Tie Weiyu's statue was struck by lightning, and he went into a frenzy, "Father, I won't marry her."

How could this be?

Why did the father arrange this?

Tie Zhongtang gave him a cold look, "The marriage of children is up to the parents, so you can't say no."

Seeing his indifferent eyes, Tie Weiyu shivered all over, feeling terrified and uneasy. [

Father doesn't seem to have any deep meaning?

Did he know what happened that night?So make him responsible?

But he didn't take advantage of anything, so why did he marry her?

She is not an innocent and decent daughter, what good is she hanging out with men all day long?

Now that his strength has been greatly weakened, it is not enough to help him.

But in front of his father, these words could not be uttered anyway.

The second wife was so anxious that she would not want this pirate to be her daughter-in-law even if she was killed.

She bit her lip, and persuaded softly, "Husband, discuss it slowly, let's not rush to make a decision."

Tie Zhongtang said flatly, "He's not young anymore, and he's still so fraught. Let's get married first, maybe it can suppress his temper."

This son can't become a master, but he has no self-knowledge, jumping up and down all day long, thinking of himself as the boss.

The second lady's eyes rolled, and she was sweating profusely, and finally came up with an upright reason, "Zhuo Ran is the eldest son, he is not married yet, the brothers below should not surpass him, it is against the rules."

The corner of Tie Zhongtang's mouth twitched, a little sarcastically, "Our Tie family doesn't have so many rules, I think this is very good, so let's do it this way."

His words are the imperial decree, the king's order, who dares to object?

Everyone silently accepted the fact.

But he was in doubt, wondering the deep meaning behind this order.

What does it mean?

Why let the second son marry Miss Zheng?

They joined forces to deal with Tie Zhuoran just now, but they couldn't succeed.

Is this move a silent warning and beating from the owner? [

The little girl sighed secretly, her mind was clear and she could see clearly.

Just because I can see clearly, I feel more and more sad, and feel worthless for Zhuo Ran.

This man is like a mirror in his heart, he knows everything, but he doesn't say anything, he watches everyone's performance coldly, and only makes the most suitable decision.

He knew that Zhuo Ran was in a difficult situation in this family and was rejected by others, but he didn't care about anything and let things develop freely.

What kind of father is this?

The second lady wanted to ask again, but seeing his face sinking like water, she didn't dare to say a word.

This man's heart is harder than iron and stone, she already knew it, how dare she hit an egg on a rock?

Zheng Qiniang suddenly scrambled and rushed to Patriarch Tie's side, and kept kowtowing until her head was broken, "I beg for mercy from Mr. Tie."

Old Man Tie looked down from above, frowning slightly, "What? You don't want to marry into our Tie family? Our Tie family is not in your eyes?"

It could be seen that he didn't have a good impression of Zheng Qiniang, and his tone was a little impatient.

Zheng Qiniang shuddered, and carefully considered, "The Tie family is the first family in the sea, and Qiniang was lucky enough to marry in, but I am..."

The little girl interrupted coolly, "Just now you said that everything is up to uncle."

Zheng Qiniang was dumbfounded, and then remembered the scene just now, but at that time she thought she would definitely marry Tie Zhuoran, so...

She had unspeakable suffering, and she wept silently, "I..."

Tie Zhongtang smiled slightly, very graceful and luxurious, "Young people, you have a thin skin, so it's settled. One month later, our Tie family will have a big wedding, and it must be very lively. Ma'am, thank you for your hard work. "

【I’m here today, what a joy, quack, Zheng Qiniang and Tie Laoer shot themselves in the foot with a stone, they deserve it, dears, remember to support them.Prince Mu, where did you get off, come out quickly, if you want a special way to appear, is there any? 】

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