Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 407: Matchmaking is a technical job

I have never done this kind of thing before, so I don't know where to start, and I feel a little inexplicably embarrassed.

"Of course." Jian Yu asked the maids to bring fragrant tea. It can be seen that his treatment is good. The maids are very attentive to him, and there is no trace of grievance.

The little girl secretly wondered, what's going on?

After taking a sip of tea, um, it's Longjing tea before the rain, sweet and clear, with endless aftertaste.

The faint light hit Xueyu's small face, like a shining beautiful jade, which made people feel happy, and the expression of enjoyment and intoxication on her face was a little more cute and mischievous, making people reluctant to look away. [

He stared blankly at her smiling face, with an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and asked softly, "Is it good?"

No matter when and where, and in what dangerous situation she is in, she can be calm and composed,

Even in the face of death, she can face it calmly, fearlessly, and her small body bursts out with terrifying power.

What a strange girl.

It seems ordinary, but it is full of courage and wisdom. Facing a strong enemy, it smiles and calmly retreats the enemy.

And when there are no outsiders, he is also a naughty ghost who loves to laugh and make trouble, eating, drinking and having fun, being lazy and enjoying himself.

Such a woman inadvertently attracts the eyes of countless people, it is still unknown, she is as innocent as a spring, and as bright as a brilliance.

No wonder she was able to firmly grab Young Master Tie's heart, and let Mr. Mu follow her to the ends of the earth.

If he had her in his life, what kind of realm would it be?

"It's delicious, don't you like drinking this tea?"

I don't know how to appreciate it, this tea is the best, it is the designated tribute of the Daqin Palace, and only five cans of tribute are paid a year.

Four cans entered the Lord's Mansion of Xixi City, and one can was used by Emperor Qin himself.

Because old man Tie likes to drink this tea, he specially set aside a can for him.

I don't know how this guy got it?

Also looked like he didn't care.

Instead of answering, he asked, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's much better, thank you." Xiaoya was a little surprised, but didn't think too much about it, and just took it as a polite remark, and said it in general.

After the two exchanged a few words, Xiaoya lost her temper and went straight to the point, "What do you... think about coral?"

She likes to solve problems simply and neatly, and says what comes to mind. [

Don't like beating around the bush, it's tiring.

He was taken aback for a moment, why did he mention that girl gracefully? "What do you think? She's a nice girl..."

The little girl was secretly happy, counting him as having some vision.

Although I don't think they are suitable, Coral is a good girl who deserves to be admired and loved by others.

She asked with a smile, "Is it good enough for you to marry back home?"

She was so direct that people were stunned and had a splitting headache.

Jian Yu's eyebrows twitched, and she was faintly disappointed, "Uh, I treat her like my own sister, and she also treats me like a brother..."

what does she mean?

Want to matchmaking?

It's boring enough.

The little girl's face changed, "I treat you like a brother? How can you be so smart, how can you not see through a girl's mind?"

What to pretend, the most annoying is the kind of people who understand in their hearts but pretend to be confused on the surface.

You can not love, but don't be ambiguous.

Ambiguous means reservation, irresponsibility, and no commitment.

Love is love, marry people into the door.

It's okay if you don't love, just speak clearly and don't delay others.

This is her idea, simple and clear.

Jian Yu frowned, and said coldly, "Miss Bai, this is my private matter, you suddenly came over to ask, what is the meaning?"

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