seasick?The corner of Tie Hai's mouth twitched. After two months of boating, did he finally get seasick?It's too ridiculous.

He turned his head and took a look at Zhuo Ran, ha, this kid is so calm, he didn't even turn his head or take a look.

Really cruel!

It's just that this cruelty is aimed at myself!

Passionate and empty hatred since ancient times! [

He was inexplicably sad, and before he could think about it, he smiled, "You're still young, and you've been drinking for a few days, Zhuo Ran, you look good, but I can't, I'm an old bone, and my energy is weak .”

His voice was loud and loud, and he didn't know who he was trying to tell.

Zhuo Ran looked at the deep sea, his face was expressionless, his figure was a little stiff, and his voice was dry, "Uncle Hai is always strong, one is worth two."

Tie Weiyu's eyes flashed, and he raised his eyebrows, but he didn't speak.

learn from mistakes.

He knew that he couldn't take advantage of what he said, so he might as well not get involved in this trouble.

But, when she got to the Tie family's territory, she would be dead.

Now that the eldest brother has fallen out with her, how arrogant is she?

Tie Hai laughed out loud, this kid can coax people.But why can't he coax this little girl?

Forget it, let's help them out.

If there is no shelter on the island, life will be very hard.

After getting along these days, I can be considered to know this girl quite well. Although she has a bad temper, she is kind-hearted and extremely open-minded. She is a good woman.

Besides getting along day and night, naturally there is a bit of affection.

"By the way, Zhuo Ran, don't you have something to say to Miss Bai?"

Without looking back, Zhuo Ran said flatly, "I have nothing to say."

The little girl stared at his back fiercely, and scolded him countless times in her heart, did he really take it seriously?Just ignore her and ignore her?

An evil fire surged into my heart, and I yelled hard, "I don't care to listen."

Zhuo Ran's back froze, but he never looked back.

Tiehai looked at this and that, hesitating to speak. [

What are you arguing about?

Zhuo Ran's mouth was tight, no matter how much he inquired about it, he didn't reveal the news.

Tie Weiyu's surprised cry interrupted the silence, "Hey, it's Father, he came to pick us up in person?"

It's weird, it's unprecedented.

As the head of the Tie family with the highest status, only his father, the old head of the Tie family, has the qualification to let him greet him personally.

But what happened today?

Did you come to pick him up?

When I think of this, I am extremely excited.

Tie Hai rushed forward, his eyes widened, hey, really, that group of people were waiting on the pier, and the leader was Tie Zhongtang, the Patriarch of the Tie Family.

Zhuo Ran also saw it, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Xiao Ya squinted her eyes and looked for a long time, but she was a little disappointed that she didn't see the familiar figure.

Is he not on the island?

Still don't know she's coming?

Tie Weiyu did something wrong, felt guilty in her heart, bowed again and again, and begged in a low voice, "Brother, Uncle Hai, please be merciful. Weiyu thanked you here first."

Before they could answer, he bowed down, not giving the other party any room to refuse.

The little girl curled her lips in disdain, "A coward who doesn't take responsibility."

Can she get rid of herself completely by playing some unscrupulous tricks?

Dare to do but not admit it, only to be looked down upon.

As the boat got closer and closer to the pier, the silhouettes of those people became more and more distinct, and human voices could be faintly heard.

Tie Hai was so excited that he walked to the bow and waved his arms desperately.

Tie Zhuoran also walked over, ignoring the little girl behind him.

The little girl rolled her eyes angrily, what a stinking man. [

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