants to put them to death.

They loyally followed him and worked hard, but in the end, they ended up like this.

Okay, if you are not benevolent, I will be unrighteous.

He jumped up suddenly, pointed at Weiyu and said loudly, "Elder, it is really the second young master's order. We just obeyed the order and cooperated with this scene, not from our original intention."

Since none of them can live, the person who manipulates everything should not think about it.

The big deal is to earn a living and the net is broken.

The others were also disheartened, and jumped out one after another to bite back, "Elder Hai, we dare not disobey the second young master, he is our master, let us go east, we dare not go west."

"Second Young Master, we have been with you for so many years, and we have worked hard without credit."

"Don't drive us away, we are willing to accept the most severe punishment. Elder Hai, as servants, how dare we disobey the second young master's words?"

"Young master, we have no choice but to do so."

Tie Hai's face was as dark as black charcoal, extremely ugly to see.

The little girl watched with cold eyes, disdainful in her heart.

I knew it was the two of them teaming up to harm her, but it's a pity that the level is not enough and they are not her opponents.

It's just this vicious intention that made her hate it very much.

Zhuo Ran sighed silently, and touched Xiao Ya's head, fortunately she was safe and sound, fortunately she was alive and kicking.

Otherwise, he didn't know what crazy things he would do.

All the blood in Weiyu's body rushed to his face, and his head was swollen with pain. "That's enough, drag them all out, beat them with fifty lashes, and then throw them into the sea to feed the sharks."

A group of dead slaves betrayed their master.

He is their master, and he lives when he wants them to live, and dies when he wants them to die.

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