Tie Weiyu's eyes flashed, and there was a glint of coldness, "Miss Zheng's secret heart is the elder brother, she just wants to marry him, a gentleman does not take what others like, but Weiyu is ignorant, and dare not take a woman who is a sibling."

He pushed the matter away, and even dragged Zhuo Ran into the water.

He didn't really like Zheng Qiniang in the first place, but he just wanted to use her influence.

But now the desolate phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. Zheng Qiniang, who was once invincible, was defeated by Bai Xiaoya, and ended up unable to survive or die.

He despises such a useless woman. [

Instead, he pushed Zheng Qiniang into the elder brother's arms, so that the two could be separated and the father's situation was broken.

Zhuo Ran didn't seem to hear it, holding the Nine Dragons Jade Cup with his slender fingers, watching the nine golden dragons looming in the wine, sipping the wine slowly.

Elegant and calm, a gentleman in troubled times.

Xiao Ya sneaked a glance at him, but couldn't see what he was thinking, so she could only roll her eyes in her heart.

Hmph, ignore me, let you ignore me.

Grandpa Tie put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at the second grandson carefully, his eyes flashed, "Second, you are getting more and more sensible."

Weiyu was overjoyed, it was the first time his grandfather, who had always been indifferent to him, praised him, and he praised him in front of so many people, it was too much face.

"Thank you grandpa for the compliment, this is Weiyu's duty."

Tie Weishui lowered his head, hiding the sneer from the corner of his mouth.

Stupid as a pig, this is an irony, but he actually took it seriously, so stupid.

Old Man Tie shook his head secretly in his heart. Although the boss had many children, they were not of high quality, and few of them could catch his eye.

It's a pity that the second child has only one daughter under his knees. The two brothers are going to two extremes.

One is too passionate, the other is too ruthless.

Tie Weiyu was still modestly expressing his gratitude, talking a lot of nonsense.

Just when everyone was getting impatient, he changed his tone, "However, this marriage should also be set for a good date, don't delay it any longer, everyone is waiting to drink the wedding wine of big brother, don't you think?"

Miss Tie Er was the first to come out to respond, smiling very happily, "Yes, Miss Zheng and Big Brother are both talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven, and others are envious."

Miss Tie Si glanced at her elder brother, pursed her lips, and said with a smile, "Brother, congratulations on your good fortune. You will embrace the two in one year and give birth to the eldest grandson for the Tie family as soon as possible."

Tie Weiyu was a little surprised, these two people rarely agreed with him, what happened today?

But after thinking about it, I figured it out. [

"That's right, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. While grandpa is present, why don't you ask grandpa to personally set a date for this marriage?"

He was extremely enthusiastic, as if he was organizing a wedding by himself, wishing he could do everything himself and get married tomorrow.

Xiao Wu clapped his hands and smiled brightly, "That's a great idea, Second Brother is really smart."

One word from you, one word from me, and the matter will be finalized soon, as if the schedule has been stopped, and there is no room for turning around.

The little girl looked up from the delicious food, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

This group of people, can we change the occasion to calculate?

This will give her indigestion.

Annoyed in my heart, I kicked it with my foot.

The soup in Zhuo Ran's mouth spewed out, and he looked over in confusion, why did you kick him?He did nothing and said nothing.

The little girl kicked out again, idiot, stupid pig, what kind of soup do you want to drink, if you don't object, you will be betrayed by these wolf cubs.

Zhuo Ran had an innocent face, as if he had nothing to do with him.

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