Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 182: Yong'er, follow me to Zhang Family

"We grew up together and have a deep relationship. Don't hurt your relationship because of a man. It's not worth it."

The little girl almost laughed out loud, this woman defeated her with such means?

It seems that not only is there something wrong with her eyes, but also Mu Jinmo's eyesight.

"how come?"

Ye Yu was stunned, with a hint of joy on her face, "Then sister Yong'er is not angry with me anymore? I knew you were the most generous and would not care about my sisters." [

The corner of the little girl's mouth curled up, showing a mocking smile, "Where are my sisters, I only have one brother and two cousins."

Seeing that dazzling smile, Ye Yuning's expression froze, "Yong'er, we once said that we want to be the best sisters..."

What do you mean?

Don't you think of her as your own family anymore?

So he won't tolerate her infinitely?

As soon as he thought of it, he shivered, like a basin of ice water poured over his head, chilling to the bone.

The little girl looked at her coldly, "People's hearts are changeable, isn't it? Auntie, don't call me sister or sister anymore, I don't like it."

best sister?She talked all sweet words, plotted against her secretly, and stabbed her severely at the critical moment. She couldn't bear such a sister, and she couldn't afford it either.

Even though he can forget many things, the pain of being betrayed, no matter how long it takes, is still a scar on his heart.

Ye Yuning was taken aback, and looked at her carefully, looking again and again.

"Yong'er, you still hate me, why don't I give him back to you?"

One of the purposes of her trip is to seek Yong'er's understanding, so that her relationship can be restored.

Of course, it is impossible for a man to give it back to her. What she wants is the best of both worlds. She takes up all the good things. She wants fame and power, but also wants to regain the love and tolerance of those people.

Xiaoya couldn't help laughing, why bother to test her?

How could Ye Yuning let go of the man whom Ye Yuning worked so hard to acquire?

Besides, even if it was returned to her, she would not want it.

"I'm not a junk picker. If you like it, just take it."

Ye Yuning's mouth was crooked with anger, her face was red and her ears were red, and she was trembling all over.

It's too much, she is saying that she only gives her what she doesn't want. [

Is there such a thing as bullying?

These words also reached Mu Jinmo's ears, and there was a stabbing pain in his heart, his feet slipped, he made a masterful move, and he was stabbed in the arm by Zhuoran's sword, blood oozing out.

Fortunately, Zhuo Ran didn't want his life, so he temporarily withdrew some strength and went back with only minor injuries.

But the situation changed, and Mu Jinmo was at a disadvantage, retreating step by step, his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with indescribable pain.

Yong'er's words kept echoing in his ears, like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

He is a registered disciple of Yaowanggu, and he has some experience in using poison. His martial arts was taught by Ah Jiu himself.

And Tie Zhuoran was concentrating on martial arts without distractions, so he was naturally superior.

But both of them are preoccupied, distracted frequently, and often show flaws. It is not easy for one side to win.

In the shadow of swords and swords, the two were frequently injured and the thrill was no less than a life-and-death contest.

Everyone watched intently, with different expressions.

Ye Yuning turned pale with fright, and shouted nervously, "Amo, be careful, Tie Zhuoran, don't go too far, if he makes a mistake, you can't afford to walk around."

Unknowingly, her words revealed a sense of arrogance, domineering and arrogant.

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