Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 129: The Flower Pickering Trouble

The green robe bowed respectfully, "This servant is just telling the truth, if what I say is wrong, please punish Elder Hai."

Not a word of what she said was directly against him, but he was already charged.

Tie Weiyu's chest hurts, and he defended repeatedly, "I didn't do that kind of thing, I don't lack women around me, I..."

The little girl couldn't help but interjected, "Tsk tsk, stealing is more fragrant, and wild flowers are not as fragrant as house flowers, but you are too cheap to bully a sick and weak woman. Ruined."

She smiled happily, but she didn't notice that Tie Zhuoran was staring at her closely, especially when he said that home flowers don't smell like wild flowers, his eyes were even more weird. [

Tie Weiyu was mad, his face flushed, "It's you... yes, it's you, you framed me..."

Otherwise, how could such a small incident become such a big mess?

The little girl scowled and stared at him, "I dragged you into their room? I left the jade pendant there? Did I order you to play cheap?"

Each sentence was more violent than the other, carrying incomparable contempt and indifference, smashing the iron dick all over his head.

"you you……"

Tiehai sighed inwardly, and said gently to Lvyi, "Go back, take good care of Miss Zheng, and if you need anything, just ask someone to come to me."

"Yes." Green Yi saluted respectfully and left quietly.

Tie Weiyu stomped her feet anxiously, "Uncle Hai, I didn't... I really went to see a patient. No matter what, I got to know her once... I can't be too ruthless."

Tie Hai's expression turned cold, "You don't have to tell me."

Tie Weiyu had never seen such coldness before, and his heart was pounding.

"Uncle Hai, you are our elder, I don't want you to misunderstand."

Tie Hai pointed at the silent Zhuo Ran, "This is a family matter of the Tie family. Your elder brother is here, and everything is up to him."

He is just the Patriarch's guard, not the real direct line of the Tie family, so he can't control major issues.

Everyone respected the Patriarch, so they looked up to him a few times, and wanted him to help say good things, he knew this.

He is not the master of the Tie family, some things are out of his turn.

Tie Weiyu's face changed drastically, she was shocked.

Did he treat himself as an outsider?

Completely lost his favor?

"Uncle Hai, you are my most respected elder, your words..."

Tie Hai waved his hands, a little tired, "Zhuoran, you can figure it out."

He dropped this sentence, turned around and left, despite Tie Weiyu's repeated attempts to persuade him to stay and ignored him.

The tall figure exuded an inexplicably disheartened atmosphere.

Tie Weiyu was in a panic, and cried out with a mournful face, "Brother, I..."

Tie Zhuoran glanced at him indifferently, "In order to avoid spreading rumors, don't step into the house where Miss Zheng lives in the future, and try to limit the scope of your activities. Cultivate your heart and mind."

Although the tone was light, it was worse than scolding.

Tie Weiyu refused to admit it, her heart was full of resentment and injustice.

"I did nothing wrong."

It was someone else who was wrong, and Bai Xiaoya must have colluded with those three women to frame him.

It must be so, yes.

Women are all bad things.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help but his teeth were cold, "Whether I did something wrong, my father has the final say."

Too cold, too ruthless.

There is nothing to talk to him about. In this world, he is only afraid of his father, and he doesn't care about anyone else.

Tie Weiyu was scared now, and begged in a low voice, "Brother, there is no need to report such trivial matters to father..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhuo Ran left with Xiaoya in his arms.

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