A scent came, she sniffled, it smells so good, what is it?

She immediately forgot everything, lost her mind, her eyes wandered to and fro, looking for that scent.

Old Man Tie froze for a moment, his gaze fell on his grandson.

A maid came in with a tray and put all kinds of snacks in front of the little girl, "Miss Bai, please use."

Xiao Ya was overjoyed, picked up a piece of red bean cake that was still warm and took a bite, it was really delicious. [

She was moved to tears, good man.

"Thank you sister, you are so considerate."

The maid was overwhelmed by flattery, but she didn't dare to be greedy for credit, "It's the young master's order, you fill your belly first, and dinner will be ready soon."

The little girl's movements stopped, was it his order?

How did he know she was hungry?

Did he know that she didn't eat in the morning?

Zhuo Ran's faint voice came, "I just don't want to starve the guests and lose the Tie family's way of hospitality."

The little girl's heart was moved, as if a basin of cold water had been poured over her head, she put on a pretty face, "Understood, I won't misunderstand, you don't need to explain so nervously, you are the host, I am the guest, understand."

Two in a row understood, the tone was very cold.

Zhuo Ran felt sad, but there was nothing he could do.

Old Man Tie glanced at his grandson, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Young people who are caught in love are all hot-headed and lose their composure when things happen.

Even the most free and unrestrained eldest grandson is not exempt from customs.

Ask what is love in the world, only teach life and death?

"It's really rare for a kid like Zhuoran to be duplicity."

Zhuo Ran flushed with embarrassment, "Grandpa."

Old Man Tie wanted to help his grandson, and joked with a smile, "Little girl, your brother Zhuoran is shy."

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, shy?Outstanding?

She sneaked a glance, ha, his face was so red, and he tried to calm down, but no matter how he looked at him, he felt uncomfortable, and he didn't even know how to let his hands and feet go.

Somehow, she couldn't help laughing. [

Grandpa Tie is right, brother Zhuo Ran is duplicity, he obviously cares about her very much, but he still pretends to be indifferent, isn't it hard work?

Tie Zhongyu also helped to beat the side drum, "Zhuoran, be generous, Xiaoya is not an outsider."

Let's make up soon, I've been awkward all day long, seeing my nephew's expressionless face is not pleasing to the eye.

If you have anything, go for it and grab it if you like it.

The corner of Zhuo Ran's mouth twitched, the two of them were really serious, it was overwhelming.

The little girl blushed and buried herself in eating her snacks.

Counting down on Uncle Tie in my heart, I don't look at any occasion, and say anything.

Seeing that Tie Zhongyu opened her mouth, she wanted to say more, but she rushed to the front, "Second Uncle, where is your precious daughter, Sister Xueyan? I've heard you mention it all the time, she has been famous for a long time, and I want to see her very much."

When mentioning the only daughter, Tie Zhongyu's face was soft,

"I don't know where that wild girl has gone, like a child who can't grow up, she runs out every day."

The little girl's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "Then I'll see you even more, I can't stand the gentle lady of everyone."

Now that she sees that kind of gentle and gentle girl, she has a headache.

Tie Zhongyu secretly wondered, why does this girl always focus on the word gentle, does it cause her some kind of taboo?

Zhuo Ran understood, and smiled wryly.

Where did she think of going?

He doesn't like anything gentle or not.

The only person he cared about was her.

It's a pity that she is not rare!

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