Jisheng slipped and almost fell, you brat!

Everyone burst into laughter, and the laughter spread far and far.

Ji Sheng's cheeks were hot, feeling so ashamed.

The faces of the Japanese pirates turned blue even more, and they were so dejected that they dared not see anyone.

Zhuo Ran burst out laughing, "Hahaha, this is a loser trying to save himself some face, don't talk about it, how embarrassing it is."[

What he said seemed to be righteous and awe-inspiring, but the joke in it couldn't be hidden.

Xiao Ya was speechless, "What face do losers want? What an idiot."

"You can't say that, everyone needs face, even the losers need it."

Ji Sheng couldn't take it anymore, so he quickened his pace, looking like he was running away in despair.

These people are too hateful, hum, one day, he will make a comeback.

The little girl has long since lost sight of those Japanese pirates, and these people are not worth her troubles.

Her eyes fell on the motionless Ye Yuning, she seemed to be greatly stimulated, she was in a daze, silent, and did not respond at all.

She yelled inwardly that she was not good, she must have been frightened.

Also, the humiliation suffered in public just now is unacceptable to any woman.

She winked at Mu Jinmo, asked him to take care of him, and said a few words of comfort.

At this time, the tenderness of the sweetheart is the most useful.

Mu Jinmo turned his head away, ignored it, and stood by.

It was because of this woman that he and Yong'er's happy marriage was ruined, and he felt resentful, so why would he go forward to inquire and care?

The little girl was stunned, no way, so heartless?

"Master Mu, you brought him here, and you are responsible for bringing him back safely."

If it wasn't for his intentional or unintentional connivance, would Ye Yuning be able to get to where she is today?

Now, with a spread of hands, she pushed everything cleanly and blamed others, and she became the most innocent person.

Where in the world is there such a thing?

From her point of view, both of them are responsible for this matter, and a bowl cannot be touched. [

If he hadn't hooked up and made promises, things wouldn't have come to this point.

Mu Jinmo rolled her eyes and dismissed it.

"It's not that I asked her to come, she insisted on following. If something goes wrong, can you blame me? It's not a three-year-old kid who doesn't understand anything."

After today, it is more and more impossible for him to marry her. ,

A woman who is humiliated in public, not innocent, will only tarnish his reputation.

The little girl was dumbfounded, and felt chills, "You are too ruthless, don't you have any responsibility?"

It's so ridiculous, if Ye Yuning is determined not to follow her before going out to sea, can she still cling to her?

Excuses, all excuses.

Mu Jinmo sighed, "Yong'er, it's no fun arguing over such a person."

The little girl was furious, her face flushed red, she turned her head and left.

After taking two steps, he hesitated for a moment, then turned his head to look over, and saw Ye Yuning's expression was dull, like an old woman who had been weather-beaten, feeling an inexplicable soreness in her heart.

She walked back, pulled off her cloak, and put it on Ye Yuning.

Ye Yuning seemed to be frightened, and screamed uncontrollably, "Ahhh, let me go, help me."

Xiaoya was taken aback and took a few steps back.

Mu Jinmo frowned, "What happened to her?"

What's crazy?

Almost frightened Yong'er.

Old Man Tie took a closer look at her and sighed deeply, "It seems that she has been too stimulated and lost her mind. Alas, what she needs most at this time is the care of her family and friends. Take care of her patiently."

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