Zhuo Ran rubbed her head, grinning from ear to ear, "It's never over? Well, it's never over for a lifetime."

I can't ask for it!

It's so disgusting, Coral, who was hiding outside and eavesdropping, shook her head unbearably, touched her arm, and got goosebumps.

But it looks so happy.

Really enviable! [

She also really wants to have a man who fights and loves each other.

Xiaoya is an actionist, since she agreed to Coral, she acted immediately.

After inquiring about Jian Yu's situation, she was surprised to find that many things happened when she was sick.

Zheng Qiniang was rescued by her subordinates taking advantage of the chaos. This was beyond everyone's expectations, but it was also reasonable.

But Tie Weiyu's mother and son begged Tie Zhongtang to chase him back, but they were blocked outside, and they didn't even see each other.

Ye Yuning's madness worsened, she was in disarray, and needed to drink a lot of bitter medicine every day.

Hearing this, Xiao Ya's heart was inexplicably comforted.

It seems that she is not alone in suffering, there are people who are as miserable as her.

It's not that she is bad-hearted, but that she is too bitter and needs some psychological comfort.

And Jian Yu stayed on the island to cooperate with the Tie family's investigation, but he was not prohibited from moving around, let alone locked up.

The little girl pursed her lips, full of thoughts, "Is he really a traitor who betrayed the island's defense?"

If so, Coral is doomed to be sad.

Zhuo Ran shook his head slightly, "Probably not, he may know the geographical environment of the Tie family well, but he has no chance to get in touch with the most important things, but it does not rule out that he is colluding with someone from the Tie family, cooperating internally and externally."

This is the conclusion he drew in private, and he didn't say it out, so I don't know if his father has the bottom line in his heart.

For a long time, Jian Yu has always given people the feeling of being cold, but it will not make people annoying, but will only make people feel taciturn and very reliable.

But he accidentally discovered something, which overturned all previous views.

Some things, some people, need to be revisited.

The little girl nodded, this is reasonable and completely makes sense.

But she expressed doubts, "Does your Tie family have any mortal hatred with him?"[

Otherwise, it would be impossible to take such a big risk. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

The Tie family is not easy to mess with.

Zhuo Ran smiled wryly, "How is it possible? Senior Yifei and my father have been close friends for many years. The two families move around very frequently. They almost grew up together. They have a very good friendship."

That's why he was even more confused.

He had to admit one thing, "He...doesn't have that motive."

But this matter is a thorn in everyone's heart. If it is not pulled out, it will rot in the flesh sooner or later.

In the past few days, my father has been devastated by this matter, and his energy is exhausted.

Personnel changes and heavy workload made him unable to sleep a wink for days and nights.

He couldn't bear it, but he didn't have the will to help.

Some of his father's actions made him very chilled.

Sometimes when I think about it, it's really boring.

It's better to give up everything and travel all over the world with Xiaoya, enjoying the rivers and lakes, isn't it a happy thing? !

Xiao Ya was very sympathetic, "The traitor still hasn't been found?"

It's really pitiful, if this person is not found out, the whole Tie family will have no peace for a day.

Zhuo Ran never hides anything from her, and he will not treat her as a little kid who doesn't understand anything, and tell her the situation in detail.

"Other than my father, grandfather and second uncle, the ones who know the most important things are five of us brothers, a total of eight people, and even Shan Hu doesn't know."

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