Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 184: Yong'er, follow me to Zhang Family

The back seat of Yiguo is not for ordinary people. Yong Er, who is ignorant and knows how to play all day long, is not worthy of sitting in that position, and not worthy of standing beside Jin Mo.

Tie Zhongyu rolled her eyes to the sky, this girl is very smart, but she was misled by her cleverness.

She thinks she is smart and can play tricks quietly, but there are people out there, there are people out there, and there are many people who are smarter than her, and they all see through her shady thoughts, who will treat her sincerely?

People value self-knowledge, she thinks she is better than Yong'er in everything, but forgets that there is no Bai family, no Xiaoya, Yaowang Valley is just an ordinary place.

He may have a detached status in the arena, but in the court and the harem, he is nothing at all, [

No one would like a woman from the rivers and lakes to be a princess, and would not choose a concubine with such a background. Her background was destined to make it impossible to aspire to the post, or even enter that circle.

If it weren't for the Bai family, she wouldn't even be able to enter the palace.

It's a pity that she still can't see through this point, she thinks too much of herself, she is conceited about her peerless beauty, she has both talents and looks, and she can reach the sky in one step.

She was still wishful thinking there, her heart was higher than the sky, but her life was thinner than paper.

He could only sigh, "There are some things that don't need to be said clearly, it's useless to say more."

What's the use of being beautiful?If the heart is not correct, no matter how beautiful it is, it is in vain.

It's a pity that such an outstanding person as the master of the medicine king has such a wicked daughter.

Ye Yuning was startled and puzzled, his attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away shocked her.

"Did Sister Yong'er say something? Did you misunderstand? Uncle Tie, I am sincere to everyone, and I don't want to see anyone hurt. No matter who it is, I hope she is well."

She desperately expressed her feelings, hoping to get the other party's understanding.

Although she doesn't like the Tie family, the Tie family's financial resources are extraordinary, and the gifts they send to Medicine King Valley every year are very valuable and precious, and everything is a treasure that is hard to find in the world.

Tie Zhongyu looked at this extremely beautiful girl with regret on his face.

"Being comprehensive is a skill, but it is also a fatal flaw."

In comparison, innocent and cute, kind-hearted, daring to love and hate, clear-minded, but sometimes mischievous, the little girl who loves to pinch people is more destined for him.

This is a living person, a person who can laugh, make trouble, and hurt.

Ye Yuning's eyes turned red, as if she had been greatly wronged, "Sister Yong'er, explain to Second Uncle Tie for me, I really never thought of taking Brother Mu away, it was him... couldn't help it..."

Xiaoya was so disgusted that she snatched everything away, and said she hadn't thought about it, and asked her to help explain.

explain what?Explain how she went to great lengths to seduce men?

Can't help it, you ghost, don't disgust her. [

She raised her head and shouted loudly, "Brother, your beauty has been wronged, she is crying and dying, come and comfort her."

Ye Yuning was messed up in the wind, as if she had eaten shit, her face turned green.

She is so hateful, how can she say that?

I am the most general woman, how can I die or live?

Mu Jinmo's body was shaken, and the long sword in his hand almost flew out. He hurriedly defended, "She is not mine."

The little girl pursed her lips, and said with a half-smile, "People have already said that you can't help falling in love with her, so let me not pester you. Don't worry, no matter how stupid or idiot I am, I won't recycle waste."

Mu Jinmo's face changed when he heard the words, and his heart ached like a twist, "Yong'er."

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