Tie Zhongtang smiled slightly, "Miss Zheng, what do you want to say?"

Zheng Qiniang glanced at Zhuo Ran affectionately, blushed, and lowered her head shyly, "Let uncle decide everything."

She didn't know how the situation turned out like this, but relying on her intuition from years of rolling in the sea, she desperately seized this opportunity.

Perhaps this is her last chance.

Xiao Ya's body trembled, goose bumps all over her body. [

It's disgusting.

The corner of Tie Zhongtang's mouth twitched, and a smile appeared, "Zhuoran, what's your opinion?"

Zhuo Ran remained expressionless, still saying, "I won't marry her."

If he doesn't want to marry, no one can force him.

Zheng Qiniang's eyes turned red, tears welled up, she shed tears of grievance, she looked like a little girl who had been wronged but dared not speak.

The second lady frowned and rushed to speak, "It's ridiculous. You have been together on the boat for several months, and her reputation has long been ruined. If she doesn't marry you, who else can she marry? Otherwise, you will only have to commit suicide."

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, what is this woman farting?

There are so many people on board, and they are not alone, why should brother Zhuo Ran be responsible?

If that's the case, Zheng Qiniang would have married at least a few thousand times.

A pirate leader, who deals with men all day long, has long since disregarded his reputation, and is looking for short-sightedness?it's so funny.

Zhuo Ran's eyebrows twitched, he was obviously displeased, and his tone was rather cold, "It's not just the two of us."

The second lady put on a straight face, raised her willow eyebrows, and scolded angrily like an elder teaching a junior, "Young Master, a girl's reputation is as high as the sky, you can't do something like that..."

Xiaoya couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Puchi, it's really interesting."

I have never seen such an outrageous thing. She is just a concubine of the Tie family, not even a serious master, and she actually lectures the eldest grandson of the Tie family in public.

It's so ridiculous.

However, the Tie family all acted like they were used to it. Could it be that this woman often lectured Brother Zhuo Ran like this?Is no one in charge?

Thinking of this made her furious.

The second lady didn't know what she was thinking, and she added fuel to the flames, "This is our housework, outsiders should not interfere." [

The anger in Xiaoya's heart surged up, "The concubine's room of the Tie family is too unruly, it will make people laugh if it spreads."

She turned her face to the eldest lady, mocking lightly, "Mrs. Tie, can't you manage the inner courtyard well?"

It's not a good thing at all, so she is not polite, she will stab anyone she meets.

All of them have secret plans and fight for power and profit, and none of them are good.

Originally, even Dou Potian was none of her business, and she didn't have the habit of meddling in other people's affairs.

But they absolutely shouldn't, shouldn't have dragged her into the water, and they shouldn't have plotted against Brother Zhuo Ran.

If you don't give them some flair, they won't restrain themselves.

These words were like ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, stabbing the hearts of countless people, not only the eldest lady's face was extremely ugly, but the second lady's face was even more ashen and convulsed violently.

"What did you say?"

Miss Tie even jumped up, blushing and shouting angrily, "Presumptuous."

The others all had fierce eyes, wishing they could come up and shoot her to death.

The little girl was not afraid, she spread her hands calmly, looking very indifferent.

"Where did I say wrong? The biggest task of a wife is to manage the backyard well. If you don't obey discipline, you will be beaten up, or you will sell your feet. Who dares to mess around? Now it's a mess of wives and concubines. , It’s a mess, it’s really embarrassing.”

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