Old Man Tie frowned, a little curious, "Not convinced?"

In the past few years of resting and resting, my temper has long been smoothed out, and the determination and hostility are missing from my body.

If it was a few years earlier, he would have stared back with a straight face, scaring the crap out of these juniors.

Now, I have long looked down on everything.

Miss Tie's heart was beating fast, and she was terrified, but she insisted on continuing, "This is our housework. As a guest, Miss Bai speaks wild words, why does grandpa still help her?"

What world is this?

The mother and daughter worked hard, kept a low profile, and were careful in everything, so they could gain a firm foothold in this family.

Her father's flirtatious and affectionate nature made her have countless younger siblings, and she tried her best to please her father every day, so that no one dared to despise her.

Originally, I thought that such a day was not bad, no matter how hard it was, she still had a beautiful appearance. She is the eldest daughter of the first generation, her status is noble, and no one can match her.

But this girl appeared, frank and unrestrained, daring to love and hate, acting unscrupulously, like a ball of flame, illuminating the whole world.

But it reveals the sadness and darkness of the women of the Tie family.

Some people are born to be God's darlings. They don't have to do anything, but they have to do everything.

Just like this little girl Bai, who somehow got lucky, not only won her father's favor and endless tolerance, but also got the love of her grandpa who never cared about worldly affairs.

For her, even making exceptions again and again.

This kind of pampering is the first time for the Tie family.

She is just an outsider surnamed Bai, but she is more favored than any young lady in the Tie family.

What is this for?

She couldn't figure it out, really, a thousand or ten thousand couldn't figure it out.

Old Man Tie took a deep look at her, "What did she say wrong?"

Miss Tie glared at Xiaoya viciously, and said plausibly, "What you said is not true. It is normal for wives and concubines to fight in groups, and it is also normal for them to fight. My mother has worked hard all these years, and she has given everything for this family, but she got such a reward." I don't agree with the evaluation."

In fact, what she wants to do the most is to rush up and slap the little girl twice to drive her out of Fengyun Island.

It's a pity she didn't dare!

Old Man Tie stroked his long beard, thoughtfully, "Then do you think your mother did the right thing? There's nothing wrong with it?"

"This..." The eldest lady was stunned for a moment, and frowned slightly, "My mother's biggest mistake is that she is too kind, she shouldn't be so kind to people, she is too kind to people, and that's why those ungrateful things come to the end Show off your might." [

Xiaoya picked up the teacup and took a sip, the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a faint smile.

Kind?Why didn't she look?

If she can teach such a narrow-minded daughter who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, the mother will not be any better.

Zhuo Ran watched with cold eyes, as if he was an irrelevant theatergoer, and leisurely tossed the oranges for fun.

A bunch of silly women, what's there to argue about?

What if you win?

The eldest lady's words stabbed the hearts of many people at the same time, and the second lady jumped up with a flushed face, "Who are you talking about? Who is the one who doesn't wink?"

She is the daughter of a concubine, and she is born three points lower than the first daughter of the eldest lady, and she can't compete everywhere.

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Second sister, why are you so excited? I'm not talking about you."

She couldn't deal with this little bai, but she could easily control the younger sister below.

"You..." Second Miss blushed angrily, suddenly turned her head and glared at Xiaoya angrily.

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