Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 172: Prince Mu is finally here

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed drastically, and there was an uproar.

Everyone in the Tie family couldn't believe their ears. Is he announcing the heir?And this heir is Tie Zhuoran?

It was too sudden, so sudden that it was unacceptable.

You must know that Tie Zhongtang has kept silent on this issue for the past twenty years, so that everyone's hearts are wild, and they are all eager to move about that seat.

The courtiers also bowed to the top of the mountain and voted for the master, hoping to hold the master to the top and get a great contribution. [

As the members of the Tie family got older and the situation became more and more chaotic, the heroes stood side by side, doing their own thing, and there was a wave of supporters under them, fighting openly and secretly, and never stopped.

But suddenly, Tie Zhongtang spoke. He chose his eldest son as his successor, and there was no room for maneuver.

what is this?

Years of hard work for nothing?

In the end, working hard to make wedding dresses for others?

Zhuo Ran raised his eyebrows, a little curious, a little confused, but also calm, as if he was no one else.

He didn't intend to do this at first, but what Tie Weiyu did made him change his mind.

Only when you have power in your hands can you protect all the people you want to protect and live the life you want to live.

Tie Weiyu's face turned blue, and she was the first to jump out to express her dissatisfaction, "Father, do you decide to let eldest brother be the future head of the family?"


He was the first to refuse!

Tie Zhongtang's expression was deep, and he looked at him with stern and cold eyes, "That's right, he is the most qualified to establish a long life."

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, Uncle Tie is also a talent, so he just said brightly, Xiaoer, it's none of your business, go away.

Tie Weiyu was in a hurry, his forehead was full of sweat, "Father, you can't be so hasty, in the future... you will regret it..."

How can you do this?

What's wrong with him?

The eldest brother just took advantage of his age, where else is he better than himself?

Why choose him and not me?That was the only thought on his mind.

Tie Zhongtang's face turned cold, extremely majestic, and there was a faint murderous look in the corners of his eyes. [

"I've made up my mind. From now on, you all have to obey his orders and don't be presumptuous."

Tie Weiyu was angry and anxious, listen to me, he is the future Patriarch, he will not take orders from others, he wants to be the unique superior.

"Father, I object."

"Papa" two slaps came over, and Weiyu was stunned, infatuated, and stunned.

Father hit him?

Endless grievances came to his heart, like ants gnawing at his heart, painful and tangled.

Although his father has high martial arts skills and is cruel and ruthless to the enemy, he has always been tolerant to his family and never beat his wife and children.

But today was an exception, he became the first child to be beaten.

Tie Zhongtang looked at him coldly, without a trace of emotion, "Take Tie Weiyu and lock him in a small black room for ten days. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter, and no food or drink is allowed. .”


Tie Weiyu didn't care about being wronged, shrank her shoulders in shock, "Father, I was wrong."

That small dark room is not a place for people to stay, it is so dark that the sky cannot be seen, and if you don't eat or drink for ten days, you will be very miserable.

He would rather be beaten than enter that kind of crappy place.

The second lady also blushed anxiously, she was very angry in her heart, but she didn't dare to explode, and begged in a low voice, "Husband, Weiyu is in a hurry, so don't be angry with him..."

Tie Zhongtang raised his eyebrows, showing a cruel smile, "Is he in a hurry? Why is he in a hurry? Want to be the Patriarch?"

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